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Eric Why dont you adress or answer to this exploit?


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well you talk like an NPC that can't use LOS, the good thing is you have room in this game cuz we love talking NPC's


but hey just fyi...every crying melee player since 1.0 has post the same useless things about snipers/GS...and every good melee player since 1.0 knows how to beat them without facerolling them


Whenever I can justify it I always go after snipers during warzones. I know what they can do so its not that hard to counter their moves. I have to admit in 5.0 I only played shadow as a melee but I do love messing with them :p

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I wasn't arguing, just corrected a factual mistake. Electro net is a good tactical ability, but I would make it so that people can't get netted twice in a row. Plasma Probe's spammable AoE slow is just ridiculous.


Yeah, I faced a team with two engi snipers the other day on Novare coast, and in mid, they just spammed their 2 plasma probes and our whole team was slowed THE ENTIRE MATCH. If that is not broken, I do not know what is.

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well you talk like an NPC that can't use LOS, the good thing is you have room in this game cuz we love talking NPC's


but hey just fyi...every crying melee player since 1.0 has post the same useless things about snipers/GS...and every good melee player since 1.0 knows how to beat them without facerolling them

By the way...sniper has stronger attacks than mercs not better dcd's , mando/merc dcd's right now are overtuned and are OP.

Also every crying sorc will come here asking nerfs so I will asume that maybe u run a DPS sorc also?


Nice escalation of the situation. The point I am making is that snipers have lot's and lot's of dcds, the top tier. Go play a vanguard against them. Or any class with a half decent sorc healer behind one. As I have written before I love watching them squirm when a mara runs right through the Aoe. They also have huge burst. My point is the time to kill factor. To many dcds make regs and ranked a standoff. Too many times is Alderaan a fist to cap a node and fight over a stalemated mid. Too many times 4v4 is acid resolved. The number of dcds make this player v player but you are all as good as each other. No one loses the running race we all just take part. Sorry if you grew up in the snowflake generation, you might have learned the satisfaction of competition if you hadn't.

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Oh yes, I do understand what you mean. I just don't like it when people use false and incorrect statements to make their points. Use valid arguements and you won't hear me about it ;)


You do have a valid arguement that slingers are very hard to take down in patch 5.0. Your points however are still to be taken with some salt.


A few things on what you say above:

- getting back on target after knockback 2 seconds (1 second each?)


- 4 second hard stun, 2 second (if broken straight away soft stun) plus slows, plus evasion,

correct although evasion isnt really an immunity. Would be the same to call to call any defensive an immunity

- 4 seconds hunkerdown on hightail.

This is a thread is about saboteur slingers. Saboteur doesnt have hunker down on hightail. They have the tickle called scatterbombs.


- That's at least 14 seconds of similar effect to add. So 34 out of 45 seconds.

This is not really correct statement to make. If it was a 1vs1 fight with a melee than I might agree slightly. But even than you wouldn't be able to use all the stuns you are naming purely because of resolve.

When its against another ranged dps most of the stuff you name wont do a lot of good for us.


Diversion sounds better than it actually is. While it does provide us with a good defensive bonus, the slow requires our enemy to be silly enough to keep standing in it (provided you even spec a utilitypoint into it. I personally don't).


I do agree with you that gunslingers are currently in a very good place for PvP. Trying to go after a gunslinger as a melee means the melee will have a hard time. Aiming yourself to be in between the slinger and a wall/pillar will help a bit. It might even be considered OP. Not as much as mandos though. Also stealth classes are really underestimated I think.


Ok the evasion takes up the hunkerdown on hightail, but then there are also all the shields. 7 dcd's and cover is pretty good. Maybe I shouldn't have said permanent, I should have said over 70% of the time and with imperial preparation and cover. Do they really need cover at this time in the game when they have so much other stuff going on?

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This comment right here just shows how little you actually know about snipers.


This comment right here shows how little any opinion you may have for the future matters. I completely disagree with groncho and find him a but of a prat. But at least he has the imagination to think that he's making a valid point not just failing to enter a discussion about a computer game. He may take it to personally and get snide about things but you sir haven't got a clue.

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This comment right here shows how little any opinion you may have for the future matters. I completely disagree with groncho and find him a but of a prat. But at least he has the imagination to think that he's making a valid point not just failing to enter a discussion about a computer game. He may take it to personally and get snide about things but you sir haven't got a clue.


Here, I'll tell you exactly how to counter snipers, and it really isn't that hard. Nearly all of their dcd's that actually mitigate damage are either really short, or have really long cooldowns.


If you are a melee, make sure you have a root breaking utility if you don't innately have something the break roots to counter knockback, and use a ranged ability while you're running back in. You just need decent reaction times for this.


To counter evasion, just LOS for 3-5 seconds. Especially don't waste your hard hitting tech/force abilities since they also get a 75% damage reduction to those during evasion while in cover.


