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Returning player looking for an active guild


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Hey just returned and resubbed about a week ago. Mainly returned to finish up the story for KotFE and just play Star Wars.


Anyways looking for an active guild that does various in game activities. I'm from Hawaii so I'm on late at night usually like 8-9pm PST or so. Pretty casual player, helpful and just likes swinging his lightsaber and/or shooting things.


Got my DPS Jedi Knight, Gunslinger and Commando to 70 and am slowly working on my Sentinel now.

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Hi Joxed! Welcome back to the game! There have been some changes, but the core Star Wars theme is as alive as ever, and the Harbinger is a good server to be on.

Are you 40+ years old? I'm an officer in Elders of the Republic and I think we might have what you're looking for. We have an active thread on this forum. Please check out our website and ask around for us in game. If you're not a 40+ year-old gamer, we still wish you the best. Welcome back to SWTOR!

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