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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I played my female consular to be as dumb as a bag of rocks.

...it was disturbingly easy. o_O My male consular, on the other hand, even when [accidentally] saying the weirdest possible options, still managed to sound like a highly intelligent, charming, charismatic individual. Female consular, on the other hand...she does a very, VERY good job on "emotionless Jedi," which is great if you're playing the story as that sort of character, but for anything else, it just sounds out of place.

Kind of sad, really - I absolutely love the way my female consular looks (she's a zabrak [with tiny golden rings on two of her horns] with jet-black hair, olive-dark skin, and bright green eyes; wearing white makes her look absolutely stunning...), and I can't stand her character or her voice. :/


But I want to see Jorgan's romance with a female trooper (also to get a better feel for her character since I'm in the process of writing a story with a female trooper in it)...BUT THAT VOICE, DANG IT. >_< Ergh. Maybe I'll just grin and bear it. ...or just bear it without the grin, because the trooper's story is, for me, the most depressing story in the game. Coming in at a close second: the ending of Ziost. O_O


The female VA for consular...urgh. And that 'snarky' line from her...what happened, did George Lucas break into the studio and write that? The male is marginally better, I do have one of each, but it's a little slice of torture working with them. Your JC sounds very pretty, I can imagine her in my mind's eye.


I still have to do that romance bit with Jorgan, but again it's a challenge, because I hate F.Trooper story, hate the VA's voice and I'm not keen on Jorgan, he does nothing for me, even though I like his VA. People keep saying, 'roll a Cathar' but I'm not even that jazzed on them. There are people who like them and enjoy them, but for my own play I can't bring myself to do it.


What would have been really cool, is if they recorded all the lines, with all the actors and you could choose who you wanted to voice your class. I suspect Trooper would be much better with Natasha Little (sw voice). :D


No worries Luna, I know Hale's Trooper voice isn't everyone's cup of tea. If it's any consolation I can't stand the male smuggler VA. It just leaves me cold. I managed to get through Ord Mantel and then ended up deleting him and rolling another female smuggler, she delivers the lines much better. And I agree about the female JC VA, that's awful I can at least tolerate the male JC VA. Guess I should try a male agent too....


I found the male agent to be a bit of an acquired taste, just as the male SI is. I wasn't sure about either of them at first, but once I got playing I really got to love their voices. :)


Random thoughts inspired by the VA discussion:


I always imagine F!Consular & Iresso falling asleep while having sex...



And I agree about Marr being a sexy beast. I think it quite likely Quinn would have a crush on him. He's everything Quinn would admire! He's a powerful, intelligent, pragmatic leader that puts the Empire's needs first. What's not to love? We need more Marr! Ghost Marr is fine if he stops hanging out with Satelle like a Jedi wannabe.


He hee. I can totally see it about those two.


I think Quinn and Marr would have a mutual admiration society going, because both are efficient and very serious about the Empire. Marr is beyond awesome, but I agree, have to get him away from that...that...Jedi. <.<


I can see him Marr and Quinn really getting along well, until Marr becomes a force ghost. In Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark (tags for those who haven't done KOTFE yet)

things Marr says about the force become progressively pathetic considering he was such a massive dark force to be reckoned with before. The bit where he says "the force is a paradox it empowers and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together and tears people apart. It has a will...but needs a commander" annoys me every time I hear it, especially how he says "commander" but there is no way to turn him off. I don't know what the VA was instructed to do here but this part alone ruined Marr for me


I think the line makes sense to who Marr becomes after reviewing his life and experiences, but I think the mistake was to beat the player to death with that point. We're not so stupid that we require four different metaphors to understand it. I would have written it like this instead:


"The Force is a paradox, it both empowers and imprisons. It is intention in its purest form--but without direction it becomes chaos. You--you must become the will that commands it."


That's how I would have phrased it. :)

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The female VA for consular...urgh. And that 'snarky' line from her...what happened, did George Lucas break into the studio and write that? The male is marginally better, I do have one of each, but it's a little slice of torture working with them. Your JC sounds very pretty, I can imagine her in my mind's eye.


