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Returning after long break - lost on SWTOR lore


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Is there an overview of the SWTOR lore timeline? When I stopped playing the main story was the Sith Empire vs. the Galactic Republic. Satele Shan and Darth Malgus were main characters, and the war was the backdrop. Now I see Eternal Empires and characters and themes I do not recognize.


Was there a major story break where the initial War story ended and then this new Eternal Empire/Outlander line happened? Was there something in between?


I do not mind spoilers too much since there is so much great story at the quest level. I'd just like to understand what the heck is going on at a macro level.



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the expansion Shadows of Revan started this whole new arc off. SoR led to Ziost, which brings in Knights of the Fallen Empire which pretty much changed everything, story-wise and characters. If you didn't play Shadows of Revan, or Knights of the Fallen Empire , yeah the entire thing comes across far too sudden and odd.


Basically, keep going through the story lines of the expansions and you'll get what's going on.... ...

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yeah the stories expanded


long story short



chapters 1-2-3 Republic Versus Sith in a cold war that expands to a hot war in chapter 3


Sith Empire begins to lose war due to a reinvigorated republic and the JK killing the Emperor on DK.


Sith Empire loses Corellia thanks to Trooper taking Bastion down, and Councilor defeating the Children of the Emperor, and the SMugglers defeat of the Voidwolf.


Sith Empire invades Ilum in attempt to create stealth fleet with the foundry taken by them during the Boarding party, Foundry story arc.


Darht Malgus betrays the Empire and Republic attacking both and declares a new Empire. Malgus is killed on board the emperors space station Ilum arc and Battle for Ilum and False Emperor flashpoints.


Empire and Republic fight over Corellia and Belsavis Black Hole and Section X storylines respectively.


Dread Master Styrak is killed on Darvannis --Scum and Villainy operation


Hutts discover Isotope 5 and invade Makeb. their mining threatens to destroy the planet. The republic heroes choose to save the planets population in a giant space ark. The Empires heroes though in a radical departure save the planet and secure its isotope 5 resources for the empire.


The dread masters resurface on the moon of oricon having been driven mad by Styraks death. Republic and Empire heroes join forces reluctantly to stop them.


Republic and Empire heroes are sent to Korriban and Tython respectively to invade those worlds only to discover that the attacks were simultaneous. both actions rush to defend their respective worlds and free them.


After investigation with SIS spy Theran Shan, and Sith Lana Beniko joining forces heroes go to Manaan --Depths of Manaan Fp-- and Rakata Prime -- legacy of Raktata FP-- where they discover the Shadowy cult of revan is building an infinite army using pieces of the star forge.


The heroes stop the revanites and kill the two main conspirators only to discover that Revan thought dead after the foundry is alive and well and leading the revanites. Lana has a bounty put on her head by the sith, and theran is disavowed rogue by the SIS.


After reuniting on Rishi the heroes attack the Nova blade pirates to draw out the revanites and stop revans plant to destroy the Imperial and Republic main fleets. --Blood hunt and Battle of Rishi FPs.


Eventually the heroes head to Yavin 4 where an Alliance with the Republic and Sith empire takes on and defeats revan in a cataclysmic battle before an ancient Sith super weapon that revan intended to use to bring the Sith Emperor back to kill him permanently. Revans fails and the Emperor is resurrected in spirit but not body any ways ((Temple of Sacrafice op or Yavin 4 story arc))


The Hero is contacted by her allies and Lana and Theron and goes to Ziost an Imperial world where everyone has gone mad. The Sith Emperor is controlling the populace and causing them to murder everyone. The hero does what she can to save the remaining populace despite republic intrigue at Chancellor Sareshs hands. but is unable to stop the Emperor from destroying all life on Ziost to refuel his return to life. ((ziost story arc))


An unknown fleet and army attacks both Sith and Republic in a devastating wave of attacks then vanishes into wild space.


The Hero reunites with Darth Marr and goes to wild space to confront the Emperor but is attacked by the Eternal Fleet and captured. The heroe slayes the Immortal Emperor revealed to be the Sith Emperor in a new body but is captured and frozen in Carbonite for 5 years. ((KOTFE Chapters 1-3))


The outlanfder escapes and builds an alliance to fight Arcann and the Eternal throne before defeating him in a climatic final battle ((chapters 4-16))



The rest is Knights of the Eternal Throne and I wont spoil those for you.

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