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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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So yes it's no stretch of the imagination to assume the SIN is more powerful than the SW


I'll never admit to being less powerful than the inq, never! I'd grind her into dust, just like I did Baras! >.> Though.. yeah I'd rather be ally to the inquisitor than enemy, lol.


Does anyone know if Star Wars has any undead lore? My characters have the scar across the bridge of their nose and in certain lights, it looks so bad that I think whatever it was might have actually killed her. :o

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Like in the case of the Bastion, have Quinn help make a strategy that avoid a lot of casualties that would of happened. Or have Pierce help capture that Moff Quinn hated. Just a small involvement to sweeten their rivalry.

This would have been great. I took my Quinn Blinkers off and did took Pierce out with me when levelling for a change (to Hoth) and after all his bravado on the ship when Quinn moans about his chilly bones, Pierce is just as bad. There's a bit when he says something along the lines of 'I'm gonna throw a grenade just to warm things up' (hopefully not spoilery), so it seems his bravado on the ship was just alpha male competing against Quinn.


I made Jaesa light-side by accident (I prefer dark-side Jaesa) and if you know the class story with light side Jaesa there's a bit where Pierce overhears a discussion and challenges them about potentially fraternising with the enemy (this is not really a spoiler but apologies if does). I thought this is interesting because like Quinn, Pierce is all for the Empire at that time. I agree it would have been great if the story had involved more collaborating between Quinn and Pierce as they may have ended up the unlikeliest of friends and allies or at least respectful of each others positions.


I've often wondered what might have been if they had made Pierce a permanent love interest for the femwarrior. I think that would have made the whole warrior story the best in the game. Imagine romancing Pierce and what might have happened after the betrayal incident. I suspect there might have been Quinnlimbs dotted randomly around the ship and a med droid working overtime! Somewhere that's a fanfiction...


Back to reality - time has gone quickly with this Quinnmancer support thread. Not long now...


I can say this much, it wasn't meant to annoy anyone and wasn't done on purpose. It was just a slip, I promise that much, complete accident, because I think it was me that did it. I blame painkillers for part of it...wisdom tooth out... :(


I do try to spoiler tag stuff as much as possible. I promise you it wasn't on purpose at all. I'm not mean like that. But the funny thing is, about the rank, I had already written him as having that rank in my Spy Vs. Spy story, and that was done months before the spoiler became known. So...I was thinking of him as that rank already before it came down the pipeline. Anyways, I am sorry and it wasn't done purposely.

Because I'm old and have reduced brain cells I didn't remember who spoilered it! You could have kept quiet :p It would have been nice not to have known, however I would still be happy Quinn's back if they'd made him janitor - so long as the story reasoning behind their decision is awesome! Besides, I'm hoping we get to

spoilered just in case this is anything - recruit him into our alliance and promote him to our right-hand man - Strategic Commander or something


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I don't think it's ever reasonable to have assumed that pierce and Quinn would ever respect each other


Quinn for him represents everything he hates with authority figures in human form and people don't just go through this "perfect character" arc always of "I hate you and everything you represent but I respect you" becuase that not how it works, humans are flawed and stubborn


It's a character arc that's possible with the right circumstances, and that's all the story needs as that's really the only interesting way for their rivalry to develop. It's not a 'Perfect' character arc.

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This would have been great. I took my Quinn Blinkers off and did took Pierce out with me when levelling for a change (to Hoth) and after all his bravado on the ship when Quinn moans about his chilly bones, Pierce is just as bad. There's a bit when he says something along the lines of 'I'm gonna throw a grenade just to warm things up' (hopefully not spoilery), so it seems his bravado on the ship was just alpha male competing against Quinn.


I made Jaesa light-side by accident (I prefer dark-side Jaesa) and if you know the class story with light side Jaesa there's a bit where Pierce overhears a discussion and challenges them about potentially fraternising with the enemy (this is not really a spoiler but apologies if does). I thought this is interesting because like Quinn, Pierce is all for the Empire at that time. I agree it would have been great if the story had involved more collaborating between Quinn and Pierce as they may have ended up the unlikeliest of friends and allies or at least respectful of each others positions.

That's the funny thing, Pierce in that scene kind of reminds me of Quinn when he betrays you in a contextual sense. They both respect you, but their loyalty to the empire comes first (Until you and Quinn are married, then he starts slowly coming to put you above that by the end of the story), though Pierce directly confronts you about it (With your apprentice RIGHT there) while Quinn at least has the mind to get backup. Again, the two are actually similar in a sense.

