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Long-time player returning after long-time hiatus; need some guidance for KotFE


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*Potential spoilers*


Hi everyone, I've returned after a long long hiatus which began sometime after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel went live. Long story short, I took advantage of the free level 60 character slot to jump right in at the start of the Knights of the Fallen Empire story arc. I'm posting here because I can't find the answers I'm looking for in google search results. I need some guidance from players who have knowledge of this campaign's choices.


Here's my deal: essentially I created a Jedi sentinel (with the intention of being a goody-two-shoes) but during the scene where you finally confront Valkorian with your newly acquired companion Darth Marr, I decided that it would be cool to accept his offer and bow and play out the fallen "hero" of the galaxy RP for this character as it's something I've never done (gone from hero to villain(?)).


What I need to know:


A. Does bowing and accepting his offer actually have lasting consequences in the story arc (as the system message said your choices will be remembered)?

B. Can I stay on the light side and still be working for Valkorian or is it more logical to just go full darkside ?

C. Or am I hoping for too much complexity out of this story and at the end of the day you kill Arcann and that's it?

D I'm hoping that because of my choices my character will get to become part of the new Empire or something like that...


I'm just a little confused as to how this story is going to pan out, which IS a good thing, but basically I wanna know what my options are for becoming what I said: the fallen hero of the Republic who know runs with the Eternal Empire. And is it better to be DS or LS for this endeavor?


I hope I made my position clear enough for you guys.

If not I'll try to answer any questions you guys have for me.


I really appreciate any help you guys can provide.

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*Potential spoilers*

What I need to know:


A. Does bowing and accepting his offer actually have lasting consequences in the story arc (as the system message said your choices will be remembered)?

B. Can I stay on the light side and still be working for Valkorian or is it more logical to just go full darkside ?

C. Or am I hoping for too much complexity out of this story and at the end of the day you kill Arcann and that's it?

D I'm hoping that because of my choices my character will get to become part of the new Empire or something like that...


I'm just a little confused as to how this story is going to pan out, which IS a good thing, but basically I wanna know what my options are for becoming what I said: the fallen hero of the Republic who know runs with the Eternal Empire. And is it better to be DS or LS for this endeavor?

Not sure how many spoilers you want, I'll try to keep it vague but if you want more details I'd be more than happy to explain further.


A) As far as I am aware, kneeling to Valkorian mainly changes dialogue. Without getting too spoilery, you will be asked a few times throughout KotFE to accept/use his power, and if you accept two times (which includes that kneel) then there may be consequences when asked the same question later on.


B) Not really. Most, if not all of the light side choices related to Valkorian deal with refusing him/swearing to fight him/etc. If you really want to play as his servant better to go full darkside.


C) Arcann is not the final "Big Bad" of the storyline, as for complexity....YMMV I suppose. I thought the storyline was incredibly predictable, but I'm sure there are other people who loved it.


D) Can't really answer that one way or the other without total spoilers.


TLDR If you want to play a fallen hero/work for Valk, go DS. I don't really know how going LS would make any sense.

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A. Does bowing and accepting his offer actually have lasting consequences in the story arc (as the system message said your choices will be remembered)?

Define "lasting consequences". It won't lead to different "bow" and "didn't bow" endings if that's what you mean. Generally, some the choices throughout the whole Eternal Empire storyline do have consequences, but a lot don't.


B. Can I stay on the light side and still be working for Valkorian or is it more logical to just go full darkside ?

Yes, you can stay on the light side, though that leads mostly to arguing with Valkorian. The most illogical thing in the world would be to trust Valkorian, though that doesn't mean that you can't be evil if you want to be. As a whole, keep in mind that as the overall story progresses, the atmosphere and the feel of it is somewhat different depending on your actions. By the end of KOTET, if you played through it as an evil character, quite a lot of characters will have died and you would be a tyrant in a rather bleak tale considering it's Star Wars. Alternatively, the experience is different for a light side Outlander who is more like a bringer of hope. Personally, I tend to mix my decisions based on what makes the most sense in a given situation and ended up with a mostly dark ending (though not as dark as it could be as I spared some people...).


