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Please Extend Cartel Market specials to 2 weeks


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Why have it only cover one weekend, either have it cover the first two weekends or the last two, as not everyone gets paid per week but at the end of the month like myself.


Feels bad missing out on this weekend Cartel Market special.


Granted, it's partly my fault for not noticing that these offers last only one week and I should of reserved some money for it.

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Yeah, if you can afford to spend the money on some cartel market doodad then you can save the money just in case some doodad becomes available at a later date.


I mean, if two weeks then why not four? Someone might have some unexpected expense that is going to eat most if not all of their next check, so they need at least one more check before they can afford whatever it is, right?


Maybe someone is deployed and playing is just not an option right now. When I was in the Navy we would be out of port and out of contact for anywhere from a few days to several months at a time. How is it fair to them that they miss out on these things?

Has to be nine months to be fair to them, right?


Meh. It's a thing in a game. It may well come back to the market down the road and in many cases there will be players selling those things on the GTN.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with this. I've been hit by this a few times, myself.


The "just budget" argument seems to come from veteran players with solid incomes. Not everyone is in the same financial situation. It doesn't hurt anything to run a special for 2 weeks, so why complain? Sour grapes...

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The only sour grapes are from people who can't play by the rules of the game and always demand changes to suit their own needs.


Where does it end? Let's say they do two weeks. It won't be long before the next sob story comes along and demands three weeks. Then four. And so on until they just leave them up 24/7. How does that sound? Ridiculous? Of course it is so just leave it at one week and figure it out for yourself.

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I agree with this. I've been hit by this a few times, myself.


The "just budget" argument seems to come from veteran players with solid incomes. Not everyone is in the same financial situation. It doesn't hurt anything to run a special for 2 weeks, so why complain? Sour grapes...

Short version:


In real life, you have to plan purchases. Why should a luxury activity like a video game be any different?


Long version:


OK, you got me. I've played this game for four years now, and yes, I have a solid income. (More to the point, perhaps, a substantial one.)


And I have a stable financial situation that allows me to occasionally ignore concepts like budgets and just buy something because I can. In general, though, I don't. I try to plan ahead for each month, to allow money for savings and to plan essential (food, heat, light, water, etc.) and luxury (e.g. video games) purchases.


But if you don't have that level of flexibility because your income is stretched (and mine is closer to that than it used to be, since I've had to switch to paying French single-person's income tax(1)), then you plan those things *more* carefully, not *less*. You decide each month how many CCs you can afford to buy or how much time you can afford to spend gathering credits, and you plan accordingly. If you want to be able to participate in the second or third or fourth Cartel Market specials of a month, you hold back some of the CCs you bought - you carry your budgeting discipline from Real Life into the game, as it were - so that you'll be able to do so.


(1) I owed, for complicated and inadequately explained reasons, no income tax for the tax year when my wife died, but my monthly bill now is more than twice what it was before.

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you plan those things *more* carefully, not *less*. You decide each month how many CCs you can afford to buy or how much time you can afford to spend gathering credits, and you plan accordingly

You do, indeed, speak like someone who hasn't had budget concerns.


Let's say I have $30 each month of "fun money" that I don't need to pay bills. I could spend that money on CC. I also have friends to want to go out to eat together, or watch a movie together, or maybe this is the month I want to ditch my ratty headphones and get a new pair that doesn't crackle. I can plan ahead what activities I want to do with my friends and I can reschedule if necessary. I can limp my headphones along a bit longer.


I cannot, however, anticipate what will be offered in the Cartel Market, how much it will cost, or how long it will last. It's the unpredictable nature that makes it impossible to budget. Should I give up all of the other possible fun things, just in case something happens in the Cartel Market, only to be disappointed? That's just cruel.


Many people get a pay check every two weeks. By running sales a bit longer, if I guess wrong about the Cartel Market, I can still compensate.

Edited by Xina_LA
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You do, indeed, speak like someone who hasn't had budget concerns.


