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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You know there's guaranteed to be several thousand more posts analyzing every single word of dialog after 5.2. I can't wait :D


Only several thousand more posts analyzing? That's a rather conservative estimate considering for how many years we've gone over existing Quinn content with a diligence to rival Film Studies professors. With a fresh expansion/addition of content, I can easily see us hitting a thread cap on posts (if there is one) and having to start a fresh thread to accommodate.

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I'm kinda curious why it hasn't been moved to story? Not that I'm complaining. It's funny to have this thread here about a companion that a lot of people hate always on the front page.


I'm just pleased that Quinn has so many fans these days but I sort of wish we'd had a thread like this before the reunion was already developed. It's hard to tell what the devs may have been thinking when they created it. Especially as their announcement skewed toward the haters.


Well if they didn't know Quinn was popular before, I think they know it now :)

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I noticed yesterday there were 4 stars only. Immediately rated the thread! 4 stars! Outrageous! :eek:


This is an example of a perfect thread - no arguing, name calling, made up numbers. Who would rate this less than a 5? I want to meet them.


Only several thousand more posts analyzing? That's a rather conservative estimate considering for how many years we've gone over existing Quinn content with a diligence to rival Film Studies professors. With a fresh expansion/addition of content, I can easily see us hitting a thread cap on posts (if there is one) and having to start a fresh thread to accommodate.



We all basically have BA's in Quinn Studies.

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Also had to make it 5 stars. This beautiful character deserves nothing less. With all of these posts am actually surprised that the dev's haven't chimed in about how large the fan base for the "most hated character in the game" really is. Had a fun time trying to explain the Quinnmancing to my fellow guildies....they just don't get it do they?


But am curious how long we can keep this on the first page, and how far we can get this going :) Bring it on Theron Shan fan girl thread....we come for you lol.

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Also had to make it 5 stars. This beautiful character deserves nothing less. With all of these posts am actually surprised that the dev's haven't chimed in about how large the fan base for the "most hated character in the game" really is. Had a fun time trying to explain the Quinnmancing to my fellow guildies....they just don't get it do they?


But am curious how long we can keep this on the first page, and how far we can get this going :) Bring it on Theron Shan fan girl thread....we come for you lol.


Yes! Quinn deserves 5 stars :D


I'm a bit surprised that no devs have said anything either, the thread is mammoth. No one gets Quinnmancing, like a fellow Quinnmancer :D I say we keep it going as long as we can, enjoy the ride. It's infinitely better than a whine and jeez thread about whatever thing is in vogue to go on about.


Thanks for voting our man!


I noticed yesterday there were 4 stars only. Immediately rated the thread! 4 stars! Outrageous! :eek:
Thanks for voting Quinn. Quinn for Emperor lol :D
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Gah if I didn't like this character so much, Id be so gone. At least, at least we can assume the voice will be the same? I mean the writers are different, the companion is a replacement, Mighty Wrath is now Commander Outlander just like everyone else


Hearing that voice again is too good to pass up, even if kotfe ruined absolutely everything else. I feel like my kotfe dissatisfaction floodgate just flew open.



Grania, you have managed to out-fury me. This is how furious I got when I first read the spoilers about the betrayal years back (without knowing you could make up after), but at least you haven't rage quit like I did.


Let me understand this properly - are you all talking about companions mouths moving when you click them randomly to hear what they have to say? Or during cut scenes? Or when? I only noticed very recently that my companions mouths moved when I gave them gifts they thanked me for or during other things they said (such as on entering a new zone). Can someone make this clearer?


My only concern for 5.2 is that they cheap out on Quinn's return by using the black-and-white-text-speak-choice-of-doom like they did with all non-main character companions returns. If they do this with Quinn/Dorne I AM OUT. Voice acted cut scenes with choices or get ready for the pitch fork army. And our cats (whatever did I start with my temporary Quinn replacement kitties)?


Also - do not move this thread to story!

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Oh no, sorry to hear that! At least there's the exp event going on right now.


Oh, thanks! It's ok, my stomach dropped a little is all. I'll just do it again, each time I go through it I get the dialogue just a little closer to being exactly right, so, now I definitely know what NOT to say in that conversation!


Seriously don't say that line, it's mean :o

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I just said "ha I've just been toying with you Quinn" to see what he'd say and the conversation completed before I could escape it.

Ouch! Did something like this on a jedi toon of mine a year ago, nothing like deleting and rerolling a level 50 toon before the exp event and the leveling armor.


But on the high note found a lot of these choices posted up on youtube to see the what if I made this choice thing. Even found the what I consider bare bones Quinn romance, they made a lot of choices that made Quinn unhappy but he still took the romance. Had a few things I didn't even know he said at all in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmqkEFaYRrA

Edited by Nightfrogger
messed up quote
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CloudCastle is better at explaining it than me, but I'll try. Once the companion comes back in the story (regardless of whether you got them back from terminal first) they get replaced with a copy who's mouth doesn't move, who doesn't gain affection from old missions and who doesn't say anything when they go to uh, areas. You know?


Basically, they become more corpsey and generic. It won't be the same companion you had before, one that spoke and had opinions. And it sucks. I'm not pleased but I'm not flipping my lid like I was last night.



