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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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And now that I finally dragged myself out of bed....I just discovered I am out of coffee filters... :( I will have to get dressed to go get coffee....no........ :(


Get those filters! Drink that coffee and then get to writing! *cracks whip* :D He hee.

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Ben Irving and his infamous "Malavee Quinn".

It wasn't that - I never heard the "Malavee Quinn" thing or knew about it until it was mention in this forum. I've watched only 3 livestreams and it was in one of those - I must have a look. But then (to quote Monty Python's Life of Brian) "My ears are gnarled. My eyes are old and bent" so it might have been that and I haven't realised :rolleyes:

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And now that I finally dragged myself out of bed....I just discovered I am out of coffee filters... :( I will have to get dressed to go get coffee....no........ :(


Quinn: *presents you with a piping hot cup of coffee* My lord. *bows*

Hey, for once you're not complaining.

Quinn: Brewing coffee is less humiliating than signing posters.

Speaking of which, you forgot to sign that newest poster.



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Oh. That's...intimidating... :eek:


As for HK-51 appreciation day... Say that one more time and -- *angrily ignites lightsaber* "You were saying...?" (I kid, of course. :p)


(Unfortunately that's an old picture. My warrior's body type three now. :/ And that willowy thing sticking out from behind Marr is Quinn photobombing everyone by making Marr look like he grew another arm.)

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Oh. That's...intimidating... :eek:


As for HK-51 appreciation day... Say that one more time and -- *angrily ignites lightsaber* "You were saying...?" (I kid, of course. :p)


(Unfortunately that's an old picture. My warrior's body type three now. :/ And that willowy thing sticking out from behind Marr is Quinn photobombing everyone by making Marr look like he grew another arm.)


I'm trying to push Marr out of the way with my mind powers but it's not working :o

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I'm trying to push Marr out of the way with my mind powers but it's not working :o


I know. D: And Quinn's just standing there, not drawing his weapon or anything. Just hiding behind Marr. It's like he's saying "Maybe if I hide behind the super-powerful Dark Councillor, Revan won't pick on me because I'm the least powerful person here."

To which I would reply, "Are you kidding? You could blast everybody off the moon itself with your sheer Awesomeness. That's a force, too, you know."


Quinn: ...are you mocking me?


Quinn: "Awesomeness" is a force.


Quinn: But it is not the Force.

It's better than the Force.

Quinn: ...would you care to explain that, sir?

Dirty Kick.

Quinn: What.

How else do you explain a smuggler Dirty Kicking somebody like Darth Malgus (or Revan or Arcann or Vaylin or VALKORION) and living to tell about it?

Quinn: *blink blink* That....makes a startling amount of sense.

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Get those filters! Drink that coffee and then get to writing! *cracks whip* :D He hee.


Well I did have a few errands to run today and just got back...and thought treating myself to starbucks was a great way to reward myself for remembering coffee filters...and rolled Quinn wife number 5....for research reasons lol :) Yes been working on more stuff in my head for the last couple of days while working, so will see if I can get something else out here in the next few days since I have them off :)


Soon he will not be a hologram :)http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Soon-Quinn-Wife-5-680242820

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It wasn't that - I never heard the "Malavee Quinn" thing or knew about it until it was mention in this forum. I've watched only 3 livestreams and it was in one of those - I must have a look. But then (to quote Monty Python's Life of Brian) "My ears are gnarled. My eyes are old and bent" so it might have been that and I haven't realised :rolleyes:


I guess that could mean they said more than once they didn't like Quinn. Well, that's even worse, since they apparently have such a strong need to let everybody know :-/

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Well I did have a few errands to run today and just got back...and thought treating myself to starbucks was a great way to reward myself for remembering coffee filters...and rolled Quinn wife number 5....for research reasons lol :) Yes been working on more stuff in my head for the last couple of days while working, so will see if I can get something else out here in the next few days since I have them off :)


Soon he will not be a hologram :)http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Soon-Quinn-Wife-5-680242820


I'm glad I'm not the only one rolling wives for the man lol :D Yay, I feel less crazy now :D


Mmm, Starbucks. I love the screenie, thanks for sharing that :D


And yay, almost 400!!!!! :D To celebrate, here is my main SW, Fernal with her Malavai. <3 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/Lunafox13/FernalMalavai_zpswlcec8it.jpg

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And yay, almost 400!!!!! :D To celebrate, here is my main SW, Fernal with her Malavai. <3 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/Lunafox13/FernalMalavai_zpswlcec8it.jpg


Ooh, she looks nice! (And so does he. :D I'm going to have to find that customization... it's on Ilum, right?)


Hey, let's all post pictures of our warriors! I would (again), but I don't have any with Quinn. :( And I'm leery about using the companion locator terminal; I don't want bugs messing up the eventual reunion, however lackluster and disappointing it may be.

