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I can't handle the dark side


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I may be pathetic, but I can't bring myself to choose the dark side options in conversations. I don't like being a dick even in fantasy land. So I had a Sorcerer who was light side, and as always I use Diplomacy skills to get light side points. I don't see any other way to get to the higher levels of alignment. Now with 5.1.1 all of the diplomacy quests are just dark side. Did they just put the kabash on opposite alignment characters? How rude!
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Diplomacy hasn't changed. The same missions that awarded character alignment dark points or light points do so post 5.0. You will see what the mission awards to your character by hovering the mouse pointer over the light or dark icon. What has changed post 5.0 is that everything you do, including crew skills, awards light or dark points for the galaxy per the new dark vs light system as part of 5.0. There is a new interface element, usually by your minimap in the lower right hand corner of your screen. It has a red dark side symbol and a blue light side symbol. You can click on that to toggle which side you are fighting for. You don't have to be fighting for the same side as your character alignment.


So my understanding from something Musco posted is that the way diplomacy missions work... if the mission always awarded light side points and you are toggled to fight light side, you will earn more light side points than you did pre 5.0, plus the galaxy will win light side points. If the diplomacy mission awarded dark side points, and you are toggled light side, you still earn the dark side points, but the galaxy earns light side points. That's how it appears to work with all my toons that have diplomacy. Every so often I accept the mission rewards in such a way that I end up slightly troubled having dropped a smidge from Light V and then the next round of diplomacy missions I earn it all back.

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Another thing to remember with the Diplomacy skill and the DvL change is when you pop the mission list, all the missions will show the icon for what you have that character set to. Cursor over the icon to get a little pop window that'll list exactly what alignment points you'll get since you can end up getting a mix of dark and light depending on the mission.
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Ha, you're not pathetic at all, that's perfectly understandable. I only enjoy ds when I'm feeling angsty and cynical irl, which is quite a bit lately, though I won't mention why :p


Another thing to remember with the Diplomacy skill and the DvL change is when you pop the mission list, all the missions will show the icon for what you have that character set to. Cursor over the icon to get a little pop window that'll list exactly what alignment points you'll get since you can end up getting a mix of dark and light depending on the mission.


Good advice, diplomacy got my oldest ls character the first dark points she ever got, I wasn't thrilled.

Edited by grania
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If the mission gives you LIght Side Points, but you are fighting for the Dark Side in the DvL event, you will also get Dark Side Points. More DS than the mission will give you LS, so the total effect will be DS.


But if you change what side you are fighting for, by clicking the LS icon, you will get LS points both from the mission and the DvL event.


You may have to edit your user interface to get to the buttons so that you can change sides.

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If the mission gives you LIght Side Points, but you are fighting for the Dark Side in the DvL event, you will also get Dark Side Points. More DS than the mission will give you LS, so the total effect will be DS.

Careful with this advice. If the companion gets a critical success, the Diplomacy Alignment Points (DAP) will be doubled, but the Alignment Knob Points (AKP) will not, and the net effect will be the opposite of what you expected. Always verify by pointing at the alignment icon in the mission description, and always take only the missions that give you DAP and AKP of the same type.


Well, always until you learn which missions give which kind of points. Example: An Uncivil War in tier 10 always gives Dark DAP along with the dose of AKP, so only do that one if you are seeking Dark points.

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