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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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First, a note that these spoilers are KOTET spoilers, so read freely, if you played through it, or already know the story anyway. No 5.2 spoilers here.


Just curious... what role did you imagine your Inquisitor play in KOTET, as both the Warrior and the Inquisitor would both play the role of the "Commander?" For example...


My warrior was the "Outlander". My Inq had his comfy Dark Council chair and joined her some time after KOTFE Chapter 9 on Odessen. I have a story written why, but it's spoilery until 18th now, so can't share details.


He was her right hand. He's Malavai's counsin, so that helped him ease into this "demotion", as family is for him above all.




He (and my agent, Malavai's brother) was by her side all the way through: http://imgur.com/D61Nv4b


Also, at the end of KOTET she gave the throne to him, because she never wanted it in the first place, while he was always greedy for power. http://imgur.com/JJVL4OH




Did one choose to take the throne and the other choose to hand it off at the end?


Speaking of that choice...


The answer to that flew naturally from explaining their relationship above :D



My Warrior was very pro-Empire and her pragmatic choices left her at almost 0 alignment grey prior to KOTFE. Then, pissed that she lost five years, lost her crew, lost her husband and got stuck with a bunch of nobodies as she was railroaded into leaving the Empire and running an Alliance, she turned hard dark side, killing anyone and everyone related to Zakuul she possibly could... and then didn't take the throne. She never even wanted the throne, she just wanted vengeance. :wea_03:


My warrior is DS V (not a zealot or psycho, but she has plenty of blood on her hands), but in essence she's very similar at this point. All she wanted was revenge for lost years, lost hubby, lost son (they have a 6 year old kid at the time she's unfrozen), and Zakuul was going to pay for it.


All she wanted was to defeat the enemy, have her revenge, then go home.


Home doesn't want her any more, so she's heartbroken (wrote another story on that after playing chater 2 of KOTET), but still doesn't want any stupid throne of any stupid Zakuul.

Again, which plays perfectly into what she did with it in the end. :)



Now she's my Inquisitor's Wrath :Dhttp://imgur.com/Duc3bfr



He betrayed you once. He will betray you again.




Good for you. Go and play your game.


But don't tell us how we should play our game, or what choices we should make. 'kay?

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I really need something to cheer me up. A good fanart/fanfiction, a funny video, etc. Anyone?:)


Shameless plug ;)


This would work? http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/2017/02/15/fueled-by-love-defunct/ No spoilers to anything in 5.2, because it was written in December, after they finally revealed no comp would return in KOTET, and I was so angry about that that I wrote my own story of his return (I didn't believe at that point they'd return ANY comps at all, and all their promised they would were just to stop more subs from leaving).

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Shameless plug ;)


This would work? http://www.swtor-quinn-clan.kylemehr.avx.pl/2017/02/15/fueled-by-love-defunct/ No spoilers to anything in 5.2, because it was written in December, after they finally revealed no comp would return in KOTET, and I was so angry about that that I wrote my own story of his return (I didn't believe at that point they'd return ANY comps at all, and all their promised they would were just to stop more subs from leaving).


That was lovely, thank you. I feel better now. :)


Oh, and I have seen your characters several times on the fleet before, I recognized their names. :)

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Well I suppose only one week almost exactly to go now, we've waited this long we can wait one more week! :D

During that week can people please SPOILER TAG any 5.2 spoilers they've come across. No one wants to be responsible for a forum incident! :rolleyes:

If it means everything runs smoothly we can for sure wait another week for Malavai! It means I can level yet another Warrior :D Yay!


ETA: I caved in and watched to the 5.2 Quinn speaking clip :o I can't wait another week!!!!!!!!

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*yawns* Welp now I have time to get a knight and a consular through the story so they can meet Quinn and betray the republic. Wish I could skip fe/et but I don't want my decisions defaulting to light. I'm going to need music to get me through this, a lot of it~ Edited by grania
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Darth Sarkiss will be so overwhelmed to get back her husband. Althought she's ok to keep Theron as her paramour.

After all she's a sith and she's driven by passion !

But Malavai. She's so happy to get him back. after all his betrayal was logic. They are empire people. Everyone try to kill everyone at a point. Then their bond became indestructible.

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I really need something to cheer me up. A good fanart/fanfiction, a funny video, etc. Anyone?:)


Well so far only have two fanfictions myself. One sad one leading up to that beautiful letter he sends out to you in chapter 3 of KOTFE and the other one their first time, which is very very graphic and sexual (18+ only please, maturity filter in place). I'd be happy to link either again but your call hun :)....ahh who am I kidding shameless plug time lol


Sad one: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/The-Empty-Ship-673987794

Naughty adults only one:http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/I-ll-Show-You-How-I-Feel-673178869


Toying around with a few other ideas of other parts in the existing timeline and was hoping to get a new chapter this weekend. Then something for the reunion once it finally comes out and I see it for myself.