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Loved it, thank you. And omg that phantom of the opera thing you posted - I forgot all about that! I saw that on actual tv, as it aired. 1990, I was, lessee, 13? 14? Wow.


Oh, you're a fan too? :) I first saw the dubbed version when I was about 6 years old, and have watched it at least a 100th time since then. :) In my experience, most people don't even know this movie exists. :(


Fantastic! I did laugh out loud VERY loudly! :D My neighbours must think I am bonkers since it's gone 11pm here.

Haha, I know, I do the same almost every day. :) But otherwise I'm not noisy, so the neighbours can't complain. :D


Anyway, I'm so upset people brought their hate and murder fantasies in this thread again, and now with "my opinion on the character is the only right one" flavour, that I even broke my own rule to never post on forums. I won't be doing it anywhere again save for bug reports:)


I agree!

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Isn't that strange, that when you and Quinn meet the Emperor, Quinn doesn't make any comments? For a patriot soldier like him, it must have been a great honor/experience to meet THE boss. :)

I guess he was just too scared or embarassed to say anything. :o

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Isn't that strange, that when you and Quinn meet the Emperor, Quinn doesn't make any comments? For a patriot soldier like him, it must have been a great honor/experience to meet THE boss. :)))

I guess he was just too scared or embarassed to say anything. :o


He was probably hoping that the Emperor couldn't read minds or something along the lines of thinking "CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!"

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Oh, you're a fan too? I first saw the dubbed version when I was about 6 years old, and have watched it at least a 100th time since then. In my experience, most people don't even know this movie exists.


I, well, yes! I mean now that I remember it exists :p At the time I watched it, it must've seemed like the most romantic thing I ever saw, lol.


(edit - though, my idea of romantic has morphed a little over time. If *I* could makes videos, which I can't because I don't know how, I'd have the force choking Quinn scene with PJ Harvey's "Rid of Me" song dubbed over it :p)

He was probably hoping that the Emperor couldn't read minds or something along the lines of thinking "CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!"


ha :D

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He was probably hoping that the Emperor couldn't read minds or something along the lines of thinking "CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!"


Haha, could have been! :D I have just remembered...maybe he was freaking out because of this. ;)

39 - [spoilers] Vowrawn and the Wrath

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As for the whole SIN is more powerful than SW, that's pretty reasonable, the sw is a pretty strong in the force yes, but their not running on the power of multi force ghosts and other arcane rituals, and a dark council member with a large power base


Even if I agreed with this (and I don't, I consider them both very powerful), that's not what I see in Pierce's words. Pierce is bootlicking the Inquisitor. Pierce, oh sweet irony, bootlicks whichever Sith he's currently serving. He's loyal to no one but his own personal glory from action and reckless stuff he wants to do. "I'm the hero".


It'd go a lot better if he said something like "I knew only one Sith of your/similar power".


Isn't that strange, that when you and Quinn meet the Emperor, Quinn doesn't make any comments? For a patriot soldier like him, it must have been a great honor/experience to meet THE boss. :)

I guess he was just too scared or embarassed to say anything. :o


Too awed by the honour? Found himself to low to speak to the Emperor himself?


Didn't believe it WAS the Emperor?

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Too awed by the honour? Found himself to low to speak to the Emperor himself?


Didn't believe it WAS the Emperor?


Yeah, could be. It's also strange he didn't say anything after the Emperor "died" there. Maybe he couldn't manage to find his voice even after the meeting. :)


As strict as he is about rules, perhaps he would be capable of asking for Vitiate's ID card. And the Emperor would

say: "Which one do you want? I have so many you can't even imagine." :D

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Yeah, could be. It's also strange he didn't say anything after the Emperor "died" there. Maybe he couldn't manage to find his voice even after the meeting. :)


As strict as he is about rules, perhaps he would be capable of asking for Vitiate's ID card. And the Emperor would

say: "Which one do you want? I have so many you can't even imagine." :D


And by accident Emp would give him Valkorion's ID.


"Psst, my lord, I request an urgent audience with you, once we're back aboard the ship."

"What it's about?"

"A mysterious empire no one ever heard of."


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Does anyone know if Star Wars has any undead lore? My characters have the scar across the bridge of their nose and in certain lights, it looks so bad that I think whatever it was might have actually killed her. :o


Going from the Book of the Sith, yes through Sith Alchemical spells. On page 43 it details the "Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut" aka Reanimated Dead.


"This complex spell animates both the freshly dead and the skeletons of the carrion fields, transforming them into an unstoppable legion impervious to pain and able to transmit a necromancy infection by biting." Apparently Sith were so big on undead armies that up to the time of the Galactic Republic the Valley of Golg on Korriban was known for having a walker problem.

