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Healer Ranking in PvP


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Hi, im kinda new to SWTOR after a long break, just a short question, what healer classes are currently viable in PvP?


What are the pro/contras of the different healers in PvP? Any class totally OP or absolutely not viable?


Thanks in advance for any info you can give me!

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they're all viable. Currently Sorc healer reigns supreme but it depends on what you're doing and how well you play each of the classes. Operatives have the top potential hps, but require a lot of micromanaging with keeping their probes up on people and they have a bit of a hard time dealing with focus in things like ranked. Sorcs don't have as high of a potential (not to say that theirs is low at all) but they can reach it easier, so you'll usually see Sorcs topping the heals. Unfortunately merc heals are at the bottom of the list in healing potential, in single and multi-target healing. kolto shot deals less healing than a basic attack and it is your filler heal. your "big" heals (which are also your burst heals) have a pretty decent cd. 12 as opposed to sorcs having none on their two original heals and 9 on innervate and Ops having 9 on kolto infusion and and their second AoE heal lower than the CD of our second ST heal, 10s on Kolto waves, which has less than half the cd of emergancy scan at 21 seconds. the one thing Bodyguards have ahead of the others is using the high heat kolto bomb on cooldown since it has 6s CD. Outside of emergancy scan/healing scan (and only when they crit) the rest of your heals heal for less than the damage going towards you or a teammate. this makes SCG and power surge very important. Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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