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And with that time to go hop in the shower and head to that mandatory training they assigned me today :( I am not looking forward to the 8 hours of what I am expecting to be powerpoint slides and videos. Through coffee I gain strength.....Through Quinn I gain daydreams.....
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Guuuyyyyyssssss, stop with the spoiler'd stuff already...! :o We don't want a well-meaning-but-overzealous mod deleting the entire thread.


The Mods delete troublesome posts, they won't delete a thread 200 pages in simply for having 1% spoilers.


Also, I have been putting them in Spoiler tags...

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Well so far only have two fanfictions myself. One sad one leading up to that beautiful letter he sends out to you in chapter 3 of KOTFE and the other one their first time, which is very very graphic and sexual (18+ only please, maturity filter in place). I'd be happy to link either again but your call hun :)....ahh who am I kidding shameless plug time lol


Sad one: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/The-Empty-Ship-673987794

Naughty adults only one:http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/I-ll-Show-You-How-I-Feel-673178869


Toying around with a few other ideas of other parts in the existing timeline and was hoping to get a new chapter this weekend. Then something for the reunion once it finally comes out and I see it for myself.


I have read them before, thanks, even made comments. :D


And with that time to go hop in the shower and head to that mandatory training they assigned me today :( I am not looking forward to the 8 hours of what I am expecting to be powerpoint slides and videos. Through coffee I gain strength.....Through Quinn I gain daydreams.....

LOL, it is indeed hard to concentrate on work when you get distracted by Quinn. :D Fortunately, I have never been on such trainings, but they must be more interesting than office meetings. :)


*yawns* Welp now I have time to get a knight and a consular through the story so they can meet Quinn and betray the republic. Wish I could skip fe/et but I don't want my decisions defaulting to light. I'm going to need music to get me through this, a lot of it~

I guess you're DS? :D What is it like? Frankly, I can't imagine DS Jedi. They are Sith to me, just in a different environment. :) But not vica versa, a LS Sith is still a Sith. My very first Warrior was neutral, but since the game originally didn't reward you being neutral (e.g. couldn't use relics, that was crazy), I had to choose a side and somehow I ended up as LS. Actually, I enjoyed it, it was interesting. I still killed a lot of ppl though, but certainly less than my DS Warriors did, and I was still pro-Empire. :) It was especially fun to see the reactions to your LS choices, many enemies were totally confused and didn't want to believe it. :D


Oh, and the lightsaber color restrictions! I remember reading about someone who was on a PVP server, and as a LS Sith, he used blue crystals. An enemy Jedi thought he was also a Jedi because of the blue color, and was surprised when this Sith killed him. I found the idea funny and after that I didn't feel bad about not being able to use red crystals. :D

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I guess you're DS? What is it like? Frankly, I can't imagine DS Jedi. They are Sith to me, just in a different environment. But not vica versa, a LS Sith is still a Sith. My very first Warrior was neutral, but since the game originally didn't reward you being neutral (e.g. couldn't use relics, that was crazy), so I had to choose a side and somehow I ended up as LS. Actually, I enjoyed it, it was interesting. I still killed a lot of ppl though, but certainly less than my DS Warriors did, and I was still pro-Empire. It was especially fun to see the reactions to your LS choices, many enemies were totally confused and didn't want to believe it.


Yeah it doesn't make much sense, companions are always mad at me and everyone is really confused all the time, sums it up pretty well lol :D But it doesn't stop me from doing it anyway! For the first time, I used the family tree thing, where my consular is my dark agent's daughter, and my knight is my warrior's daughter and they're like.. undercover, lol. I'm a cheeseball, so what, it gets me through stories I'm not as interested in >.>


It's weird, my dark characters are a lot more likely to do light things once in awhile than my light characters are willing to do dark. I don't think it's my personal feelings about doing evil acts leaking through because I've been desensitized to that a long time ago, heh. I guess there's a difference between a character who commits to being a good person and a character who doesn't care either way. Deep thoughts.. bah :D

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Yeah it doesn't make much sense, companions are always mad at me and everyone is really confused all the time, sums it up pretty well lol :D But it doesn't stop me from doing it anyway! For the first time, I used the family tree thing, where my consular is my dark agent's daughter, and my knight is my warrior's daughter and they're like.. undercover, lol. I'm a cheeseball, so what, it gets me through stories I'm not as interested in >.>

Haha, yes. LS can be very boring. Both of my Jedi are pure LS because I hate hypocrate Jedi, the ones who think they are LS but still act as jerks. :p My male Consular always makes cheeky remarks (he is a Cathar, all my Cathars are cheeky, because I consider them unruly :D), but that is all, he never does DS things.

