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Please bring back flashpoint specfic gear


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I played before makeb and remember running a few FPs for specific gear. I still have a few of those nice looking lightsabers. I ran one several time to get a set for aszhara.


I agree about the blue items. They are useless. Once a player can access orange items and the adaptive vendors on the fleet, the FP blues are obsolete.


But thats just us. Sorcerers still have two class items left. A nice helmet and a nice looking lightsaber/dualsaber. No other class offers this after lvl10. But the devs are hypocrites no matter what we say. They keep some, which we are fine with, but removed others, which we never were fine with. No amount of pleading and rational arguments will change their minds. Why do you think "swtor devs" is another term for incompetence these days?

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...Doesn't make sense to me to remove them as drops when they are perfectly suited for a cosmetic goal for a character with costume designer.


At this point, the only reason I can think of is perhaps BW's intent was to drive players to the Cartel Market for fashion items so that they can pay cash for them rather than obtain it through content that has already been implemented in the game...? :confused:


When I level, I don't use any green or blue trash drops. I use orange gear and buy mods for them every 10 levels or so. Even if I forget to buy mods for an extended period of time, I've never found myself even remotely close to dying on a combat encounter unless I happened to walk off of a ledge right beforehand or something. While leveling, this game is way too easy to worry about anything other than fashion when it comes to armor, and to remove fashion armor drops from leveling content (Flashpoints) is just inane... which brings me me back to the potential rea$on I mentioned. :rolleyes:

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Lets not forget that certain gear got removed because if only the players that played during that era received the gear, it somehow increases its value. Its a "spank your monkey" feature for those players. This kind of thinking only led to frustration because newer players didnt have the chance to aquire gear that isnt available anylonger.


Its another feature to divide the community. An anti-social feature. Imagine a happy community!!! THE HORROR!!

Edited by Zasszz
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At this point, the only reason I can think of is perhaps BW's intent was to drive players to the Cartel Market for fashion items so that they can pay cash for them rather than obtain it through content that has already been implemented in the game...? :confused:




Virtually every one of the gear items in the original itemizations in the FPs is replicated many times across the game in various grades (moddable, non-modable blues and greens, etc), mostly now in the form of random drops.. which means you will find tons of them on the GTNs if you take the time to look. The exceptions being named sets such as Columi sets and such which were deliberately retired by the studio at some point, thus making them true veteran heirlooms (for those that kept them rather then trashing them).


Seriously... if you take time to look you will find there is in fact virtually nothing from the old FPs that is not available via some other drop method in game now days. And yes.. there are probably a few holes in the wider itemization in game, but not many to be honest.


Even the early highly desired modable random world drops from 2012 are all available in numerous forms, as well as the originals still dropping in game. Level sync does make farming for them more difficult as drops are always at your level, rather then the level sync of the content, and these old drops were level-banded in the game. But that too is a shallow argument as they pretty much put in anti-farming code by early 2013 into all the champions and bosses that high level players used to farm on lower level planets for these drops as they were a credit cow mechanism early in the life of the game.


Saying you have to have access to the old loot tables in the FPs for specific looks is....... OBSOLETE thinking.

Edited by Andryah
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At this point, the only reason I can think of is perhaps BW's intent was to drive players to the Cartel Market for fashion items so that they can pay cash for them rather than obtain it through content that has already been implemented in the game...? :confused:
There are indeed some pieces that were part of the original FP loot tables that went away when the leveling FPs went away and no longer have a cosmetic equivalent. The Sith Warrior Headgear of Volatile Force (the one that looks like a copper plated Guy Fawkes mask from 'V for Vendetta') that General Ortol dropped in Cad is one of them. While I'm sure there was some Cartel Market funneling intent, that's not why we no longer have FP specific gear.


We no longer have FP specific gear because we no longer have leveling planet flashpoints. And we no longer have leveling planet flashpoints because of KotFE's Alliance elder game. The entire game other than leveling story was recycled and either level sync'd or bolstered for it. Pre-level cap loot tables were replaced with Alliance crates in 4.0. (While level cap loot tables were replaced with Command Crates in 5.0 ... no coincidence.) Gear drops were replaced with companion gifts. New heroic zones, flashpoints and Operations were replaced with, well ... nothing - because we didn't get any.


BWA should have left leveling flashpoints, HMs and Operations alone and made copies of them for their recycled variants. They made for great group play and gear progression mentoring tools, and were integral to an entire appearance customization ecosystem similar to WoW's "transmog runs" that never allowed content to become irrelevant or stale. Pulling them was stupid.


Saying you have to have access to the old loot tables in the FPs for specific looks is....... OBSOLETE thinking.
The only thing obsolete in this deal is the thinking that went into this game no longer offering what every other game that calls itself a MMO does. Obsolete is a MMO developer not honoring the tradition of allowing their players the ability to go back through pristine legacy content and OP farm for appearance items, mounts, pets. crafting mats ... or simply having mindless fun with friends. Being too cheap to compete is what's making this game obsolete. It's not the player's fault that pieces of their game keep shrinking or get taken away, Edited by GalacticKegger
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Some armors have been turned into static armors, but with the appearance designer that's sort of okay.

I mean, while leveling my commando and merc will look like a smuggler and agent if they had to display the crafted gear they usually wear, but I can get myself something a little more to my liking, load it in the appearance designer, and not worry about it.


Might not have the exact colors, but that is way down my list of concerns. I mean, even if I can not make it look just like the older stuff, whatever that was, I am confident that I can find a dye to make it look okay if not better.


Weapons are a different matter. Doesn't matter if I can craft or find some static weapon because weapons do not work with the appearance designer.

I know that I had a commando that I had hoped to get the exhumed cannon for, but now that is gone and there is nothing else like it in the game.


What I wouldn't mind them doing would be to sell packs on the CM that contained schematics to make all of the lost appearances.


Just jam all of the "lost" armormech schematics into a single pack. The "lost" schematics for armstech, synthweaving, and artifice would each get a pack, too. Heck, if the speeder schematics no longer drop for cybertechs then make a pack for those as well.


Charge whatever, non-collectible, and people that want them badly enough will pay, a least as long as it is a reasonable price for the number of schematics.

If it gets to where a pack has so many schematics in it that the price starts to look off-putting then they can spread them across more packs, each numbered for easy identification... "Armormech schematics pack 1", for example, so if you buy pack 1 then you can make a note and next time you will know to buy pack 2 and then 3 and so on.

Edited by Mithros
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  • 2 weeks later...
Saying you have to have access to the old loot tables in the FPs for specific looks is....... OBSOLETE thinking.


Except that it's not. Character customization has been core to RPGs since there have been RPGs. Playing "dress up" in any game is pretty much a normal occupation. There is nothing obsolete or "wrong" about people wanting to achieve a certain look with a certain specific set. It's one of those things that are a core principle to our industry and community.

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With T1 schematics and gear being removed from operations, It'd be nice if Flashpoints filled the void. Veteran Flashpoints could drop T1 schematics and MK-1 gear, while Master Flashpoints could drop MK-3 gear. Edited by Eli_Porter
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