I still have to do that romance bit with Jorgan, but again it's a challenge, because I hate F.Trooper story, hate the VA's voice and I'm not keen on Jorgan, he does nothing for me, even though I like his VA. People keep saying, 'roll a Cathar' but I'm not even that jazzed on them. There are people who like them and enjoy them, but for my own play I can't bring myself to do it.


What would have been really cool, is if they recorded all the lines, with all the actors and you could choose who you wanted to voice your class. I suspect Trooper would be much better with Natasha Little (sw voice). :D


Just pick the snarkiest lines possible for the male consular, and then imagine him as Nathan Drake. ...with the Force and a lightsaber. :D I think his voice improves over the various expansions. In KOTFE, my consular fell headfirst into a romance with Lana because of a single instance of voice acting that, for all other classes, was fairly bland ("I have a million questions right now"), and yet for him...somehow, he made it sound ridiculously seductive. That alone convinced me there was a perfectly insane amount of romantic tension between the two.

...tried to link to a picture of my female consular, and then my internet decided HAHA NOPE. That'd be the second time in a week it's gone kerpuffle because of a major storm passing through here... sigh.

Edit: Aha! And here is the picture. Really hope this link works. Her gloves and bracers are embarrassing me...this is an older picture. She now has matching gloves/bracers for the rest of her outfit. XD


Yeah...cathar are really, REALLY hard to design well. Most of the random combinations available look like a shoddily-stitched stuffed animal. XD But occasionally there are some gems.


Ooooh, that would've been awesome! Can you imagine Nolan North as the male smuggler? Drake 2.0, basically. :p ...or Kath Soucie (female smuggler) as the female warrior. o_O I...I...just broke my brain... :eek: Then again, Ms. Soucie CAN do a perfectly respectable Imperial accent (she's Minister Tua [spelling?] in Star Wars: Rebels), so...perhaps her smuggler-voice needn't have been her warrior-voice. XD

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As much as I love the class, I could never get with the female voice for Warrior - just too hardcore for my tastes. I do, however, like the male SW's voice. He can sound smooth and subtle, yet still lethal while the female SW seems to have no variance between hardcore "BLOODBATH" and complete non-emotion.


I still love playing a female SW, but I wish she sounded a little more calculating like the male SW or Lord Scourge rather than a just hard core ***** (female dog) or emotionless drone.

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Just pick the snarkiest lines possible for the male consular, and then imagine him as Nathan Drake. ...with the Force and a lightsaber. :D I think his voice improves over the various expansions. In KOTFE, my consular fell headfirst into a romance with Lana because of a single instance of voice acting that, for all other classes, was fairly bland ("I have a million questions right now"), and yet for him...somehow, he made it sound ridiculously seductive. That alone convinced me there was a perfectly insane amount of romantic tension between the two.

...tried to link to a picture of my female consular, and then my internet decided HAHA NOPE. That'd be the second time in a week it's gone kerpuffle because of a major storm passing through here... sigh.

Edit: Aha! And here is the picture. Really hope this link works. Her gloves and bracers are embarrassing me...this is an older picture. She now has matching gloves/bracers for the rest of her outfit. XD


Yeah...cathar are really, REALLY hard to design well. Most of the random combinations available look like a shoddily-stitched stuffed animal. XD But occasionally there are some gems.


Ooooh, that would've been awesome! Can you imagine Nolan North as the male smuggler? Drake 2.0, basically. :p ...or Kath Soucie (female smuggler) as the female warrior. o_O I...I...just broke my brain... :eek: Then again, Ms. Soucie CAN do a perfectly respectable Imperial accent (she's Minister Tua [spelling?] in Star Wars: Rebels), so...perhaps her smuggler-voice needn't have been her warrior-voice. XD


Well, when you put it that way, it does put a better spin on male consular lol. I managed to see your consular, she looks good. And you're right, she does look lovely in that consular robe, I always liked that one with the nice embroidery on it. I remember when I first started playing this and Kira got a dress similar to that, I was so mad, that my sidekick was better dressed than I was lol. I looked pretty ragtag back then, there wasn't all the nice armor there is now, but anyway, I digress. When I tried to go back to see what was so bad about your gloves and bracers, the link decided to act up and not show me. I was more focussed on her face and the dress to notice the other stuff lol.


