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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Oh, thank you! :D Another thing to look out for, then... gah I need to start writing these things down. XD (Still so happy the Makeb Pergola doesn't have a valor requirement anymore. [squee])


Begeron Colony's getting a little quiet, but Ebon Hawk is bustling as always. Except lately it feels like half of Harbinger migrated over, what with all the insults and arguments being slung around the Imperial fleet. o_O Didn't used to be like that...


You're welcome :) It's a really nice piece, one of the more well thoughtout decos they've made. Shadowlands is quieter than I'm used to as well. Not people wise, because I didn't do anything with others anyway, but I've been noticing the GTN is quieter and slower. :/


Harbies...yikes. There's a frightening prospect. I would've thought they'd have stayed in their natural habitat lol.:p (No offense to nice Harbies...if there are any?;) )

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That cupboard is called a Zakuulan Cabinet, and it's wonderful. :)

Got there before me /thumbs up - I was busy obtaining Lord Scourge on a new(ish) character and as you know, he needs ones full attention ;)


Oh, thank you! :D Another thing to look out for, then... gah I need to start writing these things down. XD (Still so happy the Makeb Pergola doesn't have a valor requirement anymore. [squee])

I love these! I have them in at least 4 of my five strongholds. I was lucky that I have the valor requirement on my main, but it was a bit stupid of the Devs to add that. At least they saw sense. In my TRE Nar Shadaa stronghold I have a very peaceful sith sanctuary in one of the big rooms. In the largest room I made a nightclub/casino :D My horde of dancing man Twi'leks are in there. In my Manaan stronghold, many of my favourite companions are in the nightclub I created in the largest room. Every now and then I get the urge to change something in one of my strongholds - it's so expensive :D

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In the largest room I made a nightclub/casino My horde of dancing man Twi'leks are in there. In my Manaan stronghold, many of my favourite companions are in the nightclub I created in the largest room.


That sounds fun, if we could put holos of ourselves in our strongholds I'd want to go there. I'd be a very silly sith lord.


As far as nerfs, I went through one very bad nerf in my old game years ago and I've never complained since. (Enhancement diversification from CoH, for the record.) Nothing has ever topped it, nerfs just roll off my back anymore.


But the depressing threads get me, I get sucked right into those if I'm not careful. And unfortunately there's not a lot of story stuff to talk about like I used to do in earlier days. Even new story stuff they put out doesn't help the situation, because I find that it makes so little sense it isn't worth analyzing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Got there before me /thumbs up - I was busy obtaining Lord Scourge on a new(ish) character and as you know, he needs ones full attention ;)



I love these! I have them in at least 4 of my five strongholds. I was lucky that I have the valor requirement on my main, but it was a bit stupid of the Devs to add that. At least they saw sense. In my TRE Nar Shadaa stronghold I have a very peaceful sith sanctuary in one of the big rooms. In the largest room I made a nightclub/casino :D My horde of dancing man Twi'leks are in there. In my Manaan stronghold, many of my favourite companions are in the nightclub I created in the largest room. Every now and then I get the urge to change something in one of my strongholds - it's so expensive :D


Ahh Scourge. Aye, that he does. :D


I thought it was bloody stupid to add a valor req for the decos too. Many of the ones I have I got before they did that. I'm a bit afraid to pick them up now lol.

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I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)
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I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)


ANOTHER QUINNMANCER! :D Welcome!! Welcome to our insanity, hugs, support, warm friends, and general Quinn-loving craziness!

... Quinn! We need an autographed poster.

Quinn: I thought we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside?

Yeah, unfortunately.

Quinn: I misspoke: I'd hoped we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside...

Seven warriors, Quinn! That's devotion! [glare] Show gratitude.

Theron: Otherwise I'll steal it.

Quinn: [signs poster in a hurry]

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ANOTHER QUINNMANCER! :D Welcome!! Welcome to our insanity, hugs, support, warm friends, and general Quinn-loving craziness!

... Quinn! We need an autographed poster.

Quinn: I thought we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside?

Yeah, unfortunately.

Quinn: I misspoke: I'd hoped we'd dropped that tradition by the wayside...

Seven warriors, Quinn! That's devotion! [glare] Show gratitude.

Theron: Otherwise I'll steal it.

Quinn: [signs poster in a hurry]


Yay! My very own poster! <3 *hangs it on the wall*

And Theron <3 can never have my SW, but he definitely has my merc! Just rolled a clone for screenshot purposes. :)

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I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)


Welcome! Always great to meet a new Quinnmancer! :D I see that the Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn and Silver Theron have already given you a proper welcome. Post your screenies, your links to your stories, it'll be great to see more Quinn love. ^^


And have a unicorn hot chocolate on us. :D

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Welcome! Always great to meet a new Quinnmancer! :D I see that the Grand Admiral, Purple Quinn and Silver Theron have already given you a proper welcome. Post your screenies, your links to your stories, it'll be great to see more Quinn love. ^^


And have a unicorn hot chocolate on us. :D


Thank you!

