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What to do after Story Mode?


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Recently completed the entire Story mode with my Jedi Consular.


What is there to do now?

Im kind of lost.


Is there any solo content other than Warzone pvp?

Not really into pvp.



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Once you finish the class stories, makeb, SoR, KotFE, star fortress' and KotET story arcs.. that's it for story until next content release, in April, unless you create another character of a different class you haven't played yet or something.

Well, only got grinding planetary heroics, or star fortresses left for Solo content once story's completed really.

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My friend you have no idea. So much more to do and discover!


All the following is solo stuff. Use your ship's mission terminal next to the holocom. Many things to do in whichever order you please but I'll suggest a chronological approach.


However right now is time to go to Ilum, you'll get a contact on fleet (floating holo next to elevators): a giant alien sphere has been spotted there... hurry it will be gone soon (Gree event)! There's also more to do on Ilum. Click on the huge holo tv in the inner ring of fleet (different holo than the Gree one).


If you haven't done the Jedi Prisoner quest, it would be a shame to lose on it. It's relevant for stuff later.

Make sure you speak to the little astromech on the fleet next to the eastern elevator. MP -77 will prompt you to speak to master Oteg on the Telos flagship (also in fleet, you can tp or use the shuttle on interfleet transport level. Very pretty sight btw), about something called Taral V. It's important. Do that before you ever set foot on Rishi or accept the Forged Alliances chain. Perhaps go to Section X first though (see below).


There's also two astromechs close by that will prompt you to go speak to someone on fleet and on Coruscant about some strange devices and intel (Macroscope and seeker droid mission chains).


You can do pretty much all flashpoints on solo mode now. Most start on fleet at dropship hangar level. Some however launch from the Telos or on respective planets.


At this point you could check what's going on with the Hutts on a planet called Makeb. From your ship terminal again.


Afterwards you will go to Oricon, to investigate what was unleashed by imperials in the depths of Belsavis...


Speaking of Belsavis there's a special zone called Section X, full of beasts and ancient tombs... and a mysterious crashed starship in the frozen wastes... you can access section X via hangar terminals on fleet from level 50 on or a shuttle on belsavis. Need to be subbed, so do it while you are subbed.


Then you'll have something called Forged Alliances on your ship terminal/ quest giver on fleet. This will start a HUGE chain. And then Knights of the Fallen Empire and then Fallen Throne.


And then Star fortresses. Uprisings.


And then... you have 7 other class stories to discover - from your fellow Jedi knight to smugglers in dirty cargo ships and troopers under duress to bounty hunters looking for fame and fortune, imperial spies unraveling the intricacies of the Empire, brute sith reavers and a master of the dark side... ;)


Group content :

Also you can do flashpoints in solo (story mode) or in group. Use group finder next to your map icon - or at level 70, through galactic command ctrl G - in normal mode (veteran) or hard mode (master).

If there's enough people on your server you can do operations. There's dozens of them! You don't need good gear to do them in story mode as your gear will be bolstered. You need to learn the fights though and pay attention. If your server is a ghost town you can always move to a populated server for 90 cartel coins.

Also : worldbosses raids, enemy base commanders, dark vs light champions.


PVP : you have both ground pvp - warzones - and galactic starfighter.


Other : you also have space on rails via your starship. Housing - buy strongholds and decorate them. Datacron hunting...



Have fun!

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Once you finish the class stories, makeb, SoR, KotFE, star fortress' and KotET story arcs.. that's it for story until next content release, in April, unless you create another character of a different class you haven't played yet or something.

Well, only got grinding planetary heroics, or star fortresses left for Solo content once story's completed really.


... and all the myriad of things that the next poster pointed out too... idk, way to play the game down... heroics or star fortress, is that really all you see out there?

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... and all the myriad of things that the next poster pointed out too... idk, way to play the game down... heroics or star fortress, is that really all you see out there?

I did forget a couple of things, I can admit that, and that's why there's forum threads for these discussions.

I didn't mention anything I couldn't solo personally - most flashpoints (the non-purple quest marker ones), uprisings (easy ones anyway), etc I need at least one other person with a high influence comp healer along for the ride, so it's not solo, but yeah I'm not everyone xD . I bundled the daily areas of planets (Black hole, section x, czerka etc) into the planetary heroics like GC does now, just how I think. I didn't forget them, but I bundled them somewhere they usually aren't bundled with. There's reputations connected to those, so worth doing to knock those off (same as Makeb, Yavin 4 etc)


And yup, I forgot the purple quest marker/story arc flashpoint chain picked up on the fleets, big no-no for me to forget that too, they're awesome for both sides imo.


seeker/macrobinocular chains end in a necessary group quest, even though they start solo, so if you're too shy to ask for help, or just don't want to, from at least one other person (seeker droid - might be able to solo though, some people can, I can't) or 3 other people (macrobinocular chain) you're out of luck finishing it.

Same as Oricon if you're not into Operations, which is required to see the end of the story chain for that planet.


Sad part is I love the game to pieces, as a solo only player, I'm just not used to communicating with people. and not going to improve in social interactions if there isn't people like you to poke my lacklustre posts and get a whole different meaning then what was in my head when writing, so thanks :D

I'm not great at over-enthusiastic stuff, I'll leave that to the awesome guy/gal above us.

Edited by Asmodesu
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... Sad part is I love the game to pieces, as a solo only player, I'm just not used to communicating with people. and not going to improve in social interactions if there isn't people like you to poke my lacklustre posts and get a whole different meaning then what was in my head when writing, so thanks :D

I'm not great at over-enthusiastic stuff, I'll leave that to the awesome guy/gal above us.


Hey, there are plenty of us out there that will happily play with silent partners! My "go-to guildmate" rarely speaks... just doesn't need to, I don't take him for granted and he doesn't take me for granted but we also don't feel the need to desperately tell each every tiny detail of everything we do or talk inanities at each other... is mostly there for opportunities and consolation... you can prolly tell I like the sound of my own typing, anyway... playing together is often interaction enough. There are plenty of different people around to open up all parts of the game.


But hey, even the most chilled and laid back needs a boot up the backside when you got boosts and buffs burning... takes all sorts, you might just like it :p

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I'm not great at over-enthusiastic stuff, I'll leave that to the awesome guy/gal above us.


Ha you make me feel like Fun Bobby in Friends. You did cover most stuff while I was typing but as a plain list, I chose to view it as an adventure ;)


I forgot stuff too! The Black Hole (follow-up to/from Corellia), CZ 198. The Rakghoul event. And additional planetary arcs now at level 60.


OMG if OP is a new player perhaps he doesn't know he had to check a button on top of the map interface for side quests to appear on planets! :eek:


That's a whole damn lot too.


BTW, you will still gain "levels" at max levels from doing all that - ie, command ranks, and gear.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Very nice. Your enthusiasm reminded me why I like this game even though so many of our posts here are downbeat.


Many thanks! Weird part is it did that to me as well! We always nag.


It reminds me of a Seinfeld sketch. Bill comes at the restaurant. Why do I want to pay for all that food! I already ate! I'm not hungry anymore! :p


We just become oblivious to all the past enjoyment and get tunnel vision syndrome for the current stuff...


BTW Mike I used to write a couple stories in the fanfic section. There's a ton of seriously good writers out there!


Also, this silly thread is lonely.

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