As you say, some people know what they're doing with the Cathar...any I've tried look awful so...pftah.


Getting a choice in voices would have been great, but probably really time consuming and complicated. :/

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I found the male agent to be a bit of an acquired taste, just as the male SI is. I wasn't sure about either of them at first, but once I got playing I really got to love their voices. :)


The first part is surprising to me. So far most of my friends swoon to his voice from the first sound he makes. :D

Just his silly "Republic accent" he does on Hutta and Balmorra leave me in insane giggles. I really hope he did that bad accent on purpose :D


SI, on the other hand, yeah, I totally agree. At first I remember I needed to get used to him, but now he is an integral part of my main Inq, and to be honest a huge influence what my Inq became. I love his voice to bits but it wasn't love at first sight.


I have friends who love him, and who hate him.


Since I heard his singing, I love him even more (and yes, my Inq can sing too now :D)

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I have 6 Cathars, out of them only 1 is female. I think males look incredible, but females are quite ugly.

In my experience, during character creation the complexion part is really important, it can ruin the whole looks if you don't do it right. They should add more hairstyles too.

And the Imperial uniform looks great on males. :cool:

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SI, on the other hand, yeah, I totally agree. At first I remember I needed to get used to him, but now he is an integral part of my main Inq, and to be honest a huge influence what my Inq became. I love his voice to bits but it wasn't love at first sight.


Maybe I need to give the male SI another chance. I've always wanted to make one but I could never get through character creation. The voice snippets they chose there really don't make him sound appealing to me, but maybe I should give him a fair shot. :)

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Maybe I need to give the male SI another chance. I've always wanted to make one but I could never get through character creation. The voice snippets they chose there really don't make him sound appealing to me, but maybe I should give him a fair shot. :)


It also appears to differ how you play your Inq. He sounds softer when you're more LS and choose LS options. He's a lot more menacing when you're DS, and to be honest I think that voice fits him better: when he's a cruel Sith, not some sweetheart Ashara thinks he is.


His most sarcastic lines are just DA BEST. :D And my all time favourite:

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Made my only male Inquisitor a Cathar. Also made him a tank and body type one because it amuses me. But I figure as dark as I made him, if I am going to be threatening people I want fangs to back it up lol


But the countdown continues once more 5 days to go. Just dying to see the new stuff with my own eyes and hear that lovely velvet voice again that distracts me more then it probably should ;)

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But the countdown continues once more 5 days to go. Just dying to see the new stuff with my own eyes and hear that lovely velvet voice again that distracts me more then it probably should ;)


I'm softening my wait posting countdown pictures every day, picture likes this one: https://twitter.com/GulJarol/status/852415305439526912/photo/1 :D Or do silly like this: https://twitter.com/GulJarol/status/852460450558218240/photo/1

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I think the line makes sense to who Marr becomes after reviewing his life and experiences, but I think the mistake was to beat the player to death with that point. We're not so stupid that we require four different metaphors to understand it. I would have written it like this instead:


That's much more concise and flows better in my opinion.


Though I do have to cut the writers some slack simply because there's part of the playerbase who still complain about things happening despite getting multiple click on confirmation boxes telling them exactly what's going to happen if they continue to click to confirm. If I had a dollar for each time in 'fleet seeing someone complain that they're shut out of vanilla class content because they decided to start KotFE/ET, It'd cover a few months sub for me.

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It also appears to differ how you play your Inq. He sounds softer when you're more LS and choose LS options. He's a lot more menacing when you're DS, and to be honest I think that voice fits him better: when he's a cruel Sith, not some sweetheart Ashara thinks he is.


His most sarcastic lines are just DA BEST. :D And my all time favourite:


Haha, it's one of the best lines. :D I like the "I love getting gifts" and the "I don't care. Just make it something cheerful" when you are zapping the prisoner and order him to sing. That's hilarious. :D

Yes, he sounds very nice when he is polite or LS, e.g. I like when he says "I am most grateful."


