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Will somebody please balance the GSF and pvp ! and do something about the hackers!..


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First off the starfighters are dead because it is unbalanced and too confusing for most people using the keys . f1 .f2 . and f3 should not be needed .. they should be automatically built into the ship. dampeners shouldnt be there at all..Scouts should not be stronger than a gunship.. shields are useless even when fully upgraded they should be able to take 3 hits at least instead of 1or better yet none ! ....bombers dont do as much damage as they should..getting hit by a missile sentry drone/2 concussion mines and shot by main weapon with power to guns should kill any ship ! ... ..im now getting 1 shot killed through walls and rocks even when fresh out of the spawn . wins for republic are now the same as pvp maybe 2 in 10 matches .... now i know you wont do anything about it.. you never do ! and it's a shame because i do love playing .. now i know people will say maybe you were being hit by more than 1 ship or your using the wrong upgrade or companion.. and i will tell you NO!.. the radar is very usefull to tell you how many ships are in range. .. i been playing the game for 3 years and tried everything ! and i know the difference between lag and hacks ! and yes there are hacks in gsf and wz. gunslingers kill my sentinel with 1 move from full health , yet i have full 240 to 242 gear.. as i have to hack away for days to make a kill. you allow 2 healers against none in deathmatches ranks should be set to levels.. not unranked ! that just means the good players get to take advantage ! call it balanced if you will .. but it's not ! your letting the game die by doing nothing and it's shamefull Edited by wasteroiujhhb
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First can I ask what server are you playing on?

Then, the F1/F2/F3/F4 abilities are great, and are a nice addition. It took me a while to really use that effectively in-game, but this isn't something you should focus on really.

Scouts are supposed to be stronger than Gunships. Technically : Gunship>Bomber>Scout>Gunship.

Shields are useless, that is intended I think. If all ships were bullet sponges it would be boring. Right now it takes like 7-9 minutes to play a game I think it's perfect.

Bombers do a lot of damage, in a fully (properly) upgraded scout one concussion mine can drop the ship's health by 90%.

Since you're talking about the "GS hack", it's probably lag (and yes I've seen a pilot shooting me trough a wall, I recorded it, but as far as i can tell I blame the servers not him).

Since you say you know a lot about GSF can I ask you to PM me the upgrades you have on those ships? I'd be happy to help you.


Your suggestion about "unranked GSF" is something veteran players have been asking for years too

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