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How to fix Gearing in 3 simple steps - Straw Poll inside


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Alright, I know there are more changes on the way, but hear me out for a moment please. Maybe this would be an even better way and easier to implement than what you have planned.

The goal with GC was to simplify gearing and reward every activity in the game so players can do what they like. Everyone likes the idea behind that. But what came out of it is nothing but a mess and a system that's even more complicated than everything we had until this day.



So how to fix this:

1) Delete Galactic Command from the game. Seriously. Delete everything that has "Galactic", "Command" or a combination of those two words in its name. CXP, Crates, Command Tokens, delete it.

You may keep the interface. And as a sidenote, while you're at it, delete Groupfinder too and completely work it into this interface.

2) Delete Unassembled Gear Pieces and their Vendors. You don't need them.

3) Make every activity in the game reward Unassembled Components. Adjust their vendors to not require Unassembled Gear Pieces but only the components, Adjust prices and/or droprates for components accordingly so it doesn't take hours to get even the smallest piece.

And add a vendor like we had before in the PvP Area that sells single Mods and Enhacements to min max.



Done. Easy as hell, no RNG, every activity can be used to work towards endgame gear. All goals you had with GC achieved.


Edit: Just to explain how that would then work: You gather Unassembled Components through anything you do ingame. Then trade them directly for the Tier 1 item you want.

Once you got enough again you can trade the Tier 1 shell plus additional components against the Tier 2 item, and then again against the tier 3 item. Once you have your stuff, you can buy different Mods and Enhancements for Components to min max.

And at least for the first Tier, prices/droprates should be adjusted so that you can get them rather quick. About the same rate it took pre 5.0 to gather a tier 1 PvP Set.

It's basically the same gearing we had for PvP before, just for the whole game.


And because why not, here's a straw poll to see how many like the idea or not: http://www.strawpoll.me/12245374

Edited by Torvai
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No that would effectively put an end to raiding in SWTOR by making gearing for raids even slower and more unpredictable than it is in 5.1. I'm personally a fan of 4.0 but that is never coming back, but we can work with Bioware to come to a workable solution to incorporate aspects of 4.0 such as unassembled tokens returning to every ops boss and increasing CXP rates and legacy solutions to help alts. Bioware is insistent on keeping Galactic Command so solo PVE guys can have access to tier 3 raid gear without raiding and it's something that they are not willing to do away with.
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No that would effectively put an end to raiding in SWTOR by making gearing for raids even slower and more unpredictable than it is in 5.1. I'm personally a fan of 4.0 but that is never coming back, but we can work with Bioware to come to a workable solution to incorporate aspects of 4.0 such as unassembled tokens returning to every ops boss and increasing CXP rates and legacy solutions to help alts. Bioware is insistent on keeping Galactic Command so solo PVE guys can have access to tier 3 raid gear without raiding and it's something that they are not willing to do away with.


Actually, the previous PVP gearing system would work for the entire game. It would take a lot of work to balance out drop rates so harder content got you more and the entire thing took a reasonable amount of time. You wouldn't have specific drops from bosses, but bosses would drop x number of tokens per person in the group. Y number of tokens buys you a piece of gear of your choice. It would be workable, but I'm not sure I really trust BW to be able to balance it.


The problem is Ben's job and probably a few other people's jobs, are riding on making their fancy dandy new system work since they promised EA it would keep subs, etc. Now they can't figure out how to let go and still stay employed and don't realize if they keep going with it they'll definitely end up unemployed. They are so heavily invested in their "baby" that they can't envision it actually failing no matter what the data shows.

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No that would effectively put an end to raiding in SWTOR by making gearing for raids even slower and more unpredictable than it is in 5.1. I'm personally a fan of 4.0 but that is never coming back, but we can work with Bioware to come to a workable solution to incorporate aspects of 4.0 such as unassembled tokens returning to every ops boss and increasing CXP rates and legacy solutions to help alts. Bioware is insistent on keeping Galactic Command so solo PVE guys can have access to tier 3 raid gear without raiding and it's something that they are not willing to do away with.


Why would it kill raiding when 3.0's rather hard raids, at least hard for your average pug, 4.0's stupid highliighted and 5.0's GC and 2.5 years without new content haven't done that?


It all depends on how the drop rates are balanced. When you can get a tier 1 piece after a FP, a tier 2 piece after 2 FP's or an OP and a tier 3 piece after 2 Ops, just as an example, why would that be bad? Gear pieces you can choose, btw, No hoping that a boss even drops something. No praying and sacrificing goats to the rng gods. Just good old farming.

Actually, the previous PVP gearing system would work for the entire game. It would take a lot of work to balance out drop rates so harder content got you more and the entire thing took a reasonable amount of time. You wouldn't have specific drops from bosses, but bosses would drop x number of tokens per person in the group. Y number of tokens buys you a piece of gear of your choice. It would be workable, but I'm not sure I really trust BW to be able to balance it.



Edited by Torvai
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