Finally, I have heard the male Operative's giggle. I love it so much! It's so cruel and evil, I'm going to keep this character and make him a real psycho. :D

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Haha, it's one of the best lines. :D I like the "I love getting gifts" and the "I don't care. Just make it something cheerful" when you are zapping the prisoner and order him to sing. That's hilarious. :D

Yes, he sounds very nice when he is polite or LS, e.g. I like when he says "I am most grateful."


I also love this: https://vid.me/YRO8

I'd believe you, if you didn't sound so cute, dammit :D


Finally, I have heard the male Operative's giggle. I love it so much! It's so cruel and evil, I'm going to keep this character and make him a real psycho. :D


I always have two opposite feelings when hearing his giggle. When it's my agent (he's a sweetheart), it's sweet and adorable.

When I PvP and an Operative just finished me off dead with the giggle, it's frustrating :D

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I always have two opposite feelings when hearing his giggle. When it's my agent (he's a sweetheart), it's sweet and adorable.

When I PvP and an Operative just finished me off dead with the giggle, it's frustrating :D


The trooper and bounty hunter have a laugh too, I was happy to discover. Finding the specs that did this gave me a renewed interest in both of those characters. The male bounty hunter is a deep and subtle, "heh heh." It's great.

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I also love this: https://vid.me/YRO8

I'd believe you, if you didn't sound so cute, dammit :D

He is cute! :D

By the way, I really like your Quinn fanfiction, their son is adorable. :) I have made a Quinn-Wrath son too on the roleplay server, a Pureblood Marauder in Imperial uniform, with the Quinn surname. :cool:


The trooper and bounty hunter have a laugh too, I was happy to discover. Finding the specs that did this gave me a renewed interest in both of those characters. The male bounty hunter is a deep and subtle, "heh heh." It's great.

Really? Seems I have been missing a lot of things. :confused: When does the BH do that? My male BH is Pyrotech.

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Really? Seems I have been missing a lot of things. When does the BH do that? My male BH is Pyrotech.


I've never heard my arsenal merc laugh, but my vengeance juggernauts laugh once in awhile. It's an audio cue for some proc but I honestly don't know for what. Either I ignore the proc, or I know about it some other way, probably a lit up ability. Either way, her laugh doesn't bother me. "Ehh heh heh heh." :) Then again if I had to hear it all the time it probably would.

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Really? Seems I have been missing a lot of things. :confused: When does the BH do that? My male BH is Pyrotech.


Oh, it's only the commando/mercenary that do the laugh I believe. Both are lesser played alts for me, so I can't recall the specs that have the laugh.


I have made a Quinn-Wrath son too on the roleplay server, a Pureblood Marauder in Imperial uniform, with the Quinn surname. :cool:


I wonder just how many of us have given Quinn sons or daughters? :D In my universe, Quinn has a son with my warrior as well, he's human though with only his mother's red pureblood hair. He's an assassin.

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He is cute! :D

By the way, I really like your Quinn fanfiction, their son is adorable. :)


Thank you. :)

I'm trying to keep some of this adorableness in his young adult version of my Jugg toon.


I've never heard my arsenal merc laugh, but my vengeance juggernauts laugh once in awhile. It's an audio cue for some proc but I honestly don't know for what. Either I ignore the proc, or I know about it some other way, probably a lit up ability. Either way, her laugh doesn't bother me. "Ehh heh heh heh." :) Then again if I had to hear it all the time it probably would.


My Fury Marauder sometimes shouts "Bleh!" after she kills a mob. It always cracks me up. Shame I don't hear the same from my main Carnage. I'd LOVE it. As in "Bleh! Your blood ruined my dress!" :D


I think I'll try vengeance Jugg just to hear her laugh. :D

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I wonder just how many of us have given Quinn sons or daughters? In my universe, Quinn has a son with my warrior as well, he's human though with only his mother's red pureblood hair. He's an assassin.