The JK storyline was utterly boring to me, I nearly fell asleep. XD The only thing which excited me was Doc. :D I find it hilarious that they put such companion into the JK crew, who basically wants to do it like every 2 hours. XD I was laughing when I got DS points for giving into Doc. :D It was worth it! :D But I hated when they forced me to fight Vitiate LOL. I refused to slay him at the end. :p


It's weird, my dark characters are a lot more likely to do light things once in awhile than my light characters are willing to do dark. I don't think it's my personal feelings about doing evil acts leaking through because I've been desensitized to that a long time ago, heh. I guess there's a difference between a character who commits to being a good person and a character who doesn't care either way. Deep thoughts.. bah :D


My DS characters tend to get LS points too. They never betray allies and always try to protect fellow Imperials, avoid/reduce Imperial collateral damage. I feel bad for soldiers who are caught between power plays. :( E.g. I hated Thanaton’s hysterics on Corellia. A lot of Imperials died for nothing, because of him. :mad:

Unnecessary infighting only weakens the Empire, and there are too many of them. The Dark Council recognized this problem but didn't really do much about it, sadly.


I was also angry when Xalek was forced on me. I wanted the Twilek apprentice for starters (:p), and was really surprised when I didn't have a choice but accept Xalek’s revolting behavior. I completely agreed with Harkun when he said: "But if the rules of subterfuge and skill give away to blind murder, then the whole Empire is doomed." Very well said!!!

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The Mods delete troublesome posts, they won't delete a thread 200 pages in simply for having 1% spoilers.


Also, I have been putting them in Spoiler tags...


I think they might if the spoilers are from data mined sources rather then current in-game content. They also like that banning stick (though I believe they lent it to united airlines for the week...).

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I was also angry when Xalek was forced on me. I wanted the Twilek apprentice for starters (:p), and was really surprised when I didn't have a choice but accept Xalek’s revolting behavior. I agreed with Harkun completely when he said: "But if the rules of subterfuge and skill give away to blind murder, then the whole Empire is doomed." Very well said!!!


At one time when this game was in beta it was possible to kill and/or refuse just about every companion. Quinn is the classic case in point for this. You could have even killed Xalek or Skedge if you'd wanted to. Sadly there were to many whiners about it and it was cut from the game.

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At one time when this game was in beta it was possible to kill and/or refuse just about every companion. Quinn is the classic case in point for this. You could have even killed Xalek or Skedge if you'd wanted to. Sadly there were to many whiners about it and it was cut from the game.


I know. But I don't want to kill any of my companions, except Kaliyo. Oh, wait...there is one more. I want to sell M1-4X to the Jawas! :p I was outraged at that droid. When I first saw it, I was happy, it looked cool and seemed nice. Then, right after the first couple of conversations with him, I was "Get off my ship. Now." Its sadistic hobby to torture/kill Imperials, and its constant badmouthing of the Empire drove me up the wall. I know this character was supposed to be funny, but I don't find it funny at all.

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At one time when this game was in beta it was possible to kill and/or refuse just about every companion. Quinn is the classic case in point for this. You could have even killed Xalek or Skedge if you'd wanted to. Sadly there were to many whiners about it and it was cut from the game.


I knew that about Quinn, I didn't know that about everyone! I got to play beta but certainly not the first wave :)

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I know. But I don't want to kill any of my companions, except Kaliyo.


Oh, that's all well an-


Oh, wait...there is one more. I want to sell M1-4X to the Jawas! :p


GUILTY! GUILTY! Eternal shame to the non-believer! M1-4X IS GOD! Those midgets don't deserve such divine awesomness!

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Here's something rather technical-related on the game side that I noticed when the mined stuff first came out. It doesn't have anything to do with the story, it but it was still enough for me to notice and say, "er...?"


It appears as though Elara Dorne returns as "Elara Dorne" in conversations; however, Malavai Quinn returns as just "Quinn." What the heck happened to his first name? And, if they truncated Malavai Quinn, why didn't Elara Dorne return as just "Elara" or "Dorne?"




Personally, I liked seeing his full name and I'm sure it's just because I'm so used to seeing it for so long. It made sense to lose the first part of Pierce's name since it was actually his old rank, but why just drop a main companion's first name when the full name been around since the beginning of the game? Continuity, BW, please... I like seeing familiar things that I like.


Anyway, I hope I'm just misinterpreting this and that next Tuesday, he's reintroduced as Malavai Quinn and not just Quinn. :D



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I knew that about Quinn, I didn't know that about everyone! I got to play beta but certainly not the first wave :)


All of the Bounty Hunting companions were killable from my memory. Though I think Mako only got the axe if you pissed off Tormen.

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GUILTY! GUILTY! Eternal shame to the non-believer! M1-4X IS GOD! Those midgets don't deserve such divine awesomness!

LOL XD But the Jawas would like it! :D


All of the Bounty Hunting companions were killable from my memory. Though I think Mako only got the axe if you pissed off Tormen.

Killing all of your companions would have meant a death sentence considering battles. I'm glad they didn't. Still don't agree with killing them, in general. :( I would be just happy to send a few of them away, but that's all.

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LOL XD But the Jawas would like it! :D


Scum! Absolute Scum! You disgust me, Sir/Madam!


Killing all of your companions would have meant a death sentence considering battles. I'm glad they didn't. Still don't agree with killing them, in general. :( I would be just happy to send a few of them away, but that's all.

I think it originally planned for your ship droid to be able to fight (Before they were able to fight in 4.0)

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