For roll, if they are really good at rolling hard hitting abilities (like heatseakers) then there isn't much you can do, but there aren't a lot of abilities that behave like that, if they roll and you activate a hard hitting ability during that then that's just your own fault. If melee, just use a movement ability to catch back up to them or use ranged abilities while running back into melee (can get back into 10m ranged nearly by the time the roll ends with good reaction).


To counter ballistic shield (assuming they took utility that gives it a heal) you can do 2 things, either run and attack someone else, or have someone help you attack the sniper. The heal is decent but it is slow and easily damaged through. The damage reduction is decent (especially if they activated it with 4 enemies inside) but it's not absurd.


To counter entrench just do 1 thing, don't waste your stuns, I've lost count how many times I've seen people try to cc snipers though entrench. (And don't aoe if you notice they have that utility).


To counter diversion, just don't stand in it. If you are melee just ignore them for a few seconds or pop your own dcd to stand toe to toe with them.


If they reset dcd's, just do the same thing I said above. Their small shield only absorbs like 12k or 14k damage so it's not a big deal, it's a pretty weak ability. Killing a sniper just requires decent reaction to their dcd's to not waste abilities and to not facetank them, LOS is your friend, even as a melee when possible.


If you tell me what class you play, I can tell you exactly what you can do for each ability to counter them.


I will agree that they slow on plasma probe is too strong. Before when the radius was much smaller it wasn't as much of an issue, but either the radius of the plasma probe has to be reversed or the slow has to be nerfed to like 30-40% and for pve's sake (since the radius increase made engi viable for nearly all fights now) I'd much rather see the slow nerfed.

Edited by shyroman
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regular speed isnt even that fast to begin with, 30% slow is already like you're limping on a broken leg, 70% and you might as well not even move, you're not going to achieve anything by it.


Well put on the last post. But it's not that they are not killable. It's that they slow the game down so much. I always remember a quote for Tarantino about films and his favourite scenes in Pulp Fiction. He removed them from the film because it slowed the film down and wanted to get to where the action was. Swtor is becoming stodgey don't you think? A wallowing mass of slow kills and just beating things with a stick. To continue the film analogy like the apes at the start of 2001: a space odyssey. Now sorcs have set a bench marks for other classes to achieve, snipers have got there, and mercs are chasing fast. People on the forums want more defences on other classes. I know they make the skill shine a little more by having to concurrent rotations, but do we need more? With a sorc healer behind one everything you mention is void. It's the combination of excessive healing and dcds that really makes me want to quit again.

Edited by Purgamentorum
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So, I have read all your suggestions on how to counter them but tbh I can't find a solution on how to to counter the current situation with PVP on The Progenitor.



1-2 vengenace guardians

2-3 healers

2 sabotage slingers

the rest filled with commandos and/or sentinels.



1 assassin dps

1-3 sorcs

0-1 healers

2-3 juggs and some totally new FOTM rerollers playing merc wihtout gear and no clue.


Let's take Voidstar for example.


Reps attack first:


Imps get out of respawn. 5-10 seconds into the round the fought over side is filled with aoe's making the whole team sitting ducks, while the guardians and sentinels jump in and wipe the imperials in a matter of seconds.

No matter how hard you hit, you can't make a dent in the enemy team, their healers easily keep them at 90%-100% health.


Is a single aoe slinger annoying? Yes, but you can deal with 1.

But as soon as the reps have 2 or more of them it's game breaking. You can't defend against the slows, you have to use cd's to get out of them and have them reapplied instantly on yourself again.


Of course, you can say run the same setup on imp side.

But due to the huge faction inbalance (more imp players and threfore more pugs) on the server the chances of getting into the same match on the same site with exactly this setup is highly inpropable.

Edited by panoukla
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I think snipers need a buff. Lower the cooldown of entrench, lower the cooldown of exfiltrate. Where is our reflect? everyone else has one?


Cmon Bioware, snipers are so weak. They should have a range of 40m, a reflect, and reduced cooldowns of exfiltrate and entrench. Then they will be able to compete with the deadly powertech and lightning sorc.


What about a teleport? 3 other classes have one. Maybe something like phasewalk but also we should be invisible for 20 sec after.


Thats fair. Cuz PTs are just too stronk, I can maybe kill one if you change the whole game. :D

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I been in 4 pvp matches tonight and each one that was not 4v4 which was 3 matches had least 4 snipers in that is how bad it is I'm a guardian tank and they constantly slow and drop there aoe I can avoid it for short while with blad blitz and combat focus out my utilitys then I'm don't stand a chance. once caught in it I last 2nds god help mele dps they need to put a cd on it or ruduce the size or dmg it does and as for mercs/mando's you can interrupt there casts etc I cant even leap to a sniper as there in cover so there one move I cant use strait away I know it designed to do that but that class is making pvp unplayable.
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