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[Empire][English] Oldschool Fireteam looking for a small PvE guild.


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I know the title of this post is somewhat peculiar, but I always had a flair for being original, and writing "few blokes LF a guild" just doesn't really sound cool enough.

This is, as you probably see it already, a pretty long-winded post. I do apologies for it.

But we take guild membership very seriously, and explaining who we are and what we’re looking for should save all of us some trouble.


Speaking of – lets not waste more of your time than I have to.

First - we're pretty specific when it comes to what we DO NOT like in our MMO experience. If your guild seems to fall under any of those conditions, just save yourself the time reading the rest.


  • Big guilds.
    Hoard of players talking nonsense on guild chat isn't our idea of fun. Our main rule is – the smaller, the better. Tight-knit guilds are our specialty.
  • Babysitting duty.
    Age is a tricky concept, as there are some mature teenagers out there, and childish 30-somethings. So putting a label +18 or +21 is somewhat sketchy. Bottom line is, we're not keen on hanging around with immature part of the player base.
  • Drama.
    We don't do drama and we don't accept drama. Have rules if you want to, make them clear, follow them and be fair. We appreciate the no-nonsense attitude and friendly atmosphere above uberloot and millions of credits.
  • Stupidity.
    Don't mistake this with general tomfoolery. We're completely capable of being silly, but there is a difference between having some mindless giggle now and again, and being a complete imbecile. That applies, quite strongly, towards guild name for example. I know, "Ewoks Gone Wild" was really funny idea and all, but I am not wearing a dumb tag like that.


Now, enough with the DON'Ts.

If you got to here, you probably would like to learn something about us.

We’re playing together for just under 10 years now, going between various MMO and co-op games over the years.

We used to run a raiding guild in The Old Republic since the launch till October 2013.

We had extensive endgame experience in World of Warcraft over the years as well, with our own guild operating since 2008.


We reached the point, where we don’t have time and patience to run a guild; deal with the bean counting, recruitment and most of the day-to-day basis administration of a working guild.

We just like to play together and fight some big bad monsters. It’s as simple as that.

What we need is a place where we can do that in a fun, relaxed and mature atmosphere.


We’re mostly aiming at a highly social guild with a friends&family feel to it, that needs few extra souls to get their raiding team off the floor. We come to The Old Republic with very humble expectations.

The game changed a lot since we played and we’re very far behind on… pretty much everything that happened in last 4 years.

We’ll have to level up new characters, get used to the game again and so on – we’re not going to be end-game capable for at least few weeks. Keep that in mind.


By now, we’re pretty casual raiders – doing it mostly for fun and enjoyment, not for the bleeding edge. We don’t expect our guild to be something amazing when it comes to Endgame content and frankly, we wouldn’t mind join a guild that has aspirations to start doing Operations, but lacks the people interested in it.


Speaking of people-- how many people do I represent, really?

It’s a tricky question, but a fair bet is the lowest number 4, the maximum 6. (We still try to access how many of our friends would be interested in playing&subscribing to the game)

[ Wow! That’s almost enough to field a 8 man group on your own! You sure you need a guild? ]


Yes. Starting our own creation is the last resort as this point. So even if you have 4-6 members in your guild and would like to expand, but don’t want to invite some random kids just to fill the ranks, we’re there for you.


We may need one of us to be able to perform invites, but other than that, we don’t really care for leadership positions in the guild. If the need be, we have 2 people who served as raid leaders in the past, so we can handle that assignment, but we’re perfectly fine just being ground level grunts.


Role wise, we’re all pretty flexible. While we have our favorites, most of us can fill any role in an Operation – only question is, what do you need?


We’re very used to using voice communication in-game. Currently preferring Discord, but we could downgrade to TS or Ventrilo if that is what you fancy.


On that topic: Easiest way to get in touch with me is through Discord: Ionis#8876

I’ll keep an eye on the forum too, of course.



