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Commando is hard to play


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Not because the mechanics are difficult. In fact, the class is quite strong, and I have no issues with that. All three specs are very good at what they do.


The problem is an aesthetic one. The specs are UGLY, because of all the ridiculous effects constantly playing on the character.


I tried Gunnery, but Boltstorm looks idiotic, and there are frequent big yellow ribbons and things flying around the character.


I tried Assault, but the character giggles like a fool all through every fight. Also, I recently reached a level where there's a buff (Blazing Bolts, or something), that makes the character glow with a swirling yellow pattern.


Medic doesn't have these issues, but MAN it has no dps or power to speak of. Since I play solo 99% of the time, it makes the game really tedious.


I've been asking for years that the devs make the giggling an option, so those who don't like it can disable it, and those who do like it can keep it.


I'm now asking the devs to make ALL such effects optional. I've seen it done elsewhere (Lord of the Rings Online springs to mind), so it should be possible to do here.


I know, this may seem trivial, but as I've said before, it makes playing the character hard to enjoy, there's just too much of it.

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