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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leave mercenaries alone.


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Even with no skill and crappy gear, a merc can solo chapter 2 KOTFE master mode with no problems what so ever. If mercs had taunts they'd be better pve tanks than actual tanks right now. That's how overpowered energy rebounder and trauma regulators, with the reflect and kolto utility.


If you aren't using those utilities for pve, then when those same utilities get nerfed your pve experience won't change. If you are using them, then you already know you have it way too easy.


Class balancing (when done well) isn't punishment. It's medicine. Medicine to help keep SWTOR alive.


Pve is so easy you can master mode any class if you are a half decent pvp player... "But pve is hard, don't nerf me"

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And i ask again : if i don't PvP at all, why should my mercenary be nerfed? Why should i be punished when i'm guilty of nothing?


while some angry mob wants to see a vicious carpet nerf on all thing merceneries, most people are asking for a slight adjustment to their defensives. The impact on solo pve performance should be neglectable, and for HM/NiM ops inexistent, so long as they don't nerf the dps.


I mean if you pull walker one from the tank, or tank dies and it turns on you in HM ToS, I can assure you that once reflect is out, neither kolto overload and trauma regulators, if you are at all running them in your utilities, will save you from being twoshotted.


Kolto overload might warrant a 3rd shot. Same result, just an extra second to ponder your coming death.


And for solo pve, most of your survivability is walking beside you and making comments when you click on it.


Companion gifts are your lifeline :p


So to answer you, no, pve and solo pve shouldnt be impacted much by nerf aimed at WZ if done in a smart way.


Now doubting BW can apply those needed nerfs in a smart way is a whole other thing. But devs having a nuclear nerfhammer doctrine isnt the pvp community's fault. For the most part, they rarely ask for the ONE thing that affects the pve performance, safe DPS. But in 5.0, most dps request are for buff for certain classes, the nerfs asked are definitely aimed at defensives and certain snare/roots effect PvE bosses don't care about.

Edited by verfallen
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Point is it required considerable skill, merc is foolproof as it forgives mistakes, Sniper does not! Ballistic shield won't heal anyone through arsenal burst, Merc can however heal through my ambush, probes or whatever im using



The everlasting AoE slow does not take skill it simply crushes melee giving them little to no hope. That needs to go away fast.

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I just re-sub and am going from 60 up. The instant heals are being used as fillers when I am running and do not want to use a "real" dcd. The funny thing is they are working like my other dcds. It is kinda sad when I do not even need to use a stun and then heal or kite.


I love this class and do not feel dirty playing it, but payback's a bantha.


You're obviously not a pvp player..definitely not a rank at best. Try those "instant heals" went facing another rdps, or a melee went distance as been cut off. And in terms of heals been use as "fillers" HAHAHA sure, trade dps for that small amount of heals went it procs and see what' s gonna happen lol, but I get your point, those abilities if allow to free cast do work.


World Of Warcraft balance all its classes. We should do the same so subscribers can happily play what they're here for..


Boluda - Harbinger

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Pve is so easy you can master mode any class if you are a half decent pvp player... "But pve is hard, don't nerf me"



"I shuddered at the thought at having my own class nerfed, and prayed that there weren’t players out there abusing my class so bad that such a fate would become of me. "




HAHAHAHA I couldn't stop laughing I'll too gonna start spreading the word from now on.. excellent post haha plz read the 9 lavers

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I had a situation in ranked, when my teammate (solo) was extremely low hp on a mara, while he was on a merc who was also low hp... merc pops his reflect, and surprise, mara keeps hitting and hitting him and dies from reflected damage.


Merc reflect is very visible ... leave him alone for the time it's on .. he won't heal and he won't damage you.

How hard is it?

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Merc I agree, but leave the sniper alone, our self heal is not even 20% as powerful as Mercs, under ballistic shield, if we are focused, it won't be able to compensate for the damage, even with passive healing in cover...Sniper dies when focused, but he puts out damage, merc only regenerates like 3 times before they go down!


That is as it should be! Your a high dpsing class you put out your dps and then you die! You shouldn't get 97 lives or 27 slows merc and sniper BOTH need a nerf. Either reduce dmg output since your no longer pure dps specs your a hybrid ( tankyness+dps=hybrid) or reduce heals/defense to to brind in line with trinity i.e DPS class=glass cannon

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while some angry mob wants to see a vicious carpet nerf on all thing merceneries, most people are asking for a slight adjustment to their defensives. The impact on solo pve performance should be neglectable, and for HM/NiM ops inexistent, so long as they don't nerf the dps.


I mean if you pull walker one from the tank, or tank dies and it turns on you in HM ToS, I can assure you that once reflect is out, neither kolto overload and trauma regulators, if you are at all running them in your utilities, will save you from being twoshotted.


Kolto overload might warrant a 3rd shot. Same result, just an extra second to ponder your coming death.


And for solo pve, most of your survivability is walking beside you and making comments when you click on it.


Companion gifts are your lifeline :p


So to answer you, no, pve and solo pve shouldnt be impacted much by nerf aimed at WZ if done in a smart way.


Now doubting BW can apply those needed nerfs in a smart way is a whole other thing. But devs having a nuclear nerfhammer doctrine isnt the pvp community's fault. For the most part, they rarely ask for the ONE thing that affects the pve performance, safe DPS. But in 5.0, most dps request are for buff for certain classes, the nerfs asked are definitely aimed at defensives and certain snare/roots effect PvE bosses don't care about.


The defences were added to try and make merc healers in some way viable. It nearly did except their escapes, heals, resource management and armour bonus to heals are still far inferior to sorcs. If you nerf the defences then body guards are a non starter again. Everybody forgets that the merc healer in 4.x was a waste. It's the Arsenal spec alone that is to powerful.

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That is as it should be! Your a high dpsing class you put out your dps and then you die! You shouldn't get 97 lives or 27 slows merc and sniper BOTH need a nerf. Either reduce dmg output since your no longer pure dps specs your a hybrid ( tankyness+dps=hybrid) or reduce heals/defense to to brind in line with trinity i.e DPS class=glass cannon


Snipers do not have near the tankiness that Mercs have. Our self heals were already nerfed straight off the bat after 5.0 was released. The ballistic shield used to heal 5% of our health per second while active with the utility, now it does only 3. It is easy to burst through with more than 1 person, but not with 1, and that is how it should be because it is our "oh ****" button. Every other classes , except for vanguard now, has one. Why should we lose ours just because we are not dead in the water now?

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