Lastly, if we fail to find a guild for ourselves within (more-less) few weeks. Regretfully, we’ll have to start a guild of our own – so if you’re a player who’s looking for a guild, and read this topic thinking “oh my god, this is what I’m looking for as well!” Please, take the time to get in touch with me. We’re either going to direct you to the guild that would have us, or throw you an invite to a guild of our making eventually.


Edited by rinaxpl
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Guys, how many members would you consider a big guild? Because we have a lot of inactie members and we are coming up to around 300ish members including those. Without them, we are looking at 250 give or take. Other than that, we are a tight family, who love to raid casually at weekends and if you're up for it, get another group up and running (if not then thats entirely your choice). We cover all other points that you are looking for and would be glad to have you on our team. You can either reply down below for more information, /whisper kittykatkiller/ aernitira or mail them, or check out our website at http://exiledrepublic.enjin.com/home.


We also have a recruitment page on the swtor forums for more information about the guild that can be found here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=900939


If you do choose to join us, we hope to see you soon and hope you enjoy your experience with you!

Edited by BlazeSeyton
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Thank you for your reply.


I was reluctant to settle on some solid number - because even a guild with 15 people can be made out of strangers who don't talk to one another, while if I gave a number 42, someone with 43 people in the guild would say "damn... so close!".


But all right - I'll give somewhat of an estimate - everything from 4 people to no more than 20-25 active players (preferably less). We could probably go to 30, if you'd be able to make a good case why you need 4 more people in your guild, that already have enough people to field two OP teams.

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Thank you for your reply.


I was reluctant to settle on some solid number - because even a guild with 15 people can be made out of strangers who don't talk to one another, while if I gave a number 42, someone with 43 people in the guild would say "damn... so close!".


But all right - I'll give somewhat of an estimate - everything from 4 people to no more than 20-25 active players (preferably less). We could probably go to 30, if you'd be able to make a good case why you need 4 more people in your guild, that already have enough people to field two OP teams.


Not to worry as we probably have a maximum of 10-15 people online at weekends, which is when we run ops and other events, there are really only a select few who choose to play by themselves, occasionally asking questions etc and we respect their decision and would hope that you are ok with this. Other than that, 4 new members that are willing to chat and have fun in our community is a big thing and we love to get to know new personalities and their playstyles (We cater for all needs)

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If you are sill looking for a guild DARC is always looking for new members.


Without trying to sound too much like a generic guild advert.

We are a small guild of around ten regular members with a few others that don't login every day. We have a friendly atmosphere and always welcome new members. While there isn't a lot of immaturity there are friendly insults and banter in guild chat at times. We have Discord for voice and communication and Ops signups since we no longer use a website.


We have weekly Ops open to all members of any skill level or experience. Days vary at the moment.


While we do not have a Republic guild of our own at the moment we do have an alliance of sorts with one and most members who play Pub side as well have their toons in that guild if you want to branch out to Republic eventually.


If you are interested you can reply here or PM me in game or on the fourms.

Fighterman - CoGM of DARC

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Thank you for your interest.


We're not rushing into anything a this point, so no choices have been made. We're in the stage of gathering information and eventually getting in touch with representatives of the guilds who are considering making a fatal mistake and inviting us in :)


I know, it sounds like I'm taking it super-seriously, but finding a good community to play with, is most important element of MMO for me. So apologies if I sound like a bag of hot air.

Edited by rinaxpl
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Thank you for your interest.


We're not rushing into anything a this point, so no choices have been made. We're in the stage of gathering information and eventually getting in touch with representatives of the guilds who are considering making a fatal mistake and inviting us in :)


I know, it sounds like I'm taking it super-seriously, but finding a good community to play with, is most important element of MMO for me. So apologies if I sound like a bag of hot air.


I also agree with the other representative and I honestly do hope you find a good community if you choose not to choose us.

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I realize that this is now probably an outdated thread, but if you did form your own small band of fireteam and wants two more casual grown-ups, please let me know.

I read your entire post and thought to myself " This is exactly what I am looking for!"

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