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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Wow - they all look amazing! I love the third one's outfit. So often Ajunta Pall's tunic looks...odd, but with the right dye, wow. o_o Looks awesome!

Wait a moment - the first one... I didn't know there was a version with the hood down. :eek: What. How. Where. Aagh, so many good outfits ruined with the hood perpetually up... (I never had to worry about that with my knight; he's a twi'lek, so all hoods are automatically down for him. XD)


My thoughts too when I see something with a hood on it that I like I either roll another Twi'lek or roll a Rattataki since they have no hair anyway. There are also a few headbands that are not cartel market items that glitch hoods away, trying to remember their name.

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My thoughts too when I see something with a hood on it that I like I either roll another Twi'lek or roll a Rattataki since they have no hair anyway. There are also a few headbands that are not cartel market items that glitch hoods away, trying to remember their name.


Aftermarket Force-Lord's ('Pub side) is one of them. I recently found that out on my female sage. I love the Visionary Force-Lord's robe on her, but it has a hood, and she's a zabrak and I don't like how hoods look on her. I tried dyeing another robe that looked similar, but I absolutely could not get the colors right no matter what I did. :( So, last-ditch effort, stick the circlet on her head and hope it's not too obvious. (After careful consideration...it is. It really is. But I don't have anything else. Hood toggle, BioWare, pleeeease? Pretty please with a shish-ka-bobbed Lana on top?)


Edit: *dyeing, not dying. No innocent robes were murdered in the typing of this post.

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:D ...I have never watched that show and have no interest in it (cue gasps of horror), but darn if it doesn't have amazing music.


Quinn: ...I can't dance.

Oh sure you can.

Quinn: Ballroom dancing, perhaps. Not...square dancing.

Then you seriously need to learn because it is ridiculously fun.

Quinn: ...

...also the fanfiction resulting from that would be adorable.

Quinn: I KNEW there was another reason you said that!


Would this dance be more his skill set? ;)

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Wow - they all look amazing! I love the third one's outfit. So often Ajunta Pall's tunic looks...odd, but with the right dye, wow. o_o Looks awesome!

Wait a moment - the first one... I didn't know there was a version with the hood down. :eek: What. How. Where. Aagh, so many good outfits ruined with the hood perpetually up... (I never had to worry about that with my knight; he's a twi'lek, so all hoods are automatically down for him. XD)


Thanks :D The Ajunta Pall upper is died black/black, the gold doesn't dye. I also am wearing Ajunta Pall gloves etc. I changed the pants to a simple skirt, can't recall which but it's one that is simple, and dyes well with the set.


The first one, on Fernal is the Centurion War Leader's Body Armour, that I earned back when I actually *gasp* pvp'd in this game. It came out of one of the gamble boxes from pvp, back in the dark ages I think in year one when they actually still had them. People hated the gamble boxes and they switched to letting people choose what they need without gambling. I'll never figure out why they went back to gambling, people hate it lol. The Centurion War Leader's Body Armour is also dyed black/black.


I'm not sure if that armour still exists in the game, I haven't looked for it. But I know that the Dramatic Extrovert top is similar, and has the hood down. Only thing about that one though, is that it shows midriff, which you may or may not like. :)


And the celebration music! Makes me want to Riverdance or something :D Battlestar Galactica, nice choice in music. :D I also love the Tango. Tango with me Malavai! *bites on a rose*

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But I know that the Dramatic Extrovert top is similar, and has the hood down. Only thing about that one though, is that it shows midriff, which you may or may not like. :)


Thana Vesh set has the midriff covered. And as for the Dramatic Extrovert set...I have happily nicknamed that my Captain Underboob set since my Female trooper wears it lol.

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Thana Vesh set has the midriff covered. And as for the Dramatic Extrovert set...I have happily nicknamed that my Captain Underboob set since my Female trooper wears it lol.


