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The game is too easy


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So I just came back to the game after a long break, a few years. Is it me or did the game get ridiculously easy for what seems to be a detriment to the whole game.


Why not give people the ability to create high level chars right off the bat, that way you can appease all the people who don't want to play the story and just do end game content. By leaving the rest of the game intact, it gives new and returning players a descent game to play.


Now I find myself having to walk around doing these tasks so that I can do what? speed to the end? I was looking forward to hunting datacrons, and following the story (with a challenge), but now I am not sure why I am playing.


I feel I am missing something that the devs intended with the updates. Help me understand what it is.

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Why not give people the ability to create high level chars right off the bat, that way you can appease all the people who don't want to play the story and just do end game content. By leaving the rest of the game intact, it gives new and returning players a descent game to play.


You can always buy the lvl 60 or 65 token from the Cartel Market and skip the class story :D:p

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Yeah, but I really want to create the character through the game mechanics, not just make one and start playing end game content. But I here ya; I just feel like I may not last as long. We will see when I get the end game content.


There's currently a 250% exp boost going on, but there's an item (sold on the fleet, next to the skill tree change trainer) that cancels out that boost, letting you level up more slowly. With that in place, for me at least, it doesn't feel like you're just blitzing through the content to end game; you can slow down and not feel like you're at a breakneck pace all the time.

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There's currently a 250% exp boost going on, but there's an item (sold on the fleet, next to the skill tree change trainer) that cancels out that boost, letting you level up more slowly. With that in place, for me at least, it doesn't feel like you're just blitzing through the content to end game; you can slow down and not feel like you're at a breakneck pace all the time.


Oh my god, where?

I think you are right about the ease being from my leveling (I currently like 34 on coruscant, just about double go figure math works.). I wasn't sure if the boost was permanent or what.

Edited by Soylent_snacks
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Oh my god, where?

I think you are right about the ease being from my leveling (I currently like 34 on coruscant, just about double go figure math works.). I wasn't sure if the boost was permanent or what.


On the section of fleet that has the class trainers (I'm not in-game right now, so I can't point you to *exactly* where it is, sorry!), "Combat Training," there's another room that has one single trainer, all by his lonesome. Here's a map (for the Imperial fleet only, mind you; Republic-side, the map is essentially flipped): http://dulfy.net/2015/04/21/swtor-epic-story-mission-bonus-remover-on-pts/ That's the discipline change mentor - you can reset your discipline within your advanced class by talking to him. In the same room, there's a Gree vendor, who sells the White Acute Module, which is what you need to stop the exp boost. The module's bind to legacy and lasts for eight hours (and you can just click on it again to refresh it once that time runs out, no need to buy another one).


Note that the link to Dulfy was meant for a few years ago, but today, the vendor's in the exact same place, thankfully. :) (Also the link says that the White Acute Module is bind to pickup; again, that was a few years ago. It's bind to legacy now.)

Edited by Jagaimee
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Oh my god, where?

I think you are right about the ease being from my leveling (I currently like 34 on coruscant, just about double go figure math works.). I wasn't sure if the boost was permanent or what.


On the + side, you actually always take damage on coruscant even as a 70 now.


Still, challenge in the solo or heroic part of the story is now nearly non-existent, and some final fight that take place on starter planets are now ridiculous, since your opponent is level 12.


There is VERY little doubt that the 1.0 solo story quest were MUCH harder than the current meta. You have master chapter to look forward to at least.


On the plus side tough, it does make the class feel complete faster. Some AC are notoriously badly spaced in the rate they get their abilities and feel gimped until a certain level.

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Yes. Combat in TOR is much easier than it used to be, regardless of both level sync and/or exp bonus. Enemies do less damage and companions are more effective.


Whether or not this is a good thing is obviously entirely subjective. For those of us looking for challenge in a video game, looking to test our skills, focus and concentration, it's a curse. But for those of us who don't like to be challenged, who solely play for the stories, and used to get frustrated when a difficult combat set piece prevented them from advancing to the next piece of story, it's a blessing.


