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Enclosed is a list of things that could improve the game for me, maybe for others, but there we are.\


1. On the daily mission [HEROIC 2+] Mutations on Taris, please reduce the spawn time on the irradiated rakghouls to 1-2 minutes or make the cave an instance. There were 11 people queued up in there on Jedi Covenant the other day.


2. On the daily mission [HEROIC 2+] The Face Merchants on Coruscant, please reduce the spawn time on the yard trash carrying pass keys to 1-2 minutes or make the cave an instance. To add insult to injury on this one, there is a bonus when killing 15 or more of the people carrying the pass keys.


3. Thee is on e more daily with a mandalorian captain at the end that I cannot remember the name of the needs to have his spawn timer reduced. If someone can give me a hand with this one. it is the missions where you have to kill a number of mandalorians, destroys 8 or 12 of there supply boxes with the little ring on top, and then kill the boss guy at the end. I think it may be on Tatooine. There are no enemies when you first go into the location. You run through an abandoned building and down into a sub structure. At the bottom you encounter the enemies and can go left toward the boss or right toward a dead end room.


4. Allow subscribers to access the little preorder Revan expansion droid on the fleet. As a subscriber, there is was preordering of any expansion content. I do not know if the little guy has anything that I may want, but I have always been a subscriber when playing and it is something that I cannot use. It is a little annoying to know it is there.


5. Allow cartel certificates to be purchased as an item on the cartel market, on the galactic trade network, or remove the cartel market vendors from the game. There is no reason to have vendors in the game that take currency you can no longer get. Take their items and move them to the rep vendors or something.


Also, you have rep vendors for cartel packs that you no longer offer.


6. There are cartel packs that you no longer offer. What is the logic of this? Do you have issues with storage space? SSDs and HDDs are at their all time lowest cost.


7. Makeb does not have enough missions to use the weekly allotment of reputation points. Since their missions are weekly instead of daily, you end the week with over 3000 reputation points that you cannot get.


8. On Yavin 4, there is a weekly mission to bring down Revan and another one to bring down a revanite walker. However, there never appears to be a walker to bring down. The mission says to wait for it to arrive. Well I have no way of summoning it and waiting for an hour.


9. Allow white crystals, silver crystals, and hover chairs to be purchased on the cartel market. This one is a personal request since I still cannot finish my jedi the way I want him with three pieces missing.


10. Please introduce some baggy pants into the game. Just regular old pants that you can pull the boots over. I am tired of the spandex.


11. Please add a version of the robed armor with the hood up.


12. There is a bug in the preview window where your body will disappear or the items you are previewing to turn black.


13. Champion level enemies seem to drop, well, nothing to be honest. Would'nt they be the enemies most likely to drop purple items like every other online game in the history of ever?


14. Change bind on legacy to bind on equip for the Remnant gear retrieved from the Odessan companions.


15. Lastly, the craftable "war machine" items on not quite complicated enough. Please add another 30 or 40 components to each one. Who really needs a Jedi defender sitting on their platform. Except...ya know....a jedi or something...

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Enclosed is a list of things that could improve the game for me, maybe for others, but there we are.\


1. On the daily mission [HEROIC 2+] Mutations on Taris, please reduce the spawn time on the irradiated rakghouls to 1-2 minutes or make the cave an instance. There were 11 people queued up in there on Jedi Covenant the other day.


2. On the daily mission [HEROIC 2+] The Face Merchants on Coruscant, please reduce the spawn time on the yard trash carrying pass keys to 1-2 minutes or make the cave an instance. To add insult to injury on this one, there is a bonus when killing 15 or more of the people carrying the pass keys.


3. Thee is on e more daily with a mandalorian captain at the end that I cannot remember the name of the needs to have his spawn timer reduced. If someone can give me a hand with this one. it is the missions where you have to kill a number of mandalorians, destroys 8 or 12 of there supply boxes with the little ring on top, and then kill the boss guy at the end. I think it may be on Tatooine. There are no enemies when you first go into the location. You run through an abandoned building and down into a sub structure. At the bottom you encounter the enemies and can go left toward the boss or right toward a dead end room.

Down the Hole or something like that, in Anchorhead on Tatooine. And there *are* enemies in the building on the top, before you go down into the basement. Obvious candidate for being instanced.

4. Allow subscribers to access the little preorder Revan expansion droid on the fleet. As a subscriber, there is was preordering of any expansion content. I do not know if the little guy has anything that I may want, but I have always been a subscriber when playing and it is something that I cannot use. It is a little annoying to know it is there.

No. It's a pre-order bonus. You didn't pre-order Shadow of Revan (and neither did I) so you don't get it (and neither do I).

5. Allow cartel certificates to be purchased as an item on the cartel market, on the galactic trade network, or remove the cartel market vendors from the game. There is no reason to have vendors in the game that take currency you can no longer get. Take their items and move them to the rep vendors or something.


