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Everyone in by the 15th.


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Why does everyone keep saying its launch its NOT launch.


Maybe because there's a sticky with the founders of Bioware saying today (yesterday for some of you) was the launch, and that it was a successful launch?


You know. Right in this forum?

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Why does everyone keep saying its launch its NOT launch.


Well even BW said this was launch, I've seen it many times, so yes this is launch, It even says launch on the launcher if you look. Regardless I'm very happy that I'll get 5-4 days of full access before the 20th.

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Orly? I preordered the game on the 21st (like probably all you guys) and due to the ****hole of a country I live in I got my code and registered on the 29th of july. Still waiting for my early access when nearly all my guildmates are playing already. So again,


GG BW. Don't state something that you can't back up.

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This is a lie they keep telling us. They wont give us any numbers because they want to play it overly safe. There are not 500k people invite as of yet.


SHOW me your proof of this and I'll believe you but with out ANYTHING that is 100% proof then you are just being a troll


Darth Freki

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The front page implies that people who order now have a shot at 5 days early and if they're going in order of pre-order that can only mean close to the 15th.


That or they're totally blowing smoke up our butts to get people to preorder.


So when Haynes tells you that you buy $800 of furniture and you get it with no interest do you think you can pay with your credit card and get that no interest? no you have to apply for their credit card, make monthly payments and pay it off by X date or you are charged interest back to day 1!!!!!!!!!! it's called advertising. they do not say "pre-order and you will get 5 days" they say "pre-order and you *CAN* get up to 5 days of early access" you only read what you want. just like customers i deal with on a day to day basis.


I work for a computer repair shop that also sells computers and we have our own service plans, including ones that repair cracked screens. i sold the computer to a customer who had two toddlers with her, I told her about the plan she said not now i'll come back in two weeks ( the time she could get the plan ). 3 days later same woman (minus kids) came in and asked to purchase the plan. I asked to look at the laptop and it had a cracked screen. her kids had tripped over the cord it fell and cracked the screen. she lost at laptop costing $500 and now has a 300-600 parts and labor repair at a minimum in THREE DAYS. she even said she should have listened to me before.


why did I relate this? because it shows you that people will only think of one thing, themselves and all the whining about early access proves this point. everyone only cares about themselves for the most part and you will read only what you want to read.


Darth Freki

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I think every pre-order will be in at the end of the 15th too. Bioware has been saying up to 5 days all along. They have only been guarranteing early-access, not 5 days. They are within their rights to grant people access anywhere from 1-5 days. That should be above any shadow of doubt by now.


Giving less than 5 days would however be a really stupid move from Bioware. A lot of people are/were under the impression that they will get 5 days early-access. Wheather this is because of wishful thinking or the fact that they can't read I have no idea. People seems to think so and that's all that matters in a consumer-driven world. It's not a good idea to start your MMO by having a lot of the players angry at you. Even if it's the players own fault.


There's a saying in sales that goes something like: You should loose the discussion with the customer, but win the sale. This is the same thing. Even though Bioware is in their right to give pre-orderers less than 5 days, they can only loose community-goodwill by forcing their "up to" offer. I wouldn't hold it against them because I can read, but all the topics in this forum is a testament that a lot of others would.


I believe that Bioware is thinking what I am thinking and that is why they expanded their early-access by two days. Bioware is trying their damndest to make everyone happy. That's impossible in this day and age where everyone think they're special and should get movie-star treatment.

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why did I relate this? because it shows you that people will only think of one thing, themselves and all the whining about early access proves this point. everyone only cares about themselves for the most part and you will read only what you want to read.


Darth Freki


Current ad on first page of this site advertises up to 5 days of early access for preorders.

With current ratio of early access invites there is no chance for someone who preorders now to get 5 days of early access. Now if that is the case then that advertisement is misleading.


It is like a shop offering discount up to 30% on specific items but after day 1 no item has 30% discount anymore because they sold all those on day 1, yet the shop keeps the offer visible for potential customers.

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