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PvPers don't want Player vs. Gear


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I have also found after testing gearing up my sorc from its 208's, putting in 240's on a 208 peice (I don't have any armorings to replace them yet) actually lowers your bolster by several points per gear piece. I assume because you are raising the "level" of the piece so it doesn't get the full bolster effect. I'm no bolster expert but it seems to me like it bolsters each item (mod/enhancement/armoring) so replacing 2 out of the 3 lowers the bolster for the gear piece in total even though the individual pieces were better.
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All i grind now is pvp, and i gotten better gear now in a lot less time, still a long time but shorter then the old way. i wouldn't do it back in the old days, cause of that reason the pve and pvp the time oh god the time waiting for group finder, or begging in gen chat to get groups for this and that. just to finally get into one and get kicked out just because the gear just isn't perfect or you get kicked for not doing something the way the leader would do it, Like your a freaking mind reader and they kick ya. Hell Because of that BS i stopped doing OPS FP any thing you have to have a group and deal with Butt Holes i stopped doing. There is OPS and FPS i still havent seen in over 5 years of playing cause of that BS.


So yes the old way was harder, more time consuming, you had to do so many different things to get gear, and that if your lucky to get into a group and last to see the end and when the gear dropped, every one became sharks and grabbed the good stuff and i was left with scraps. All that time doing that to get nothing. Now I come in play 6 pvp matches maybe a couple of solo ranks after that. boom i got 1 to 3 good piece of gear and i am done for the day on one alt and moving on to one of my other 11 out of 12 alts, i usually do 2 to 4 alts a day and they all get 1 to 3 pieces of good gear, hell 2 of my toons my main and an alt already in 3rd tier. So yeah this new way is some what frustrating but its do-able not like before, at least not for me. Before i played all the pvp and just get a relic or a chest piece and because i stopped doing all the other BS every one else had top gear and i didn't have a chance to compete at all. Now i am mid to top player in unrank depending which class im playing, and i can play solo where before i wouldn't dare on any class, so. JMO!


I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. It literally took not even a minute to have full beginner pvp gear pre removal of expertise. You had enough warzone comms from playing warzones during leveling for a full set of pvp gear and even some ranked pvp gear. Again, what on earth are you even talking about?! When kotfe was first released you could, again, get pvp gear within minutes after hitting max level, that is assuming you did any pvp before 65. And if you didnt do any pvp before 65 you could STILL get it within hours. Please stop spreading false information and white knight defending a system that is more hated than ANY other system ever introduced into this game.

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I have also found after testing gearing up my sorc from its 208's, putting in 240's on a 208 peice (I don't have any armorings to replace them yet) actually lowers your bolster by several points per gear piece. I assume because you are raising the "level" of the piece so it doesn't get the full bolster effect. I'm no bolster expert but it seems to me like it bolsters each item (mod/enhancement/armoring) so replacing 2 out of the 3 lowers the bolster for the gear piece in total even though the individual pieces were better.


Over the years of my hours of testing Bolster and adding the info to my gearing thread I worked out what happens. The way Bolster is supposed to work is on the whole piece. So it looks at the armouring first. Then decides what the total stats should be for an item with those armor stats when they Bolster. If you go over those stats then you may lose some stats in health or damage power. You will rarely lose them in crit or alacrity.

Then Bolster goes on to look at all your gear and adjusts from there. The more mixed pieces you have, the more prone you are to getting weird results from Bolster. Especially if you go over the Bolster setting which is currently 232.

Bolster is a fickle mistress and you need to treat her right or she won't work for you.

What I've found so far is 208 armor works well with 230 mods and enhancements, if you go over that you effectively go over the Bolster cap and will lose bolstered stats. (That is a simplistic explanation and there are other factors too, it's those other factors and explanations to would lead into why you need to find the Bolster cap and min/max gear lvl)

I've also found that if you replace a 208 armor with the corresponding 230 armor you will lose health and damage power. That is if you already have 230 mods and enhancements equipped. 😕

So something is not right with Bolster since they dropped the cap. I first noticed it when I started lvl 70 in my 208 gear. There is no way that even got close to being bolstered to 232. I actually had better performance in lvl 69 than in lvl 70 because Bolster was still working at the correct lvl for lower brackets. It's when Bio dropped the cap from 250 to actually create a real gear gap to make people grind more, that we started to see major issues.

Another thing I've just come across yesterday was when I finally got around to equipping some 236 gear items, was that I lost health. I started at about 117000 with 208 armor and 230 mods/enhancements, now after equipping 2 x whole 236 pieces it has dropped to 114000. My other stats did go up, but I'm once again thinking that Bolster is confused because I've got mixed shells in other pieces.

This is concerning because it means lots of people who are still wanting a gear set bonus and are still using 208 armor to keep it, will be nerfing themselves in health until they get full sets of everything for that lvl gear. I'm also wondering if the same thing happens when you go from 236 to 242 or if you put 240 mods into 236 armor shells. Which would be similar to putting 230 items into 208 armor shells,

The only real fix is to increase the Bolster lvl again to 250. You will probably still need to min max gear for Bolster, but the gear gap will be smaller and it won't affect things so much.

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