Oh yeah, forgot about that one (Thana Vesh...might be because I choose to repress her existence lol). The Underboob set, that's a nice set too. But for my taste, Thana's doesn't dye well.

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Would this dance be more his skill set? ;)


That guy watching from the shadows actually looks a tad like Quinn. XD

Quinn: *blush* ...I would be honored, my lord.

*images of romanced female Warrior and Quinn doing the tango* *explosion*

Quinn: What was that!?

<Error: User "Jagaimee" suffered fatal cranial eruption from too much heart-melty fangirling*

Quinn: ...the thought of my wife and I dancing made her HEAD EXPLODE!?

<Assessment: Yup.>

Quinn: *twitch* Fangirls are...so strange...


What about this music? *devious little smile* Has anyone heard of Lord of the Dance (or Feet of Flames, where this music specifically comes from)?


Edit: Argh, Thana Vesh. I hate her with the power of a thousand white-hot suns, but I love her outfit. :( And it's always wayyyyyyyyyy out of my price range. WAY out there. Oi vey.

Edit 2: AUGH FORGOT PURPLE QUINN! :eek: The late nights must be getting to me...

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:D ...I have never watched that show and have no interest in it (cue gasps of horror), but darn if it doesn't have amazing music.


Quinn: ...I can't dance.

Oh sure you can.

Quinn: Ballroom dancing, perhaps. Not...square dancing.

Then you seriously need to learn because it is ridiculously fun.

Quinn: ...

...also the fanfiction resulting from that would be adorable.

Quinn: I KNEW there was another reason you said that!


Actually, my darling Quinn, that would be a highland jig and you would look marvelous in a kilt. A little knee action could be sweet, yes?

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That guy watching from the shadows actually looks a tad like Quinn. XD

Quinn: *blush* ...I would be honored, my lord.

*images of romanced female Warrior and Quinn doing the tango* *explosion*

Quinn: What was that!?

<Error: User "Jagaimee" suffered fatal cranial eruption from too much heart-melty fangirling*

Quinn: ...the thought of my wife and I dancing made her HEAD EXPLODE!?

<Assessment: Yup.>

Quinn: *twitch* Fangirls are...so strange...


What about this music? *devious little smile* Has anyone heard of Lord of the Dance (or Feet of Flames, where this music specifically comes from)?


Edit: Argh, Thana Vesh. I hate her with the power of a thousand white-hot suns, but I love her outfit. :( And it's always wayyyyyyyyyy out of my price range. WAY out there. Oi vey.

Edit 2: AUGH FORGOT PURPLE QUINN! :eek: The late nights must be getting to me...


*fans self* I think you're trying to kill me lol. Or give me dream fodder for when I actually find my bed lol.


I have indeed heard of Lord of the Dance and Michael Flatley. :D Thanks for reminding me of it.


That sucks that Thana's outfit is out of your range...It's too bad they don't have cartel certs anymore, I'm sure it was available at one of the faction rep dealers on Fleet where the bounty hunter's event npcs are...but I think it takes money and certificates (and rep), I just can't remember how many...buy it with the toon you want to wear it on, cause I don't think you can pass it, it binds.

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Actually, my darling Quinn, that would be a highland jig and you would look marvelous in a kilt. A little knee action could be sweet, yes?


Quinn: ...I think my legs would freeze off if I wore a kilt on Dromund Kaas or Ziost.

You missed the point.

Quinn: And have every other officer in the military, Navy, and Spec Ops laughing at my skirt.


Quinn: If it consists of loosely-gathered folds of fabric that ends somewhere above the knees, it's a skirt.



*fans self* I think you're trying to kill me lol. Or give me dream fodder for when I actually find my bed lol.


I have indeed heard of Lord of the Dance and Michael Flatley. :D Thanks for reminding me of it.


That sucks that Thana's outfit is out of your range...It's too bad they don't have cartel certs anymore, I'm sure it was available at one of the faction rep dealers on Fleet where the bounty hunter's event npcs are...but I think it takes money and certificates (and rep), I just can't remember how many...buy it with the toon you want to wear it on, cause I don't think you can pass it, it binds.


