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Leaving flashpoints is messed up


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I just ran hammer station. I queued from my tatooine stronghold. After leaving the FP through the portal near the final boss I was asked if I wanted to return to my previous location or exit. I chose previous location. I got the loading screen for the tatooine stronghold but ended up at odessen. And I had to return to the fleet manually to hand in the hammer station mission...


Its like it doesnt matter what I select. I end up somewhere I dont want or need to be. The portal should automatically return players to the fleet dropship launch hangar to turn in the mission.

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I just ran hammer station. I queued from my tatooine stronghold. After leaving the FP through the portal near the final boss I was asked if I wanted to return to my previous location or exit. I chose previous location. I got the loading screen for the tatooine stronghold but ended up at odessen. And I had to return to the fleet manually to hand in the hammer station mission...


Its like it doesnt matter what I select. I end up somewhere I dont want or need to be. The portal should automatically return players to the fleet dropship launch hangar to turn in the mission.


You need to select Exit Location. That drops you off that the Flashpoint entrance to turn it in. Previous Location will take you back to where you last were such as planet, your ship, etc. Never tried to go back to my stronghold but either way use Exit Location to go to the turn in place.

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  • 3 weeks later...
That's an old bug, it's been around since they introduced strongholds. If you queue from stronghold or guild ship, half the time you get ported either to where you were before you went to your stronghold, or in the case of the guild ship - Korriban departures on the fleet.
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