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Ranged is balanced™


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not too bad with sin, altough obviously mandos/merc with their nets or good snipers are annoying. Luckily, there are very few good mandos/merc/sniper/GS around, but a lot of tasty FoTM roller tough.


A lot of abilities having 10m range helps a bit too. I've literally kept a guardian in between 5 and 9m with my merc earlier (because, yes I main a sin, but its hilarious to run a merc and wreck people to break the grind a bit), while dishing damage on him. He was Vigilance, he couldnt do anything to close the gap.


Some melee spec are currently very good at not being kited, like assassin and rage/fury jug/mara, and marauder as a whole has a lot of decent tool to prevent someone from kiting them too hard unless they use cooldowns. Issue is, a lot of range class have the possibility to use their own snares/kb and such.


They need to balance out so that melee have either an higher baseline movement speed when in fight, or the melee snares are stronger and last longer, so not to also reduce their on target dps to keep them snared. Ranged built in snare need to also be weaker, so that it gives them an edge against a melee that isnt trying to snare them, but not to the point where kiting becomes child's play.

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I can say snipers are the most annoying.

They are just sitting in 35m range with all those hard stuns and they are literally unkillable if they are a little bit skilled and have a healer.Too many defs to them even for a merc/mando.

Not crying i just the truth.

Epecially that merc snipe/mando sling combo in stacks, ruin everything.

I can play battlefield if i want to do that but no....lightsaber is out of range in this game.

Edited by Sotmax
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mercs tbh are ok . They are heavy armor range class that...well they are range soldiers.

A melee class can handle a merc. A sniper not so easy. Not saying they cant or they are gods. But lets be honest. Entrenchx2, dodge bubble(5secs)x2,dodge at roll(x2)+ entrench at roll end, 35m hard stun(merc dont have that) and ofc the most hard hit in game(ambush). No need to go in virluance/saboteur that just slow a whole team in one button the same time that can just throw poison gas in there....

Edited by Sotmax
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I think more balance will comeif they buff vang/pt survivability a little and do something for melee classes such as quicker resolve or something when someone is at range hitting them. Dunno. More experienced players may have better ideaas..
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