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Regs have gone to crap


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Because literally everyone (save a couple lost souls) has their main on the Imperial side now.

And that was the case long before I made my Sin my main.

I don't log Rep, not because I'm afraid of losing, but because I have nothing to seek there.


That also makes the rest of your post irrelevant if not blatantly false.


Maybe false for you, maybe not, but I have seen this kind of behavior he described on dozens of occasions when imp players come to rep. I had a certain someone insult me for not letting him 1 v 1 people at a node for his stream and then *****ed our team out for not helping him at that node and then he rage quit. So yeah. It happens.

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LOL. Yes, sure, tell that to BiJ....or guilds like them. Who insulted everyone and their mother when they were pug stomping. They exist, saying they dont is just living in absolute denial.


I'm not quite sure why this is such a problem to you, nor why you feel the urge to react so strongly.


There are going to be ******s that like to be using emotes everytime they cap your node even if they do it 3v1.

I still guarantee you these people like closer games better than pushovers.


But honestly.. stop paying it so much attention lol. If I get ninjacapped by a bunch of tryhards that happened to run into a double premade you won't see me give much of a ****.

I might mumble something about them coming to me alone out of frustration..

but that doesn't mean I want to make a *********** forum post about how it's retarded that something like double premades can happen. Because it's not. That's the game. Deal with it.


Do you really think you are the only one facing these problems? Get better and you could form a better deterrent.

Lo and behold someone might even invite you to their premade spontaneously.

Edited by Evolixe
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Because literally everyone (save a couple lost souls) has their main on the Imperial side now.

And that was the case long before I made my Sin my main.

I don't log Rep, not because I'm afraid of losing, but because I have nothing to seek there.


That also makes the rest of your post irrelevant if not blatantly false.




When i asked you why you no longer main your rep. Your rep was your main, all of a sudden it wasnt. Well not all of a sudden. Because theres more "better" players and premades on Imp.


In another thread you stated you only get good playing WITH good. That's as untrue in SWTOR as it is in life. To get better you have to be tested and often fail to improve. Throwing in the towel (switching to maining imp) is for losers.

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vid after work of your failed sap cap attempt then the stumble (pop everything) as i take the health and drop you with dispatch...toon vanishes and it goes 7v8. Scoreboard at end shows 9 imps, you were the ninth with next to no numbers (the obvious rage quit) mate.


Don't worry, i know why you left. The imp's did lose.


Just want to clear things up a bit, I'm not picking on you and generally have nothing against you. You've been around for as long as i can remember. It's just the players who are into pvp and a bit more "vocal" about their "skill" i tend to screenshot, process video etc....for...well...this very reason.


There were some PvP'ers back in the day that would run rings round the lot of us here. True theorycrafters who's unique builds caused entire patches to be released (tankassin etc). True PvP'ers who liked to fight other players...not re-roll faction and run through half f2p teams in a premade voip'in hardswappin stream machine.


It's a shame you fell to the dark side so easily Evolixe (not Exilove). lol ;)

Edited by Marstrike
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When i asked you why you no longer main your rep. Your rep was your main, all of a sudden it wasnt. Well not all of a sudden. Because theres more "better" players and premades on Imp.


In another thread you stated you only get good playing WITH good. That's as untrue in SWTOR as it is in life. To get better you have to be tested and often fail to improve. Throwing in the towel (switching to maining imp) is for losers.


I gotta say it's pretty cute of you to think it's worthwhile to screenshot something like that and then actually keep it.

Anyway, surely because I say that, that's gotta be the ONLY reason. Right?


Would I deny it played a part? **** no. It does.

But the first and foremost reason I do no longer play Republic side isn't because I lose more there, mayte.

I have a Raiding guild here, I have the ability to group up with old friends, old foes, new foes.

None of which is really possible on Repside. Because it's dead as far as PvP goes.



But do keep telling yourself I have ulterior motives.

It's pretty hilarious that you're telling me what reasons I have for playing a certain faction. Like w0t? :rolleyes:


vid after work of your failed sap cap attempt then the stumble (pop everything) as i take the health and drop you with dispatch...toon vanishes and it goes 7v8. Scoreboard at end shows 9 imps, you were the ninth with next to no numbers (the obvious rage quit) mate.