And as others have said, there's still Veteran/Master level difficult to look tackle to in the FE/ET chapters.


My personal feeling is that I like it. I mostly play for story when I have to wade through 30+ mobs, 2 or 3 at a time, on a class that doesn't have much AoE, playing the game literally turns into a chore and it makes me want to log off, or switch to a stealth alt.


Of course, then you get the enforced no-stealth sections, and wading through 30+ mobs on an Operative or Scoundrel is -really- painful. Screw that, I'll go back to my gunslinger. At least I can kill each group with 1 power and get it out of the way nice and fast.


When I am feeling like I want to be a little bit challenged - which doesn't happen very often - I just play the FE/ET chapters on Veteran. I don't ever see myself touching Master mode. Veteran has enough button pushing for me and the additional attention required for Master simply renders the experience not enjoyable for me.


I will say this - I recently introduced 3 new friends to TOR, and all of them died multiple times on their starter planet, and more than once after leaving there, so yeah, it's still possible to die, and there's still players playing the game who don't find it a cakewalk. I imagine those players are players EA doesn't want to frustrate.


So, on balance, I like it. But I know a lot of people don't.

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  • 3 months later...

(slight necro, not really)


Yeah, returning after 5 years, first thing I noticed was how darn easy everything was. Started up a new character... cannot believe how simple things are, and already hit level 32... mid second planet (been ignoring warzones, not my bag).


So, someone above says there is a device you can use to kill the rampant xp gain? Is this some cash-grab cartel-market purchase item BS, or is it like 50c in-game creds?


And someone says to enable veteran mode, does this apply in open world, or only flashpoints?


And if you want to co-op content with a friend (this _IS_ supposed to be MMO afterall, not soloplayer RPG)... is there actually any way to get any sort of challenge in the open world?

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(slight necro, not really)


Yeah, returning after 5 years, first thing I noticed was how darn easy everything was. Started up a new character... cannot believe how simple things are, and already hit level 32... mid second planet (been ignoring warzones, not my bag).


So, someone above says there is a device you can use to kill the rampant xp gain? Is this some cash-grab cartel-market purchase item BS, or is it like 50c in-game creds?


And someone says to enable veteran mode, does this apply in open world, or only flashpoints?


And if you want to co-op content with a friend (this _IS_ supposed to be MMO afterall, not soloplayer RPG)... is there actually any way to get any sort of challenge in the open world?


There is such a device, but it's not usable outside of exp boost events. It *should* be usable now, for the 200% exp boost going on for a few days more. It's totally free, actually; doesn't cost a thing in real-life money, cartel coins, or credits, and it binds to your legacy.

...although I have no idea if it's even available any longer. The vendor that offers it on the fleet might not be there anymore. I don't know.


Now, about open world... I noticed, doing a story instance on Alderaan with a friend, that right-clicking on your character portrait brings up a little menu, same as usual, but there's an option there now to set the difficulty. o_O I assume that's only in instanced locations...? Didn't get the chance to test it out, and I have no idea if that's even possible - if it's a relic from the PTS that didn't make it into the live servers, or what. Worth checking out, I suppose.

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Well, it's a good thing the difficulty is "moderate." Gone are the days when you can get people to help you finish a quest. Now, you ether best it or stay stuck on it. Most players have been around for a while and new players are very few. They have removed harder content which allows for a more solo-play. This is good because, at least, you can do things at your own pace. Nowadays, its even hard to get Groupfinder to pop for master Mode FPs, and if you end up with a healer who don't know how to cleanse....
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Solo content is easy, group content is harder. If solo was hard, many younger new players would not be so keen to play the game.


What bothers me is that you can reach max level without doing any story after Coruscant / Dromund Kaas. Also, at normal leveling rate, there is no chance you can do original story by playing class story only. There isn't enough XP. That makes game harder in some cases.

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