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Tusken Floor Partition is NOT a rug!


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The Tusken Floor Partition is not a rug, but rather a room partition much like the Office Divider or the Zakuulan Pilaster.

Designing it to use a [Floor Covering] hook makes the decoration relatively useless. It's almost as if one of the development team saw the word "floor", and automatically assigned it the current hook.

Please strongly consider changing the Tusken Floor Partition hook to [Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow] as is the case with the Office Divider and Zakuulan Pilaster.

Thank you!

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I think it ought to work in a Rug (Flooring) hook but also in Medium Narrow floor hooks.


The last couple of packs have been terrible as far as decoration hooks are concerned.

Many of the latest decorations can only be placed in one hook size, even though extremely similar decorations from previous packs can be placed in multiple different hooks.


For example, the latest "Luxury Wall Sconce" not only has the exact same name as an existing decoration, it only fits in a Small hook. It ought to fit in Medium wall hooks as well.


It's this sort of sloppiness that makes me reluctant to spend money on packs.


They really need to put some time into going back through decorations and fixing problems such as:

* Give unique names to ones that have duplicate names (there are several).

* Add hook options. For example, It's very inconsistent what size of hooks pets and mounts can use, and there are small wall items that require large hooks. Threads have been posted listing all the hook oddities.

* Re-center some of the Large hook items so that they can be positioned against walls.

* Edit some of the Light decorations so that they actually give off light. For example, Networked Lamps.

* Fix the decorations that you get stuck against if you touch them, forcing you to /stuck. For example, Catina Bar Set (Small).


Changes such as this would allow us to play with upgrading our strongholds until they eventually release a new one. IMHO, it would buy them some time and a lot of good will.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I think it ought to work in a Rug (Flooring) hook but also in Medium Narrow floor hooks.

I certainly have no problem with the flooring hook being an option, but the [Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow] should be the mainstay for this particular piece.


The hook decisions for many decorations have always been problematic..


The Cryogenics Tank has hook options of [Floor medium, Floor Medium Narrow], yet the Asylum Experimental Tank - which has the exact same footprint - only has the [Floor Medium] hook option.


I just wish the stronghold development team would pay closer attention to the uniformity of objects, stronghold hook constraints (ie: decoration size and ultimate usability), and the desires of the SWTOR community that loves the decorating options.

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Thanks to Bioware for the recent change to this decoration's placement hooks!


At the risk of sounding unsatisfied and unappreciative (which I am not), I will further suggest that the Tusken Floor Partition would be more useful in Floor Medium and Floor Medium, Narrow hooks rather than Floor Medium and Floor Large hooks.

Edited by Khadzur
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