C. Or am I hoping for too much complexity out of this story and at the end of the day you kill Arcann and that's it?

Maybe you expect it to be a little more complex than it is. You certainly CAN kill Arcann, but he's not the "final boss" anyway.


D I'm hoping that because of my choices my character will get to become part of the new Empire or something like that...

More like decide the Empire's future.


I'm just a little confused as to how this story is going to pan out, which IS a good thing, but basically I wanna know what my options are for becoming what I said: the fallen hero of the Republic who know runs with the Eternal Empire. And is it better to be DS or LS for this endeavor?

Well, for... like, 99.9 % of the story you don't exactly run with the Eternal Empire. You certainly can be the fallen hero of the Republic, though. DS is probably closer to a "fallen hero" archetype, though - again - you probably want to mix it up at least a little as you play.

Edited by alricka
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Thank you both tremendously. You gave me the exact insight I was looking for.


I posted the same thing on reddit and got downvoted to oblivion.


That's reddit for ya ;)


*Potential spoilers*

What I need to know:


A. Does bowing and accepting his offer actually have lasting consequences in the story arc (as the system message said your choices will be remembered)?

It depends what you mean by "lasting consequences". It's a BioWare story, so the essential story elements remain the same. The Valkorian choice -does- change things later on, but whether or not you'd consider them "lasting consequences" is up to you, really. I consider them as such, but others do not. Feel free to PM me for more details, if you want.

B. Can I stay on the light side and still be working for Valkorian or is it more logical to just go full darkside ?

Well, again, without giving too much away (And again, PM me if you'd like more details), you'll sort of be working "for" Valkorian the entire time, regardless of whether you're light sided or dark sided. You are free to resist his influence every time it comes up, trying to stay lightsided. You can throw in your lot with him completely, and go full on Valky-fanclub if you want. Or you can be more nuanced, only accepting his help on a situational basis, if you think your character would feel it was the only way to succeed.


Bear in mind, it's all roleplaying, and your character is the protagonist of the story, so whichever you choose, the overall plot will progress. There are no "wrong" choices in that sense. This isn't a choose your own adventure book where if you make a wrong choice you are faced with a blank page that says "You are dead. Start again."


For example, you may be faced with a situation where in-story, it seems like the only way to succeed is to accept Valkorian's help. Out of character-ly, you know, of course, that the bad guy you're fighting will be defeated whichever option you choose, because this is a cRPG, and not actual tabletop roleplaying, and we don't have a real live human DM able to react and adapt to your choices in real time. We simply have a set of pre-written paths. But when I'm playing through KoTFE/KoTET, I'm roleplaying, and I try to think like my character, who - of course - doesn't know that she'll come through okay. I find it makes the playthroughs more fun.


It's sort of like watching Die Hard. You know, going into the movie, that John McClane will always triumph over the bad guys, that he's never going to lose the big fight with the big bad guy, no matter how dire the circumstances seem - But /McClane/ doesn't know that, and the decisions that he makes as part of the plot reflect the fact that /he/ doesn't have the same certainty that we, the viewers, do.

C. Or am I hoping for too much complexity out of this story and at the end of the day you kill Arcann and that's it?



a) Arcann isn't the big bad of the story. You'll see as you play through. It's a little more nuanced than that

b) Again, it depends on what you mean by 'complexity'. While it is a little more nuanced than that, at the end of the day it's still a BioWare story, so if you're looking for something on the level of The Usual Suspects, you'll be disappointed. It's a little more nuanced than Rambo though.


I enjoyed it - I'm still enjoying it. I have 20+ alts, and I'm on my 11th playthrough right now. I tend to play through two characters at a time. I'll play a chapter at a time on each character, taking different options for each one. But then I've never been the sort of person who requires surprise in order to enjoy a story. I enjoy it more when I already know what's coming. Knowing the spoilers allows me to craft exactly the path through the story that I feel is correct for a given character, (within the boundaries set in place by BioWare, of course)


D I'm hoping that because of my choices my character will get to become part of the new Empire or something like that...

"Part of" the new Empire... Yeah.. Something like that.... ;)

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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