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And by accident Emp would give him Valkorion's ID.


"Psst, my lord, I request an urgent audience with you, once we're back aboard the ship."

"What it's about?"

"A mysterious empire no one ever heard of."



That made my day. :D:D:D

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Going from the Book of the Sith, yes through Sith Alchemical spells. On page 43 it details the "Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut" aka Reanimated Dead.


"This complex spell animates both the freshly dead and the skeletons of the carrion fields, transforming them into an unstoppable legion impervious to pain and able to transmit a necromancy infection by biting." Apparently Sith were so big on undead armies that up to the time of the Galactic Republic the Valley of Golg on Korriban was known for having a walker problem.


Very interesting, thank you!

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Because I'm old and have reduced brain cells I didn't remember who spoilered it! You could have kept quiet :p It would have been nice not to have known, however I would still be happy Quinn's back if they'd made him janitor - so long as the story reasoning behind their decision is awesome! Besides, I'm hoping we get to

spoilered just in case this is anything - recruit him into our alliance and promote him to our right-hand man - Strategic Commander or something


I guess I could have :D But I felt bad, and wanted to apologize. ^^ I agree with you though about making him our right hand, I'd love that.


@ Lammia

I agree, Colonial is quite fitting for our clever officer. ^^


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You think you know all the Quinn romance bits until...

you get to the bit in the story where he asks to leave. Today I got him saying "I can resist you no longer" :eek: I've never heard him say that before

It was as good as cheek kiss :D I can't believe I never got that before. If anyone has a vid of the bit in the above spoiler, please link it.

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You think you know all the Quinn romance bits until...

you get to the bit in the story where he asks to leave. Today I got him saying "I can resist you no longer" :eek: I've never heard him say that before

It was as good as cheek kiss :D I can't believe I never got that before. If anyone has a vid of the bit in the above spoiler, please link it.


Really? He has always said that to me. :) There are many videos on Youtube where he says it too, I'm sure it will be easy to find. :) (I usually type swtor quinn romance and get tons of videos)

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You think you know all the Quinn romance bits until...

you get to the bit in the story where he asks to leave. Today I got him saying "I can resist you no longer" :eek: I've never heard him say that before

It was as good as cheek kiss :D I can't believe I never got that before. If anyone has a vid of the bit in the above spoiler, please link it.


Huh, never got that before either, must be from a specific dialogue choice that was made at some point.

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Really? He has always said that to me. :) There are many videos on Youtube where he says it too, I'm sure it will be easy to find. :) (I usually type swtor quinn romance and get tons of videos)

I have never picked that option that get's that response before. I had a look but can't find one of just that part. If anyone has a link that will be great. I really need to learn how to video some of this stuff!

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You think you know all the Quinn romance bits until...

you get to the bit in the story where he asks to leave. Today I got him saying "I can resist you no longer" :eek: I've never heard him say that before

It was as good as cheek kiss :D I can't believe I never got that before. If anyone has a vid of the bit in the above spoiler, please link it.


Never ever I got that one before :eek:


Really? He has always said that to me. :) There are many videos on Youtube where he says it too, I'm sure it will be easy to find. :) (I usually type swtor quinn romance and get tons of videos)


I'll have to find it to know the dialogue path to get it myself. Another reason to roll a new warrior (3rd after "rash", and his promise to smile more for you).

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You have to say a line about.. oh I think it was not putting his safety before a mission, or something like that. It comes out sounding kind of nerdy and out of character for the warrior which I think might be why he likes it - it sounds like something he would say. :o
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You have to say a line about.. oh I think it was not putting his safety before a mission, or something like that. It comes out sounding kind of nerdy and out of character for the warrior which I think might be why he likes it - it sounds like something he would say. :o

This! He's concerned about not being able to act if they were in a relationship together and has to make a choice resulting in an outcome where the other's life might be forfeit (or something). You need to pick the response where you say something along the lines of

you wouldn't have a problem

I only found it because I was being curious about what choosing something "off" would do (with my finger poised over the esc button :D).

If you haven't got this response then try it for his voice alone - his voice actor says it in the most sexy-come-to-bed voice ever :)

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I have never picked that option that get's that response before. I had a look but can't find one of just that part. If anyone has a link that will be great. I really need to learn how to video some of this stuff!


I've been trying to find it for you but no success yet. :eek: But I know I have heard that line in many videos, that's so annoying! :mad::( He says that when you say you don't care if missions will be endangered because of love or something like that.


Edit: Oh, you have found it, great! :D

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