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Musing on Jedi Knight story


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I've been trying to do some research on Google for rp purposes to give my Jedi Knight some background, but I haven't been able to find much, if any.


1. One thing I did notice from Tython on the mission dealing with the Flesh Raider that wants to become Jedi, and while talking to the Master in charge of "recruitment" at the Temple, one of the dialogue choices implies that the JK (as a character) was a difficult student.


In what ways was the JK a difficult student?


2. Another thing that I noticed on Tython is that you meet a Padawan trying to lift a rock and failing because he didn't understand what his lesson really was about, and you're a Padawan too, but you're able to lift said rock, and this Master appears and says that usually only Masters can do that.


How was the JK able to do so? Did he enter training at a very young age or what? If so, what age was that?


I'm just trying to get some things sorted so I can put together something that sounds plausible.


Last, but not least, my JK is a Sith pureblood.


It's generally implied that the JK starts out young, maybe late teens, right? Like maybe 17 to 20 age range?


Well I can see 2 scenarios where my JK would end up as a Jedi.


1. He was still pretty young when he was brought into the Order. Like, maybe he was with his parent(s) on a ship or planet and they got killed, but he wasn't since he was a child and turned over to the Order since he was Force sensitive.


2. He was a young Sith, fresh out of the Academy, and ended up in a fight with some Jedi, and Jedi turned him over to the Order rather than killing him since Jedi prefer to try to redeem.


If so, at what age would that seem likely? How long would it take the Order to hmmm... train him enough that he's ready to begin his Padawan trials? Or does it depend on the Sith being redeemed and how willilng they are to change on an individual basis?


3. Any other plausible scenarios?


I think that's quite enough for now, lol.

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The Knight, going into the story, is good enough to already have some rep with the Masters. The Knight and Consular in fact, are both basically prodigies the likes of which, the Order hasn't seen in some time. This doesn't mean you're the best there ever was, but it does mean, you're up there.


The lifting of the rock, is back to the Knight (and Consular since they can both do that mission) being prodigies basically. Also, Padawan is basically just a word for student. It just doesn't go...Freshman > Sophomore > Junior > Senior like in high school :p They don't separate the students into classes. One Padawan is just more powerful than others or weaker or what have you.


Knight and Consular stories sound to be very much 18-20 range if you pay attention to the dialogue. Maaaaybe, a little older, but no older than early 20's. While the PC Warrior and Inquisitor are generally presented as the same ages, that doesn't mean your characters background has to be one of being older, as they could have passed their Academy training at a young age then went over to the Jedi side.


Another possible scenerio, is he was raised in the Republic. A Pureblood Jedi who had a child perhaps. While it would be rare, it's not out of the possibilities. The only reason it wouldn't seem rare, is because this is an MMO and that massive amount of players could all decide to do that too :p

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Okay, so for non Sith JKs, the JK could have been a difficult student because he/she had to be taken in at a young age and start training, and we all know how temperamental toddlers and little kids can be simply because their brains are still developing.


And for Sith JKs, well the student was difficult because he/she had to be retrained until said student was ready to start Padawan training and undergo the trials.


I do have another question - this might be subjective.


Generally, given the Swtor storyline so far, how much time have passed? IE, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, maybe some break between end of Chapter 3 and Ilum, then maybe a break between Ilum and Makeb, and so on. Obviously there's a 5 year gap between end of Chapter 1 and start of Chapter 2 on KotFE, but that's the easy one to figure out.

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