*sips unicorn hot chocolate*


Not going to lie, Silver Theron saying he would steal my devotion *swoon*. I only have 4 chapters right now of my Theron/Merc story. I was so unhappy with his betrayal, that I felt compelled to write. First Quinn, and now Theron? They just like to play hard to get. Okay, maybe near impossible to get. :p But that is why I fell in love with Malavai Francis Quinn, the chase.

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I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)


Yay another one who gets it! I knew there were more of us out there :) *waves*

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Trying to figure out if I even qualify as a Theronmancer.... I have a few toons who romanced him who did not take his actions well... My smuggler and my agent are pissed and are coming up with great ways to torture him before they kill him. While my inquisitor is all heart broken but forgives him...though will dump him for her hubby when he comes back...I think...still haven't decided yet. Hmmm maybe I don't count on second thought. Edited by Nightfrogger
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Trying to figure out if I even qualify as a Theronmancer.... I have a few toons who romanced him who did not take his betrayal well... My smuggler and my agent are pissed and are coming up with great ways to torture him before they kill him. While my inquisitor is all heart broken but forgives him...though will dump him for her hubby when he comes back...I think...still haven't decided yet. Hmmm maybe I don't count on second thought.


I'm just a Theron sympathizer, not a full on Theronmancer or Theronite. It's ok. :)

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I am so late to this page. I wasn't subscribed, sadly, but I am now. I have found my people!! SW was my first class that I played all the way through, and now I have seven warriors, because I love Malavai so much! Don't worry, I have at least one of every other class too. Now back to reading all these pages, and writing my latest chapter in my Theron story. (Which Quinn is guest staring in.)

Welcome from the Quinn thread Security Chief :D It's great that even after all these pages there are still new Quinn fans joining us :)

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Thank you!

*sips unicorn hot chocolate*


Not going to lie, Silver Theron saying he would steal my devotion *swoon*. I only have 4 chapters right now of my Theron/Merc story. I was so unhappy with his betrayal, that I felt compelled to write. First Quinn, and now Theron? They just like to play hard to get. Okay, maybe near impossible to get. :p But that is why I fell in love with Malavai Francis Quinn, the chase.


Betrayal is getting to be an old standby for the story writers here and it's getting old. It's a bit depressing to think at any time your loved one could turn on you. :/ We were just discussing in another forum that they need to review the 36 basic plots as well as vanilla story loose ends and go from there rather than falling back on betrayals...cause they hurt.


But anyway, glad you're here and when you're ready to share your story, I look forward to seeing it. ^^

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Hoping to finish chapter 5 tonight, and start on chapter 6 told from the perspective of a certain disgruntled but obliging Major. ;)


Oh, and here is a screenshot from years ago of Quinn and Emmynn. I think our guild was doing datacrons on Correlia or something. I need to edit out the background and put Yavin or Makeb instead.


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Hoping to finish chapter 5 tonight, and start on chapter 6 told from the perspective of a certain disgruntled but obliging Major. ;)


Oh, and here is a screenshot from years ago of Quinn and Emmynn. I think our guild was doing datacrons on Correlia or something. I need to edit out the background and put Yavin or Makeb instead.



eeEEEee I wasn't expecting that! *swoons* If only we could like, pose them, if only she was looking up at him with her hand on his chest :o Now look what you've done, I'm all flustered.

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Now I just need to find a place to post my fic, cause archive of our own says I won't get an invite until October 16.


If you go to the Community section of the forum, there is a sub-forum for fan fiction forum there...if you follow the story links in my siggy, you'll find it easily. :)

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K, so this is my first fan fic, and I am a little nervous posting it, but the first and second chapters are up!




Nicely done! My SW/Quinn fic is my first continuous fanfic I've ever written. (I've done a couple of one-shot DA:I chapters, but that's it.) I'm kind of taking a break from it (and SWTOR in general) right now, but plan to continue soon. (Link in sig.)

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I saw! So glad you posted. I really enjoyed it and left you a comment there. Great screenies too! :)


Thank you! I was originally doing screenshots so people that haven't played SWtoR would at least see who the stories are about. But now I am taking screenshots because I love these characters, and want to be able to look through their memories without having to go back through the chapters.


I started reading Marr. I am not going to get any writing done. :)

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Nicely done! My SW/Quinn fic is my first continuous fanfic I've ever written. (I've done a couple of one-shot DA:I chapters, but that's it.) I'm kind of taking a break from it (and SWTOR in general) right now, but plan to continue soon. (Link in sig.)


Thank you! I started a SW fic, and it will be continuous, but I had to put it aside for a bit too. Hopefully you will come back soon. :)


Will add your fic to my growing list of things to read. :)

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