Don't worry, i know why you left. The imp's did lose.


Lol :D You care a lot more than I do. Show a vid all you want.

I won't even deny what you say is somewhat true minus the motives.

I mean, I have good days and bad days. Good games and bad games.

Like literally everyone else. Because believe it or not, I am also actually human.


I also tend to just **** around and try different approaches in games I don't really think I can break the difference anyway. But I think we both know that on a half decent day, you'd get toasted and eaten for breakfast.

Edited by Evolixe
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I play to win and to hang around with my friends. Going to do the best I can to win, but I am not taunting the enemy teams. For whatever reason it seems that the majority of chat aggro starts not from the premades, but the people fighting against them. If I happen to kill someone in PvP and then I get a 5 minute tirade on General chat, I honestly can't see what I did wrong there. Same for being called out for ruining games with a premade while I solo queue. Furthermore, I honestly think that the premades make a greater effort to keep the game alive than the people who incessantly whine about them and actively sling abuse.



It is kind of logical that the loosing team starts some of the chat aggro. They are frustrated, what do you expect? Now, it is not always like that, lots of players/teams love to taunt constantly (including emotes). Don't get me wrong, some very little words can spice some games as long as there is no insults or continue humillation; keeping it in a friendly exchange.

Now if you PvP a lot it can be posible that once in a while you get someone pissed on you just by killing him/her (anything can happen). But if you get that frequently, then you are may be doing something else. Like focusing too much on a single player without a reason (i have seen that and i'm not talking about healers or arenas or general target), or not playing objective. I hate with passion the premades that do not go for objective but just keep focusing on one player (alone) at a time. Sometimes it works as the enemy team can do shi*. But those are the same a-holes that usually cannot be satisfied with capping two nodes and go for a third with a group of 4+ leaving the two they have poorly guarded; result: the team looses one or both nodes and eventually the match.

If you only want to kill, kill kill just go with your buddies to Tattoine, make two groups and kill each other.

So we are clear, i don't like to play aginst them nor i like to have them in my team.

But i'm not against premades in general. People have the right to play with friends, this is an MMO so is natural.

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I'm not quite sure why this is such a problem to you, nor why you feel the urge to react so strongly.


There are going to be ******s that like to be using emotes everytime they cap your node even if they do it 3v1.

I still guarantee you these people like closer games better than pushovers.


But honestly.. stop paying it so much attention lol. If I get ninjacapped by a bunch of tryhards that happened to run into a double premade you won't see me give much of a ****.

I might mumble something about them coming to me alone out of frustration..

but that doesn't mean I want to make a *********** forum post about how it's retarded that something like double premades can happen. Because it's not. That's the game. Deal with it.


Do you really think you are the only one facing these problems? Get better and you could form a better deterrent.

Lo and behold someone might even invite you to their premade spontaneously.


Used to play in them with Eastiano and a few others a while back, did and done, was boring imo, and I never was a dick to the people that we won against. Emotes are one thing, going into say and insulting someone outright is another. Also been invited since, but again, unless it is ranked, I find going into regs in a trinity premade is just stupid.

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Who said anything about a trinity premade? Just let people play what they feel like and wing it.


Anyway.. here you go, complaining about people doing premades and stomping you (since if they werent stomping you, they wouldnt be emoting) Yet you say you CHOOSE not to premade yourself. Sounds like you're just trying to work yourself into the position you are. You just lost all right to complain.

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Who said anything about a trinity premade? Just let people play what they feel like and wing it.


Anyway.. here you go, complaining about people doing premades and stomping you (since if they werent stomping you, they wouldnt be emoting) Yet you say you CHOOSE not to premade yourself. Sounds like you're just trying to work yourself into the position you are. You just lost all right to complain.


Lol. Wut? I was complaining about people being inconsiderate and insulting, not about premades themselves. There is a difference between being in a premade and winning with class, and being in a premade and being an ***. Which is very common now a days. Even if you don't think it is a problem.

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