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But on the high note found a lot of these choices posted up on youtube to see the what if I made this choice thing. Even found the what I consider bare bones Quinn romance, they made a lot of choices that made Quinn unhappy but he still took the romance. Had a few things I didn't even know he said at all in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmqkEFaYRrA


Oh, yes, thank you :) I was watching some videos to try to get the lines just right but the series I was watching seemed to end before that conversation. Maybe she did the same thing and stopped posting!


And yeah sometimes taking the option he disapproves of turns out to be a lot more fun and flirty. Something I never would have done in the old days, so I'm experimenting with it now, which was why I was thinking something more could have come after the "toying with you" line. But nothing did. And then..! The dreaded mission complete sound.


Had a few things I didn't even know he said at all in it.


I would have never heard "I can resist you no longer" and "I will not be deterred" if I hadn't been experimenting like this, so it was worth it ;)

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I didn't know you could get him to apologize and talk to Vette about Moff Broysc. Melodieous and ones listed under "Tireless Commitment" in youtube have a fairly complete listing of all of Quinn's choices. So that way I can watch my favorite lines as many times as I want :)


Though haven't been able to find anyone who posted the updated Shadow of Revan thing where he does the "my love...my Lord" slip up. Guilty pleasure....I have a toon that refuses to complete that cutscene just so I can watch it again lol.

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didn't know you could get him to apologize and talk to Vette about Moff Broysc


..wuh? Going to youtube brb


I can't find it, can you link it?


Oh thanks ok I'm going to listen to it while I turn in crates xD

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CloudCastle is better at explaining it than me, but I'll try. Once the companion comes back in the story (regardless of whether you got them back from terminal first) they get replaced with a copy who's mouth doesn't move, who doesn't gain affection from old missions and who doesn't say anything when they go to uh, areas. You know?


Basically, they become more corpsey and generic. It won't be the same companion you had before, one that spoke and had opinions. And it sucks. I'm not pleased but I'm not flipping my lid like I was last night.



That's sort of what I thought. The devs must know that this pissed a lot of people off as in KOTET

there is a bit on Iokath after Torian meets up with you and you find Theron and the others in the museum area, that you can click on each person and they will talk to you but only as speech over the headphones/speakers. You can't interact any other way. As an example if you have a character that romanced Aric, what he says would have been a lot better as a cut scene than a quick comment from him.

It's a poor compromise they made there and I hope they do something far better from 5.2 onwards. Even if they restricted the speech animations to LIs it would be better than now, however its not that big a deal for me.

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Ouch! Did something like this on a jedi toon of mine a year ago, nothing like deleting and rerolling a level 50 toon before the exp event and the leveling armor.


But on the high note found a lot of these choices posted up on youtube to see the what if I made this choice thing. Even found the what I consider bare bones Quinn romance, they made a lot of choices that made Quinn unhappy but he still took the romance. Had a few things I didn't even know he said at all in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmqkEFaYRrA


Oooh! That was a treat to see :D Thank you! I hadn't seen a few of those lines because I was always afraid of messing things up. He does have some nice moments if you keep him at arm's length a bit doesn't he! :D

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And yeah sometimes taking the option he disapproves of turns out to be a lot more fun and flirty. Something I never would have done in the old days, so I'm experimenting with it now, which was why I was thinking something more could have come after the "toying with you" line. But nothing did. And then..! The dreaded mission complete sound.


Popping out of eternal lurkdom to ramble... Quinn and Vector have such great non-flirt option romances! The first time I made a warrior, I thought I should choose all the flirts to continue the romance (but didn't bring him along for missions) and I ended up not really liking him... at all. I stopped playing that toon right as I got the transponder station mission, never did it, remained totally in the dark about the Quinncident, and labeled Quinn as That Boring Imperial Companion.


Years later, I made another warrior, decided I wouldn't romance Quinn but would take him along for missions just to see the content. I did the first few flirts because they're hilarious, but otherwise chose non-flirt options. I fully expected to dislike him again but actually, the non-flirts led to more dialogue, Quinn being more of the pursuer, and coupled with the Tatooine "misplaced affections" thing, the line on Taris, and the cheek kiss scene... Uhm, /swoon.



Like, yelling at him for trying to resign because of his feelings, and having him just say, "I'm going to kiss you now." Not the warrior making the move, not him asking permission; just straight up telling the warrior what's about to happen. Not the response I was expecting, but completely awesome. Even the warrior looks kind of caught off-guard, IIRC. Yeah, /hard swoon.


There's also a part about him stammering in the "heat of battle" that gets disapproval at first, but then he totally approves (because "not the heat of battle," wink wink).



Vector is the same way. Argue with him until his head spins around, drag out cutscenes, etc. It makes the 'agent helping him reconnect to his human-ness' thing feel very realistic.


/ramble /lurk :) :) :)

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Quinn being more of the pursuer


Exactly! That's exactly how it feels which I figured my warrior deserved to feel for at least one playthrough >.>


Vector is the same way. Argue with him until his head spins around, drag out cutscenes, etc. It makes the 'agent helping him reconnect to his human-ness' thing feel very realistic.


I never really knew this about Vector. Hmm. Oh dear I have so much leveling to do.

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Recently, when I was finishing my last warrior, who was supposed to be deleted anyway, I went bold to test "mean" options. She was to be gone to the oblivion, so why not, right? To see what's hiding there...


Gosh, my heart was bleeding. His voice is so full or hurt and anger... I'm NEVER doing this again. Delete or no delete, I can't hurt him like that :(





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