Also, you have rep vendors for cartel packs that you no longer offer.

Cartel Certificates *are* tradeable on the GTN. (Hint: items on the GTN are being sold by other players, not by BioWare/EA.) Of course nobody wants to sell them because they are so hard to get hold of when they aren't re-listing old packs on the CM.

6. There are cartel packs that you no longer offer. What is the logic of this? Do you have issues with storage space? SSDs and HDDs are at their all time lowest cost.

They withdraw old packs from sale (and from time to time they re-list them) to create artificial scarcity of those items. ALL MMORPGs that have such things do the same.

7. Makeb does not have enough missions to use the weekly allotment of reputation points. Since their missions are weekly instead of daily, you end the week with over 3000 reputation points that you cannot get.

Oh. OK. I don't see the point of getting fussed about this, but...

8. On Yavin 4, there is a weekly mission to bring down Revan and another one to bring down a revanite walker. However, there never appears to be a walker to bring down. The mission says to wait for it to arrive. Well I have no way of summoning it and waiting for an hour.

What does Dulfy's guide say?

9. Allow white crystals, silver crystals, and hover chairs to be purchased on the cartel market. This one is a personal request since I still cannot finish my jedi the way I want him with three pieces missing.

More of the artificial scarcity thing at work, I think. I'm largely indifferent to this.

10. Please introduce some baggy pants into the game. Just regular old pants that you can pull the boots over. I am tired of the spandex.

Animating baggies correctly is *hard*, and they'd clip like (...) on jackets and long coats.

11. Please add a version of the robed armor with the hood up.

That does exist in the game. My Commando dropped a chest piece with armour plates and a hood-up robe, somewhere on Zakuul. She used to wear it during the later parts of KotFE so I could pretend she was wearing a disguise after a certain petulant grumpy emperor broadcast her picture everywhere.

12. There is a bug in the preview window where your body will disappear or the items you are previewing to turn black.

Only if there are other players around, but yeah, it needs fixing.

13. Champion level enemies seem to drop, well, nothing to be honest. Would'nt they be the enemies most likely to drop purple items like every other online game in the history of ever?

Well, not *every* other online game. Both Guild Wars games have a different loot system, and (leaving aside the differences in colour progression), there is a maximum gear rating that's more or less fixed. And boss mobs don't necessarily drop top-rated gear. And I don't think online poker games drop purple items. ;)


That said, it is a bit weird that they don't drop anything.

14. Change bind on legacy to bind on equip for the Remnant gear retrieved from the Odessan companions.

Um. I do not understand why you'd want to remove the *most* useful feature of this gear. BoL means you can give it to alts, and move it around your legacy, while BoE (because it also means bind-on-modify) would prevent that. *Everybody* except wilfully non-participating players gets vast quantities of this stuff, so the player-to-player market for it would be basically zero. Vendors buy it anyway, even though its BoL.

15. Lastly, the craftable "war machine" items on not quite complicated enough. Please add another 30 or 40 components to each one. Who really needs a Jedi defender sitting on their platform. Except...ya know....a jedi or something...

Not sure I understand what you're talking about here.

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8. On Yavin 4, there is a weekly mission to bring down Revan and another one to bring down a revanite walker. However, there never appears to be a walker to bring down. The mission says to wait for it to arrive. Well I have no way of summoning it and waiting for an hour.


I will only comment on this one. The walker is there when no one has killed it. You can see it on occasion, the respawn timer is long but I doubt it's much longer than some other world bosses. You are aware that you need to be in an ops group of 20(ish) people to kill that one, right?



P.S I half expect someone to post a vid of killing it with 5 peeps or something :D:D

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I will only comment on this one. The walker is there when no one has killed it. You can see it on occasion, the respawn timer is long but I doubt it's much longer than some other world bosses. You are aware that you need to be in an ops group of 20(ish) people to kill that one, right?



P.S I half expect someone to post a vid of killing it with 5 peeps or something :D:D

TorCommunity has it documented at 10 million hitpoints and a six minute soft enrage timer, so I think 5 people would have a hard time avoiding the enrage timer (required: over 27K per second damage = 5.5K per person if there are only five.)

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I think I must have completely missed the point of the suggestion box. I assumed it was a suggestion area for the people who work on the game a matter, not an area for people to dump their opinion on my post that do not matter. New data received. Thanks!
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I think I must have completely missed the point of the suggestion box. I assumed it was a suggestion area for the people who work on the game a matter, not an area for people to dump their opinion on my post that do not matter. New data received. Thanks!


The suggestion forum is NOT a "Let me throw anything I want, reasonable or unreasonable, and NO ONE can post any disagreement. Only those that support my desires can post. " forum.

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