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Where's my cartel items?


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In the cartel market drop-down menu (where you normally go to access the cartel market), there is a button for the "pack explorer." I think it's the third button in the drop-down menu. The crates should be in there.


Sorry, I'm not in-game right now and can't get a screenshot or more direct instructions...

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I looked everywhere. Its in none of those either


Ooookay... that's weird. You're *sure* you claimed it once you bought it? It's not in the pack explorer's "pack viewer"?


If it really is nowhere, try sending in a ticket. I really hope you'll be able to get this resolved soon!

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This happened to me just tonight. Still waiting for a response from a GM. I had bough several packs a couple at a time. After getting something nice in an Oppressor Pack, I decided to buy one more. The 300 Cartel Coins disappeared from my balance immediately but the pack never showed up in the Unclaimed Items window. I think I did get an error but didn't write down the error code unfortunately. The pack just isn't there. I can neither return it nor can I claim it because it isn't in the Unclaimed Items. I logged in with another toon then back in with the one I was on when I bought it. It is just gone.


I want a refund of the 300 Cartel Coins or an Oppressor pack, please.

Edited by AilsaH
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