Let's say I have $30 each month of "fun money" that I don't need to pay bills. I could spend that money on CC. I also have friends to want to go out to eat together, or watch a movie together, or maybe this is the month I want to ditch my ratty headphones and get a new pair that doesn't crackle. I can plan ahead what activities I want to do with my friends and I can reschedule if necessary. I can limp my headphones along a bit longer.


I cannot, however, anticipate what will be offered in the Cartel Market, how much it will cost, or how long it will last. It's the unpredictable nature that makes it impossible to budget. Should I give up all of the other possible fun things, just in case something happens in the Cartel Market, only to be disappointed? That's just cruel.


Many people get a pay check every two weeks. By running sales a bit longer, if I guess wrong about the Cartel Market, I can still compensate.


What about the person who only gets paid once a month? Should BW extend the cartel market specials for a month?


What about the person who has an unexpected expense and misses the one week special? Should BW extend the special for them?



The line has to be drawn somewhere, and one week is enough time for many to purchase additional CC's if needed, but also time limited enough to provide incentive to take advantage of that special now, before it's gone.

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I agree with this. I've been hit by this a few times, myself.


The "just budget" argument seems to come from veteran players with solid incomes. Not everyone is in the same financial situation. It doesn't hurt anything to run a special for 2 weeks, so why complain? Sour grapes...


You have no idea what my income is.


Not that it's anyone's business, but I get by on a small disability check every month.

Out of that comes (basic) cable/internet, phone, insurance, rent, groceries, and a copay for the meds the VA prescribes, not to mention gasoline when I need it and I am trying to put money away for unexpected expenses and the occasional extra thing like car maintenance.

I used to take an annual trip with some friends but it looks like this year that I am going to have to let go of that last vestige of my old life.


I get 500 CC a month for my subscription and I get another 100 for my security key. I have bought CCs in the past but the way things are going right now it doesn't look like I will be making any more purchases for a while.


But that changes nothing.


I am very careful about what I spend my coins on.

And what do you know? I have some coins saved up.


If something comes along that I decide that I must have then I like my chances of being able to afford it.


And if I can't? Well, whatever else I spent the coins on seemed like a big deal at the time, so if I don't like what I got then that's on me.


Life goes on.

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You have no idea what my income is.

I was talking to SteveTheCynic, who described his income.


The line has to be drawn somewhere

Yes, it does. It could just as easily be two weeks or one month. Sure, not everyone needs the sale to last longer than a week, but as I asked before, what harm does it do to extend it for the people it would benefit? No harm at all.


Doesn't it seem a bit selfish to say... sure, it wouldn't hurt or cost me in any way to give you something that works better for you, but it's working for me the way it is, so I don't want it changed...?

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I was talking to SteveTheCynic, who described his income.



Yes, it does. It could just as easily be two weeks or one month. Sure, not everyone needs the sale to last longer than a week, but as I asked before, what harm does it do to extend it for the people it would benefit? No harm at all.


Doesn't it seem a bit selfish to say... sure, it wouldn't hurt or cost me in any way to give you something that works better for you, but it's working for me the way it is, so I don't want it changed...?


The "harm" that "extending" the specials would do has already been explained.


It might not "harm" the players, but it could negatively impact BW revenue from those specials due to the "less limited" time frame and the subsequent "lesser urgency". That does not even take into account all the cries of "BW, you extended the special for these people, but I missed it. You OWE me to make the special available again." that would inevitably arise.

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It might not "harm" the players, but it could negatively impact BW revenue from those specials due to the "less limited" time frame and the subsequent "lesser urgency".

How can you be sure that the lesser timeframe isn't actually more harmful? If people had more time to learn about the new sale or offering, think about whether they really want the item, and come up with some money for Cartel Coins, they might sell more.


Sometimes feeling pressured or rushed makes people say "oh never mind!" instead of buying something. High pressure sales tactics have their limits. Due to this thread, just out of curiosity, I started noticing specials and sales in very successful stores in my area. Their sales always last more than a week.


I think the only people who have the facts to know which way would work better in this specific situation are the folks at Bioware. If they know enough players are interested in a longer timeframe, perhaps they'll look at the numbers and decide if the current schedule really is the best.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I was talking to SteveTheCynic, who described his income.


