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Revan companion


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Since everyone loves Revan and his armor set, why not make him a companion? :D:p Or even make him a romance option? I imagine the look on everyone's face in Odessen base when i tell them " hey guys, we have a new ally, some of you might remember him, the ******* crazy force wielder from Yavin, but now he's ok, won't kill or torture anyone" :D:D:D
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The thing is you don't actually kill him, but i won't say anything else, don't want all forum to yell SPOILERS SPOILERS again :p


But you do fight him and whatever else I said holds true.


Makes zero sense for Revan to be at your side for a great deal of the game.

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But you do fight him and whatever else I said holds true.


Makes zero sense for Revan to be at your side for a great deal of the game.


But makes sense to recruit and forgive Arcann and Senya??? THAT makes zero sense, not Revan..

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But makes sense to recruit and forgive Arcann and Senya??? THAT makes zero sense, not Revan..


Do you fight Arcann and Senya while you have Arcann and Senya at your side as companions?


Because then that would make as little sense as having Revan as a companion.


If not, though, then it's little different than Skadge or Lord Scourge or really any companion in the game.

You get them because the game says that you have to have them.

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