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When will there be a new Stronghold?


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Be nice if they made strongholds one per person, instead of three per account. For those of us with rampant altoholism, it doesn't make sense that you cram 20+ characters into three places.

You can have 5 personal strongholds; one on each available planet, if you so choose. You can also have a guild stronghold and flagship, if you start a guild.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As much as I'm happy about potential Zakuul stronghold, I can't believe they ignored years od most requested stronghold Manaan... Especially since we already have gold-style city stronghold on Nar Shaddaa and 2 more city penthouses on Coruscant and DK.


Water-themed house would be ideal next

Edited by Pietrastor
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I heard it too... they better realease Zakuul AND Manaan... been buying decorations for the Zakuul palace like crazy :D:p:eek: what am I gonna do with so many zakuulan stuff if they changed their mind? don't tell me :rak_03: Edited by Tadagyt
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i heard via a couple of swtor youtubers that since there is alot of games like wow and eos online are adding alot of houses and decos to their games to draw in more of the player base interested in role playing and to combat that that bioware and ea would be adding several new ones in the future to try and keep the role play player base before losing the those players to the other games in saying that the ones i myself wouldn't mind having are ones on the starting planets korriban or tython maybe even the penthouse in zakul
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