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Where do we think SWTOR is headed in terms of its story?


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The story in SWTOR has always been one of its strong points, so when they brought us the expansions I was thrilled. And now with KOTET being released I was back playing a really good storyline which I really enjoyed. Then I got thinking these expansions have been centred around zakuul and that time, but what would there next expansion be themed about? Would it be focused on a different story or will it continue the trend of Zakuulan theme?

I would be really interested to see what the community thinks. And maybe if one of us guesses right...... :)

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Oh really I did not know that. That's Quite cool if they do bring it back to the empire vs republic story. :)


Which makes all of the effort of setting up an Alliance a real waste. I was hoping for the Alliance to become a real player, not just glomming back on to the Outlander's faction of origin and killing or alienating all the people you've aligned with. Or having to negotiate angsty peace with the other side.


Tension and uprisings and conflict are fine. That's how you drive narratives.


But I guess three powers was just too much and now it's Murder As Fanservice 5ever.

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In all reality I would say it is up in the air right now.

All speculation aside the only facts we have are these:

1.They understand that the community wants to see the game return to Imp vs Pub

2.The majority of their voice actors are part of the strike against EA, Disney, Sony & ect

3. SWTOR has stated they are dedicated to providing voice acted story

4. The Dev team is very secretive about everything they do and have not given any definite details about the future of SWTOR. We know we will get an update in April and this update will include some story, some returning companions and 1 raid boss. Past that the information is, "we are working on this, we want to do that, we would like to give you yada yada."


Ultimately we have to wait and see where it goes if and when it arrives because there aren't enough details to available right now to be able to create intelligent speculation.

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But I guess three powers was just too much and now it's Murder As Fanservice 5ever.


It's not that three factions are too much, it's that the Alliance is boring. It ran it's course, was a nice distraction for the first nine or so chapters and now it's time to get back to Star Wars.

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