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Stuck in neutral Force alignment; Light/Dark buttons don't work


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I have a level 48 Jedi Shadow and the character sheet shows him as "force neutral" even though he has zero dark-side points and more than 6,000 light-side points. I have tried repeatedly to 'commit to' the light side using the light/dark buttons on the lower right hand side of the HUD. I click on the button for light (and even dark) and I get a faint glow and a dull sound, but nothing happens.


That would seem to suggest my character is already committed to one Force alignment. But he can't use any light or dark-side weapons or armor, even Light level 1 or Dark level 1.


So clearly the bug is the character is stuck in neutral. No matter how many light-side points I get, I am no able to select the alignment I want, and unable to use equipment for the light-side alignment.


I've opened a ticket, but i'm told that I have to submit a bug report. Can you tell me whether this is a previously known bug and, more importantly, how to fix it?



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It's not a bug. Tuesday's patch will actually address this, lowering the amount of light- or dark-side points you need to get to reach Light Side Tier I, or Dark Side Tier I. Currently, at 6,000 points, you're still neutral; it takes about...I've heard contradictory reports, either 7,500 or 10,000 points to reach either tier I.


You *are* committed to the light side if you clicked the button for that alignment (which you did). Every action you take will result in you gaining light-side points - killing enemies, completing quests (even just conversations with companions), doing crew skills/crafting, etc. (The same will happen if you click the button for dark-side alignment; every action will result in you gaining *dark* side points.)


So, there's no bug - it just takes a lot of points to reach Light I or Dark I. Tuesday's patch will fix this.

Edited by Jagaimee
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