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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I love almost all animals, except them. Ok, the jumping spider is the only spider I like, because it's small and funny.


Haha, my mom and I call those jumping spiders "ninja spiders." One of them startled me when I was sitting outside, and when I flinched away from it, not quite realizing what it was, it reared up onto its back legs and waved its tiny forelegs in the air while scuttling back and forth. It was all but doing karate poses, trying to be intimidating. I imagine that if you held a megaphone up to it, you'd hear a very tiny ninja yell. It was adorable. XD

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Haha, my mom and I call those jumping spiders "ninja spiders." One of them startled me when I was sitting outside, and when I flinched away from it, not quite realizing what it was, it reared up onto its back legs and waved its tiny forelegs in the air while scuttling back and forth. It was all but doing karate poses, trying to be intimidating. I imagine that if you held a megaphone up to it, you'd hear a very tiny ninja yell. It was adorable. XD


That must have been cute. :D I have biologist friends, and they said jumping spiders are very intelligent and they like to observe people. :) Check out the mating dance of the peacock spider, it's hilarious. :D (youtube - Peacock Spider 13 (Maratus personatus)

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I had a jumping spider hang out with me for a couple weeks. I tried to kill him at first -- with a fly swatter, coward-style -- but obviously he was too skilled for me, and he was big enough that every time he jumped, I heard him land on the mirror, the counter, everywhere. And he would hang upside down off the medicine cabinet and just stare at me.


So, we made a truce; he could just have the bathroom vanity area for the two weeks until my fiance came home from his work trip. But for what ever reason, he decided to break the truce and leave the bathroom, so my cats chased him, and he ended up hiding on my desk. He would just walk up and chill while I was tapping away at the keyboard. For days. Just hung out with me.


And then he disappeared the day before my fiance came home! It was really sad, because... I'd decided to ask him to put him outside rather than kill him. I still hope he got outside somehow rather than my cats eating him.


He was actually really cute and fuzzy and, unlike my other pets, considerate of my space.

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I have bought Treek and laughed out when I saw she was in the same room as Pierce, and he looked more grumpy than usual. :D I can see why. :D

But her eyes are a little creepy for me. XD


While I was there, I talked with Pierce as well, and checked a new conversation option which made me smile:

Me: "Don't get sentimental on me now, Pierce."

Pierce: "Me? You must be thinking on Quinn."


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I have a bad arachnofobia, and today has been a really unlucky day, since two huge spiders sneaked into my home and I haven't been able to catch them so far. I'm feeling so paranoid now, it inspired me to write this. XD


The Warrior needs Quinn's help


The Warrior shouting: "Quinn, I need your help ASAP!"

Quinn runs to the bedroom of the Fury, anxious: "My lord, what's wrong?"

The Warrior points at the corner of the room.

Quinn: "I can't see anything."

The Warrior: "Can't you see that huge, disgusting spider there?!"

Quinn: "Oh...that."

The Warrior: "Take it out. Now."

Quinn grabs the spider, walks out with it, then meets Pierce.

Pierce: "What are you holding in your hands, Quinn?"

Quinn sighs: "It's just a spider. Apparently our Wrath has arachnofobia."

Pierce bursts out laughing: "A Sith Lord, afraid of spiders?"

The Warrior shouting from the room: "I can hear you, Pierce!!! And Quinn, it's not "just"' a spider!!!"

Arachnophobia keeps me from going so many places. Thank god one of Quinn's skills is that he's a

! I like your version of Quinn just getting rid of it better though :)
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This spider conversation has me thinking my husband is actually more like Pierce than Quinn. I picture Pierce killing them with his bare hands just like my husband does. Freaks me right out when he does that. 'Cept for the time (what we think was) a huntsman spider ran across our living room floor. That m'fer tested his mettle.
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This spider conversation has me thinking my husband is actually more like Pierce than Quinn. I picture Pierce killing them with his bare hands just like my husband does. Freaks me right out when he does that. 'Cept for the time (what we think was) a huntsman spider ran across our living room floor. That m'fer tested his mettle.


With his BARE HANDS!? :eek: I get squeamish even when I have to squish one using a paper towel or something...I tend to just grab for the nearest shoe. Preferably a hiking boot. XD

I can just carry spiders outside (in a cup) when they're small...but anything larger than roughly the size of my fingernail and I have a mini panic attack. :rolleyes:

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With his BARE HANDS!? :eek: I get squeamish even when I have to squish one using a paper towel or something...I tend to just grab for the nearest shoe. Preferably a hiking boot. XD

I can just carry spiders outside (in a cup) when they're small...but anything larger than roughly the size of my fingernail and I have a mini panic attack. :rolleyes:


He doesn't do it as much as he used to, not since I begged him to stop because he could get bit by a poisonous one. I guess I made a convincing argument? As for me, I wouldn't say I'm arachnophobic but I do have to take a deep breath before I, you know, kill a thing.. I guess that's what I'm really squeamish about.

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Do you know what I would love to watch? Banter/quarrel between the Inquisitor and the Smuggler. :D That would be awesome! :D These two have the funniest sarcastic lines.


Oooh, I'd love to see that, especially since my Inq and Smuggie are brothers :D

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Amusement: Your lightsaber techniques are no match for my superior targeting algorithms, Mistress.

That maybe so, however our Malavai Quinn is a "deadly shot" & I'm pretty sure Dr Oggurobb could be persuaded to re-programme you :p

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Lighten up Francis.


What's that old saying? "It's only a joke if both of us are laughing"? Yeah... Hey, all of us Quinnmancers love a good joke, but when someone reacts badly to a "jest," then it really doesn't help your case to tell them "hey, it was just a joke! Geez, lighten up!"

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What's that old saying? "It's only a joke if both of us are laughing"? Yeah... Hey, all of us Quinnmancers love a good joke, but when someone reacts badly to a "jest," then it really doesn't help your case to tell them "hey, it was just a joke! Geez, lighten up!"


It's confusing, because scrubbing the toilet is the ship droid's job. That and bleaching my roots. Honestly he's useful for so many things, it's a wonder he doesn't have his own <3 thread.

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What's that old saying? "It's only a joke if both of us are laughing"? Yeah... Hey, all of us Quinnmancers love a good joke, but when someone reacts badly to a "jest," then it really doesn't help your case to tell them "hey, it was just a joke! Geez, lighten up!"


It was just some friendly advice. The jest wasn't worth getting bent out of shape over. I'll leave it at that.

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It was just some friendly advice. The jest wasn't worth getting bent out of shape over. I'll leave it at that.


It's too late, you're already on ignore. I can't even see the words I quoted. What am I even talking about?:confused:


No seriously though I'm unbent. I just have had a headache all damn day long :(

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