Heheheh... dream/fanfiction fodder, yes. In headcanon, my lady inquisitor and Theron started dancing to that music on Odessen during a rare break between chapters, and that's how everybody else found out they were dating. XD

EEEEEEEE you've seen Lord of the Dance!? :D *hugs* Thought I was the only person who even knew what that was. XD Yay, so happy...


Yup, I found it there. I was initially overjoyed, because that was far more affordable. And then realized it takes certificates and rep with some random faction that you can only get by buying certain cartel packs.

That have long since gone out of circulation. And by "long," I mean "was last seen sometime during Makeb." Siiiigh. Oh well...

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Aw crap. I was hoping you might get it that way. I just couldn't remember which one it was and what all it needed exactly.


They really need to update these vendors and make this stuff getable again. :/

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I'm sorry to hear that many of you will leave, we have been having great conversations and fun here. I myself can't afford to be a subscriber on a regular basis, but I will try to stay here as long as I can. :o


Here are my Warriors:


1. My very first character in the game.



2. http://i.imgur.com/BDd7NA3.jpg


3. looks like the first, except for the hair.



Yay for reaching page 400! :D

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A bit late to the party, but there are screenies of my Attira, his lovely wife :)










And with Mili, his deadly but adorable brother






And with Nayel, his dangerous but charming cousin




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A bit late to the party, but there are screenies of my Attira, his lovely wife :)










And with Mili, his deadly but adorable brother






And with Nayel, his dangerous but charming cousin





Not your fault we were up way past my bedtime having fun ;) Those are pretty :)

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Not your fault we were up way past my bedtime having fun ;) Those are pretty :)


Aren't such parties the best? ;) When I arrived in the morning I stumbled upon some empty bottles, bouncing balloons, and photos of warriors scattered around :D


Thank you :)

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Okay with all of the pretty pictures going around here is one more from me ;)


My character I am writing about, what I would pick for Wedding Attire for what I can pull out of my collections in game :)




And if the colors clash to badly let me know please, I am mildly colorblind so I know I see different stuff.

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Quinn in a Kilt and ballroom dancing? Have you all gone crazy? Or rather more crazy? It's almost as bad as this travesty!


The pictures you all posted are great but are a reminder of how much the new Quinn & his stronghold decoration has been ruined for us - I prefer his old pose where he stands with his hands folded behind him as well as his facial customisations. The new hands-on-hips pose is nowhere near as good. Since they (the devs) haven't bothered to let us know in here or in my query thread whether the changes with Quinn etc are temporary, bugged or permanent then I guess we have to assume they are intended and we now have to decide whether to continue or quit. I have 7 warriors and have taken 2 through Iokath. I won't be bothering with the rest now that Quinn is ruined.

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Okay with all of the pretty pictures going around here is one more from me ;)


My character I am writing about, what I would pick for Wedding Attire for what I can pull out of my collections in game :)




And if the colors clash to badly let me know please, I am mildly colorblind so I know I see different stuff.


I love how the green on her skirt matches her skin color. :D Looks quite lovely!


Heck, all of the warriors (and agent and inquisitor) you guys have posted look amazing. So many different looks and outfits and combinations thereof...

<Malavai Quinn Approves>


Here's my gal as she is now. The lighting makes her look...a little cross-eyed? Oh well. XD Body type three + Canderous Ordo's vest = I'm scared now. This was her outfit for chapters twelve and thirteen of KOTFE.

Virne: Yes, and thank the Force that Odessen apparently doesn't have mosquitoes. *sigh*

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I have a bad arachnophobia, and today has been a really unlucky day, since two huge spiders sneaked into my home and I haven't been able to catch them so far. I'm feeling so paranoid now, it inspired me to write this. XD


The Warrior needs Quinn's help


The Warrior shouting: "Quinn, I need your help ASAP!"

