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LF Guild (republic pve)


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Returning player - haven't really played since hut cartel as I was too busy with work etc.


Looking for a serious PvE guild (not to an elitist level) as I would like to try my hand at OPs and hm, last time I played it was for purely PVP but not so much anymore, important things to note listed below:



Never really done ops on SWTOR, but I'm not stupid (debatable at times lol) but I have done a lot of raiding in other games such as WoW and FFXIV (you can put the pitchforks down I only mentioned wow) so a raiding environment is nothing new for me.

Willing and able to learn fight mechanics where needed, wouldn't mind leading an ops group in the future (the distant future that is lol)


Oh and I play a scrapper scoundrel - i should probably have said this earlier ;)

I have other classes but haven't really done any gearing as of yet but with the 2 month event coming up I cant see that being an issue.


Availability -

My play time can be very flexible as i currently just work as a freelance.

It's worth noting that if I am not online I will most likely be on an alt doing story missions or sat on the fleet scratching my *** - which ever seems to need more attention at the time :D


About me -

Friendly, active and a bit sarcastic (I like to have a laugh, but I can be serious when required)

<Insert more random lines that make me seem amazing here>


Just drop me a message on the forums if you think I'm a good fit for you ;)



just noticed there is a recruitment section - feel free to move this for me :)

Edited by Luapkinso
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Hey Luapkinso,


Welcome back to the game!


Based on what you said about yourself, Silent Guardians might be just the place for you!

We are friendly bunch of players, a mix of veteran, returning and new, we do all kind of group content and just looking to build out our ops times and groups.

If you are looking for leading ops (eventually), we have open positions for ops leaders too!


If in game, drop a whisper to Bok (my main) or Sen-sia (our GM), we would be happy to invite you! ;)






Silent Guardians

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Returning player - haven't really played since hut cartel as I was too busy with work etc.


Looking for a serious PvE guild (not to an elitist level) as I would like to try my hand at OPs and hm, last time I played it was for purely PVP but not so much anymore, important things to note listed below:



Never really done ops on SWTOR, but I'm not stupid (debatable at times lol) but I have done a lot of raiding in other games such as WoW and FFXIV (you can put the pitchforks down I only mentioned wow) so a raiding environment is nothing new for me.

Willing and able to learn fight mechanics where needed, wouldn't mind leading an ops group in the future (the distant future that is lol)


Oh and I play a scrapper scoundrel - i should probably have said this earlier ;)

I have other classes but haven't really done any gearing as of yet but with the 2 month event coming up I cant see that being an issue.


Availability -

My play time can be very flexible as i currently just work as a freelance.

It's worth noting that if I am not online I will most likely be on an alt doing story missions or sat on the fleet scratching my *** - which ever seems to need more attention at the time :D


About me -

Friendly, active and a bit sarcastic (I like to have a laugh, but I can be serious when required)

<Insert more random lines that make me seem amazing here>


Just drop me a message on the forums if you think I'm a good fit for you ;)



just noticed there is a recruitment section - feel free to move this for me :)


Hey I'm the leader of <The Exiled Republic>,


I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, so you don't have to digest much. Basically we are a PVE/PVP guild with new/ returning and experienced players, who would be glad to help you should you have any questions. We have weekend operations, along with RP event (if you enjoy those things). However, the thing that stuck out most about you was that you like to have a good laugh as we as a guild also like to have a laugh, in any occasion.

If this has peaked your interest, then either /whisper kittykatkiller or mail her in game for an invite or maybe even questions you might have and I hope to see you soon!

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