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Cartel Market Packs


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So I just purchased over 30 Stalwart Leader Packs from the cartel market, in the hopes of getting one the unstable peacekeeper lightsabers (preferably the dualsaber) but to no avail. I checked with customer service, and they tell me that it doesn't matter how many packs you buy, that the chance of getting a specific item is pack dependant. This is crap in my opinion because if you are willing to purchase 26 of the same pack instead of 1 at a time, your odds of getting rarer items should be increased. On top of that, most of the items that I got are all crap and I couldn't sell everything i got for more than 3 million credits on the GTN because it seems that everything I received is flooded on the market and has super low prices. I have been a player since year 1 and the amount of real money that I have paid into this game is more than I have ever put into any other game. If you are not willing to increase the likelyhood of a rare item when buying the hypercrate of any given pack, then let us be able to buy the item on the cartel market Edited by animerlz
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The Unstable Peacemaker's sabers are platinum items. Platinum rarity is extremely rare, you are most certainly not getting a platinum item by opening only 1 Hypercrate. People have gone through a thousand packs without ever getting a single platinum item. I would agree that the way packs work right now is pretty dismal and are in desperate need of improvement. Hypercrates simply aren't worth their price tag.


If you want to sell what you get from packs, the best way to do it is to wait a few months for that pack to become unavailable. Once the market becomes less saturated with items from a particular pack, the prices go up for those items. Alternatively, you can just buy a Hypercrate and either sell it outright and use the credits to buy an unstable saber (you'd probably only have enough for the dualsaber) or sit on it until its unavailable and then sell it for even more.

Edited by Anduhar
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There has never been any guarantee of any item whether you buy one pack or a hypercrate. I can remember the times my boyfriend brought 2 hypercrates and got nothing but he did what everyone has suggested. Put the items back and wait for awhile and then sell the items or sell the hypercrate unopened and make your credits that way.
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It's been a while since we had one of these posts.


If you buy 26 individual packs, the chances of your batch purchase containing a platinum-rarity item like that sabre are the same as if you buy the hypercrate, because there is (as you complain) no difference between the packs in the hypercrate and the individual-purchase packs. This is correct. The person buying individual packs ends up paying more for his 26 than the person who bought the hypercrate did, so, by rights (following your somewhat specious logic) his chances should augmented more than the hypercratist's chances.


But in fact, neither of them should be different. Crudely speaking (it's not strictly accurate, but it's a fair approximation), the more packs you buy, the more your chances of getting something "worthwhile" go up, approximately in proportion with the number of packs you buy.


So that's how you improve your chances of getting the interesting items: buy more packs. Or buy them and sell the packs themselves on the GTN, and use the funds from that, together with the credits you earn in-game, to buy the thing you really want.


Curious conundrum: In the last few packs issued before 4.0 came out (the later "Explorer" series packs), they included a so-called "platinum pack" in each hypercrate. This guaranteed to drop a gold-rarity item. (There was no platinum rarity at the time.)


And you know what? People complained that it didn't drop the gold-rarity item they wanted.


So there's a possible solution: restore the "platinum pack" or something similar. But you must promise not to complain if your platinum pack drops some random other gold/platinum rarity item that you didn't want.

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  • 5 months later...

T'would be nice, if you could buy the individual items listed in the packs, separately. The Cartel would likely see sales start climbing, and the customer, (that's you playing folks) would have a bit more latitude in customizing their characters. IMHO of course.



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