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Hi, so i have not played this game in a LONG time. Like years and im a little lost about what to pick and do. If i remember right i used to love the stealthy tank approach but i just dont know how much thats changed in-game?


Also i was on Tomb of Freedon Nadd but from what i can see its dead? I dont mind starting fresh im going to have to i think but i would rather be on a server that has ppl and that i can find a guild on.


Any advice would be great

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I can't really tell you much classes have changed over the years, i've been playing somewhat constantly so for me the changes have been gradual :p

Some classes do have certain skills added or removed, but overall it's still the same classes that are able to tank, heal, stealth etcetera.

On the website below you can see the ranking of all classes & disciplines in terms of DPS, HPS and Tanking ability.




The total population on SWTOR has gone down quite a bit over the years. I believe The Red Eclipse and Ebon Hawk are the most populated servers on EU and American sides respectively.

On the website below you can see the current server status and population, the higher the number under 'average' the better of course. :)




Hope this helped, and welcome back!

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The classes not changed a lot. You got 2 more ability and some passive so it it not changed a lot. The change is in the end game. New endgame content come in in the last main patch. the new content is the upriseing you can do short fp like quests for a lot of cxp.


Tha main thind what is new the Command level system what is determine the tier of your gear.

Level:1-90 tier 1

Level:90-190 tier 2

Level:190-300 tier 3

So you have to farm CXP to level up in comand system and gain acces to more powerfull gear!

Here some more about command system: http://dulfy.net/2016/11/29/swtor-galactic-command-guide/


You can farm more and more to get the best gear :) You can also have some bonus if you accept a referal link

----->Look further :)

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Hi, so i have not played this game in a LONG time. Like years and im a little lost about what to pick and do. If i remember right i used to love the stealthy tank approach but i just dont know how much thats changed in-game?


Also i was on Tomb of Freedon Nadd but from what i can see its dead? I dont mind starting fresh im going to have to i think but i would rather be on a server that has ppl and that i can find a guild on.


Any advice would be great


Welcome back. Regarding server, as far as I remember ToFN used to be European PvP server, right? In that case I recommend Red Eclipse, as it is a very active European server and PvP-PvE servers were merged (there are now PvE and PvP instances on the planets, where you are put depending on your preselected preference).


In regards to classes, the basics haven't changed that much, but I definitelly recommend leveling at least few charaters from scratch to familiarize yourself with some changes. Stealth tank is shadow/assassin, it is still a good class and it hasn't changed very much:).


A lot of other stuff did though. The leveling is very much streamlined, most flashpoints now have solo versions and bolstered role neutral versions, you can switch roles of your companions and don't have to gear them and so on and so forth. Not all changes were in the right direction imho, but overall the game is much better and offers much more content of all kinds than it used to. Hope you enjoy it.

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Just came back myself, so here's some thoughts from me:

1) The solo content is a joke now, at least if your companions have some levels. XP has also been changed, so that you only really need the story and planet quests. Those are now easy to spot because they have purple quest markers on the map. Except right now, with bonus xp active, you don't need the planet ones either. Just the story ones alone will out-level you for the planets, and that in turn is large part of why the solo content is a joke. The planets do auto-level adjust you now, so that if you're level 40 on a planet that is for 33-35, it'll adjust you to 37. But you'll still have all your abilities, and typically, you'll out-level every mob by at least two (there are some exceptions). Due to this, you'll take down even champion mobs with no issue, most of the time, given how fast leveling is.


2) You'll look at your old characters and will most likely be overwhelmed by the sheer number of abilities. It'll take a while to get used to them again. What I did to ease myself back in was to play a new character for a bit, in my case, a Jedi shadow. That's pretty much the same as my Sith Inquisitor, so got me used to that again at the same time. And then I fired up my Agent again. That took slightly longer to organize things, but got it figured out quick enough.


3) Companions got changed so that gear is cosmetic. If you haven't been on since then, you've probably got a lot of mail filled with your companion's items. Gear 'em back up for looks, sell the stuff, bank it, whatever. Instead, their power is now based on their level, with a bonus for reputation (and your presence, of course). Also, you get reputation with them a lot easier now when they're your active companion, so no longer a need to worry about picking choices based on what they think, rather than what your character thinks. And you can rank 'em up a lot higher.


4) Make sure the light/dark side thing next to the map is set how you want it. Each mission you do, each crew mission done will give you some points with that side. Also, it takes a lot more points to get to Light/Dark V now, and story mode points haven't been adjusted, so those points don't mean much anymore.


5) There are a few more UI options available now. I like the advanced, which comes with 4 bars all nicely in the bottom part of the screen. Though what is available does depend on your account type (if subbed, previously subbed, or free).


6) If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do the "friend" thing many people have links to in their post signatures. Doing that will give you 7 days of sub time, an item to unlock an inventory row (up to the max, save it for the last row), and a 3rd crew skill (for when you aren't a subscriber). It also includes 1 character transfer token, so you'll be able to move one character to a new server, should you desire to restart elsewhere. Not that transfers are too expense now. Personally, I'm not moving, but I'm okay with the server pop where I'm at.


7) Classes are pretty much the same as they were, feel-wise, though with less options while leveling. Instead, you pick a perk every so often, and quite frankly, for some classes (like the stealth tanks), they feel pretty crappy, focused on slowing things, which pretty much translates as "useless except in PvP". But whatever, it is what it is.


8) If you came back from when the cap was 50, and you want to access the Makeb line, you need to level to 51. Won't take long. Just hit the fleet, find the weekly mission finder, and pick some H2s. I recommend Voss, since it gives reputation markers, though if you are Pub side, the Hoth "Terror Brigade" one is also one of my favs. Also, you'll notice when you pick them up that your mission tracker will have a shuttle icon next to each one. Instant transport right to the missions. With the current xp bonuses, a few H2s and you'll be 51 and good to go.


9) Quite a few of the Flashpoints now have a story mode. This is an easier mode that comes with an extra NPC helper if you go solo. So you can do things like that very first flashpoint solo. The downside: Flashpoints no longer have the cool item loot they used to. At least not in solo mode =/ Not that that matters as much as it used to, as the blue boxes of loot you can get from doing H2s will pretty much provide all the gear you need to level (except primary weapons, for some reason).


And that's about all I got.

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I would suggest looking at some other threads in the new player forums for useful information for new / returning players. Threads like these have a lot of useful information:






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