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Make all game content available for solo play


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Make uprisings, operations and all flashpoints that don't already have them available for solo play.


Many subscribers are solo players. That would give a big boost to the share quantity of time-play for subscribers that would keep them engaged for quite a bit of time until new content can be brought to the game, allowing you to develop new content without the pressure at least from the solo players for new story and script, at least for a while.


Make sure that this does not compete with grouping for operations and uprisings. That would be done by rewards. Reward these solo player ops, fp's, uprisings with NO gear, few cxp, achievements, decorations, pets, esthetic gear.


Also, make sure that all of these ops, fps, ups, have the base mechanics that you can find in story mode. That would give players time to learn the ops, learn the mechanics, practically would give the solo players a training run (runs) so even pugs might have a better chance of success.


If there is very difficult to have a solo way of solving the ops make the ops h2+. I am thinking Zorn and Toth, as an example.


Also, I think that the galactic command has the same background idea: you have so much content not used by players. Why not use it more efficiently?

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I wouldn't have a problem with that *IF* the rewards were reduced accordingly.


Harder content meant for group play should come with greater rewards.

I'm all in favor of everybody getting to have fun experiencing the stuff but the rewards should still require effort.

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Uprisings can already be done solo. They aren't really that hard.

Most FPs are already solo, they should probably just convert the rest for a solo mode at this point.

As for ops.... The best they could do is something like the fight at the end of the SOR chain due to mechanics..


FPs already have reduced rewards for solo. If they made a total solo mode for all of them, those rewards would have to be dropped as well. But I really think OPS should stay group only... Yea it sucks for some people, but they are not that hard for a pug... cept maybe Rav and ToS...

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Yah, it would be nice to have ALL flashpoints SOLO mode. I agree with reduced rewards, too. But it would be nice if you could get more decos solo but maybe at a reduced chance at dropping. Ops might be nice solo but with all the mechanics for some bosses, I don't see how companions would be smart enough to follow them.


As a side note, I would love to be able to do flashpoints solo with 3 of my own chosen companions. Not the stupid bot they have now.

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