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Zaamsk and Faedral KOTFE Chapter 10 Master Mode

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Anyone beat Zaamsk and Faedral on Master without a 1 minute cc and have any tips. I'm stuck on this chapter. I'm playing on a gunslinger. I start off on Zaamsk and flash grenade Faedral at at start. I'll get Zaamsk between 50% and 60% before the leap. I'll hard stun Faedral and roll the leap slam. The second I have both of them on me with adds I die instantly.
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Easiest solution is re-roll merc lol


Joke aside, I'd take utility with reduced CD on flashbang, and all the DR and heals you can get (heal under bubble is kinda nice). Once your first Flashbang + hard stun + roll is done. Rotate dodge, shield probe, ballistic shield and Unity (if you have it). You can also try to kite and LOS, also interupt full auto thing he does. While you do this you should get one close to death, but the main goal is survivng until Flashbang is of CD again (if it is not, pop bag of tricks and rotate stuff again). Burn the first one, wait for your comp to heal you while clearing adds, then take on the second one.


This is hard but I think possible (I haven't tried on anything but my main, a merc, where I just CC and lol-reflect). Else I guess farming influence up to 50 (or the highest you can get) is your only solution.


Also depending on how many class sotries you have done you can have an extra stun if you pop heroic moment (you should def pop it).

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