Quinn runs to the bedroom of the Fury, anxious: "My lord, what's wrong?"

The Warrior points at the corner of the room.

Quinn: "I can't see anything."

The Warrior: "Can't you see that huge, disgusting spider there?!"

Quinn: "Oh...that."

The Warrior: "Take it out. Now."

Quinn grabs the spider, walks out with it, then meets Pierce.

Pierce: "What are you holding in your hands, Quinn?"

Quinn sighs: "It's just a spider. Apparently our Wrath has arachnophobia."

Pierce bursts out laughing: "A Sith Lord, afraid of spiders?"

The Warrior shouting from the room: "I can hear you, Pierce!!! And Quinn, it's not "just" a spider!!!"

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I have a bad arachnofobia, and today has been a really unlucky day, since two huge spiders sneaked into my home and I haven't been able to catch them so far. I'm feeling so paranoid now, it inspired me to write this. XD


The Warrior needs Quinn's help


The Warrior shouting: "Quinn, I need your help ASAP!"

Quinn runs to the bedroom of the Fury, anxious: "My lord, what's wrong?"

The Warrior points at the corner of the room.

Quinn: "I can't see anything."

The Warrior: "Can't you see that huge, disgusting spider there?!"

Quinn: "Oh...that."

The Warrior: "Take it out. Now."

Quinn grabs the spider, walks out with it, then meets Pierce.

Pierce: "What are you holding in your hands, Quinn?"

Quinn sighs: "It's just a spider. Apparently our Wrath has arachnofobia."

Pierce bursts out laughing: "A Sith Lord, afraid of spiders?"

The Warrior shouting from the room: "I can hear you, Pierce!!! And Quinn, it's not "just"' a spider!!!"


Uuuugh, spiders. D: I live in a very wet climate - spiders. Are. EVERYWHERE. Thankfully there are less of them this year, because of the heavy ice storms and frosts we had this past winter, but... gaaaaaah. *hugs* I feel your pain/paranoia. :(


Quinn: If it's a tarantula, I humbly beg permission to request a tactical nuclear strike on its position.

My agent: Done.

Quinn: ...I was joking.

Agent: I once blew up a two-story building to kill a spider the size of my fingernail. There is no such thing as "overkill."


(Okay, it was in a joke post on these forums in response to "What are Chiss afraid of?" and someone said "I was just gonna say 'spiders,' but y'all went far beyond that..." and I took it and ran with it. XD)

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Have several friends who are terrified of the little crawlers myself. I figure as long as they are not on me or in my bedroom they are doing me a service. If they cross the bedroom territory they are dead spiders. Scared of bees and wasps myself...had my dad make fun of me before trying to remove those guys from the house with a vacuum cleaner hose with the all of the extensions on it just so I could keep my distance...I hate those buggers :(
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Uuuugh, spiders. D: I live in a very wet climate - spiders. Are. EVERYWHERE. Thankfully there are less of them this year, because of the heavy ice storms and frosts we had this past winter, but... gaaaaaah. *hugs* I feel your pain/paranoia. :(


Quinn: If it's a tarantula, I humbly beg permission to request a tactical nuclear strike on its position.

My agent: Done.

Quinn: ...I was joking.

Agent: I once blew up a two-story building to kill a spider the size of my fingernail. There is no such thing as "overkill."


(Okay, it was in a joke post on these forums in response to "What are Chiss afraid of?" and someone said "I was just gonna say 'spiders,' but y'all went far beyond that..." and I took it and ran with it. XD)


LOL. :D I never hurt them, I take a broom, make them crawl on it, then throw them out of the window. I hate it when I know they are here somewhere but don't know where and when will I meet them, it's pure terror. XD

I love almost all animals, except them. Ok, the jumping spider is the only spider I like, because it's small and funny.


By the way, I'm lucky Baras didn't know about my Warrior's phobia, I'm sure he would have used that against her. XDDD

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