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Ooh, she looks nice! (And so does he. :D I'm going to have to find that customization... it's on Ilum, right?)


Hey, let's all post pictures of our warriors! I would (again), but I don't have any with Quinn. :( And I'm leery about using the companion locator terminal; I don't want bugs messing up the eventual reunion, however lackluster and disappointing it may be.


Okay I know I am nuts...but here are my other 3 lol

#2 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-2-680279036

#3 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-3-680280307

#4 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-4-680281891


Wife #2 is in the middle of chapters so has not been to Iokath yet so just put he next to the decoration :) The rest of my warriors have not even started chapters yet. So they are at least 6 years 8 months and 12 days behind Disantia. Watched a male Sith warrior video where he asked how long it had been, that was his exact response lol


Already posted 1 and 5 already lol

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Ooh, she looks nice! (And so does he. :D I'm going to have to find that customization... it's on Ilum, right?)


Hey, let's all post pictures of our warriors! I would (again), but I don't have any with Quinn. :( And I'm leery about using the companion locator terminal; I don't want bugs messing up the eventual reunion, however lackluster and disappointing it may be.


Thanks :D I think it's on Ilum at the Security Key vendor. It's been a while since I've gotten it.


Gosh, now I gotta go in and take pics of all my warriors :D

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Okay I know I am nuts...but here are my other 3 lol

#2 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-2-680279036

#3 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-3-680280307

#4 http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Quinn-Wife-4-680281891


Wife #2 is in the middle of chapters so has not been to Iokath yet so just put he next to the decoration :) The rest of my warriors have not even started chapters yet. So they are at least 6 years 8 months and 12 days behind Disantia. Watched a male Sith warrior video where he asked how long it had been, that was his exact response lol


Already posted 1 and 5 already lol



Wow they look great! :D I also love Quinn's jacket in the last pic. <3

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:eek: Whoa, those are amazing! I love #2 and #4's outfits - and there's Quinn in the Secret Agent's outfit...? Dang; whenever I try to find that, the jacket alone is in the 15-million-credits range. Lucky you!


Also, PAGE 400! WHOO! Congrats, Lunafox. :D It is indeed fitting that it's your post to get us to page 400. *hugs and allergen-free cookies for everybody*

Quinn: *salutes* Congratulations, my lords. Officers. Four hundred pages of...er, me.


Quinn: ...I started worrying at 200 pages. Was concerned at 300. I don't know if I should be having a nervous breakdown or basking in the glory.

Basking is nice.

Quinn: I'll consider it.

Just let the Quinnmancers in on that basking, too.

Quinn: Consideration over. *runs away in fright*


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Also, PAGE 400! WHOO! Congrats, Lunafox. :D It is indeed fitting that it's your post to get us to page 400. *hugs and allergen-free cookies for everybody*

Quinn: *salutes* Congratulations, my lords. Officers. Four hundred pages of...er, me.


Quinn: ...I started worrying at 200 pages. Was concerned at 300. I don't know if I should be having a nervous breakdown or basking in the glory.

Basking is nice.

Quinn: I'll consider it.

Just let the Quinnmancers in on that basking, too.

Quinn: Consideration over. *runs away in fright*



Careful love...someone might just force drag you back... ;)

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:eek: Whoa, those are amazing! I love #2 and #4's outfits - and there's Quinn in the Secret Agent's outfit...? Dang; whenever I try to find that, the jacket alone is in the 15-million-credits range. Lucky you!


Awww thanks :) I saw someone else running around with #2 a while back and I was like...you can get Visas Marr's veil to show under a hood? Though the person who I saw had it undrer a different hood. I just liked that one better...though it does clip a lot especially while in combat :( So had to roll a Miraluka to rock that look :)


But what can I say....I like to play dress up in this game ;)

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So pretty :) What are the bracers on the 6th one? I might need to find those :)


Thanks :D Those would be the Luxurious Dress Cuffs :D I love them, they're probably my favs in the whole game and work wonderfully, especially with the slave girl set...they're so minimal and pretty like jewelry. :)

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Wow - they all look amazing! I love the third one's outfit. So often Ajunta Pall's tunic looks...odd, but with the right dye, wow. o_o Looks awesome!

Wait a moment - the first one... I didn't know there was a version with the hood down. :eek: What. How. Where. Aagh, so many good outfits ruined with the hood perpetually up... (I never had to worry about that with my knight; he's a twi'lek, so all hoods are automatically down for him. XD)

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:D ...I have never watched that show and have no interest in it (cue gasps of horror), but darn if it doesn't have amazing music.


Quinn: ...I can't dance.

Oh sure you can.

Quinn: Ballroom dancing, perhaps. Not...square dancing.

Then you seriously need to learn because it is ridiculously fun.

Quinn: ...

...also the fanfiction resulting from that would be adorable.

Quinn: I KNEW there was another reason you said that!

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