So when you said "players"...


The "just budget" argument seems to come from veteran players with solid incomes. Not everyone is in the same financial situation. It doesn't hurt anything to run a special for 2 weeks, so why complain? Sour grapes...


... You meant "SteveTheCynic" and not any other player that said the same thing?

Because players means more than one. You know this, right?

Because "incomes" implies multiple jobs, as in multiple people. You know this, right?


Bottom line is that the "just budget" argument is not just coming from veteran players with solid incomes.

You may have been addressing one player and just used some spectacularly poor language in your effort to do that, but your point is no less wrong.


Due to this thread, just out of curiosity, I started noticing specials and sales in very successful stores in my area. Their sales always last more than a week.


I don't know what area you live in, but sale papers come out once a week where I live because that's how long sales last.


Sometimes the same thing might be on sale for more than a week but it's rare.


I want the "buy one, get one" offer on that cereal? Want to pick up that DVD for $9.99?

I had better get to the store this week because next week I won't be able to get that deal.


There is a difference between "on sale" and "marked down and thrown into the discount bin".

Edited by Mithros
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How can you be sure that the lesser timeframe isn't actually more harmful? If people had more time to learn about the new sale or offering, think about whether they really want the item, and come up with some money for Cartel Coins, they might sell more.


Sometimes feeling pressured or rushed makes people say "oh never mind!" instead of buying something. High pressure sales tactics have their limits. Due to this thread, just out of curiosity, I started noticing specials and sales in very successful stores in my area. Their sales always last more than a week.


I don't know for certain, just as you don't know that catering to you and your desire to see the specials last two weeks will bring them more revenue. No one can predict the future.


Never underestimate the power of impulse spending, though.


There is a reason why checkout lanes in stores have certain items displayed for sale. Even though those items are usually always available, they are set at the checkout lanes to take advantage of the "limited time" the buyer has left in the store. "Let me get this now. Who knows when I'll get back into the this store."


Sure, some people say "never mind", but many more will succumb to those impulses and some of those will later have buyer's remorse.


Sometimes allowing more time for specials, allows people more time to consider and ultimately decide not to take advantage of that special.



I think the only people who have the facts to know which way would work better in this specific situation are the folks at Bioware. If they know enough players are interested in a longer timeframe, perhaps they'll look at the numbers and decide if the current schedule really is the best.


You're right. Only BW knows which method is best. There is a plethora of marketing history available to them to examine and use as a basis for their decisions, though.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and figure that BW already had this "discussion" internally and decided that the more limited time, "impulse" based specials were the more lucrative option.

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You do, indeed, speak like someone who hasn't had budget concerns.


Let's say I have $30 each month of "fun money" that I don't need to pay bills. I could spend that money on CC. I also have friends to want to go out to eat together, or watch a movie together, or maybe this is the month I want to ditch my ratty headphones and get a new pair that doesn't crackle. I can plan ahead what activities I want to do with my friends and I can reschedule if necessary. I can limp my headphones along a bit longer.


I cannot, however, anticipate what will be offered in the Cartel Market, how much it will cost, or how long it will last. It's the unpredictable nature that makes it impossible to budget. Should I give up all of the other possible fun things, just in case something happens in the Cartel Market, only to be disappointed? That's just cruel.


Many people get a pay check every two weeks. By running sales a bit longer, if I guess wrong about the Cartel Market, I can still compensate.

So you are, indeed, agreeing with me that you need to plan *MORE* carefully, not less. If you have only $30 available for leisure every month, you must plan not merely "more" carefully, but, in fact, *VERY* carefully, how you spend it. And maybe stick a five-spot in a jar every month so you can buy those headphones or that sudden impulse thing.


I can afford to be fiscally sloppy. Based on what you said, I'd assert that you can't. It's unfortunate for you and others like you, I agree. I don't have an easy solution, unfortunately. But extending the sales won't help you buy that item if it happens during a month where you decided to buy those headphones or that meal out with your friends. Well, unless you put that five-spot in the jar every month religiously. But that's part of the "plan carefully" thing.

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