Just one daughter though I ended up deleting the warrior that would have been her mother. I feel pretty weird about that actually. i killed her mom :(


My chiss agent's daughter isn't Vector's child though. Not such a mystery who her daddy is :p




Lol! That sounds hysterical. I never heard that I don't think. Too bad I'm so awful at marauding, I just can't get the hang of it :o

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My chiss agent's daughter isn't Vector's child though. Not such a mystery who her daddy is :p

Chiss Agent? Then it must be Aristocra Saganu. :D Oh wait...I guess it's Theron. :)


But seriously, my Chiss Agent wanted Aristocra to be her companion, it would be great if we could recruit him. His voice is also good. We need more Chiss!


My Fury Marauder sometimes shouts "Bleh!" after she kills a mob. It always cracks me up. Shame I don't hear the same from my main Carnage. I'd LOVE it. As in "Bleh! Your blood ruined my dress!" :D

I have tons of characters but haven't heard this one either. What's going on, really? :o I have a Fury Marauder too.

But I have a guess why. It's not really audible during fights, there is too much shouting and blasting. I only hear the Operative's giggle when I pay attention to it, because as soon as a stab someone they immediately start making noises, it's annoying.

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I've never heard my arsenal merc laugh, but my vengeance juggernauts laugh once in awhile. It's an audio cue for some proc but I honestly don't know for what. Either I ignore the proc, or I know about it some other way, probably a lit up ability. Either way, her laugh doesn't bother me. "Ehh heh heh heh." :) Then again if I had to hear it all the time it probably would.


My vigilance guardian doesn't laugh when the Republic-side equivalent proc comes up (I forget what it's called, but I know what you're talking about). He SCREAMS HIS LUNGS OUT.

First time I heard that, I was playing with my mom. We'd just finished a (male) operative and my mom said, "I never ever want to hear that disturbing laugh again." By the end of it, I could agree. So then we started a knight, and I picked the vigilance spec - I have a tank (and another tank coming up) - but I'd never done vigilance before.


We both just about jolted out of our respective seats, staring at the screen while our knight leaped about with his lightsaber on fire.

Me: ...I am so sorry, I didn't know he'd do that--

Mom: I LOVE IT!!

Me: You DO??

Mom: It's a lot less annoying - and less creepy - than the agent's laugh.

Me: True!

Upwards of a year later (our knight's in Shadow of Revan now), we both still love his hilarious yell. It's even more hilarious because, normally, he's an extremely quiet, soft-spoken person. In combat, however...*SCREAM YELL SHRIEK BLAZING WHIRLWIND OF DEATH AAAAHHHHHH*


But the trooper and bounty hunter laughs? Really? Cool. I have a pyrotech powertech and an arsenal merc (who was briefly...whatever their healing spec is called). Oh, and a tank vanguard. Never heard any of them laugh. :c My tank does like to scream a lot, though, whenever he charges into combat. And I recently heard the female trooper's take on that screaming. It...well. Sounds like Jennifer Hale standing in a soundbooth screaming her head inside out. :p



Quinn: Should I try to get it delayed again...?

Hey, purple Quinn's back. And no. Don't you dare. There would be a torches-and-pitchforks mob if you did.

Quinn: *mutters something*

What was that?

Quinn: Nothing fit for polite company, sir. *bows to the various Sith Lords in this thread* My lords, please excuse my momentary frustration. *eye twitch*

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Well, when you put it that way, it does put a better spin on male consular lol. I managed to see your consular, she looks good. And you're right, she does look lovely in that consular robe, I always liked that one with the nice embroidery on it. I remember when I first started playing this and Kira got a dress similar to that, I was so mad, that my sidekick was better dressed than I was lol. I looked pretty ragtag back then, there wasn't all the nice armor there is now, but anyway, I digress. When I tried to go back to see what was so bad about your gloves and bracers, the link decided to act up and not show me. I was more focussed on her face and the dress to notice the other stuff lol.


Heh, thank you! :D The embroidery's beautiful; main reason I picked that outfit, actually. Then I just dyed it white/dark orange. The gloves/bracers are just a dingy gray color - I later replaced them with ones that had the same embroidery on them, but at the time I couldn't afford it. XD

I remember that outfit on Kira...it had green embroidery. Looked really, REALLY nice with Kira's red hair. I eventually replaced it with something worse gear-wise, because it was really distracting. For both my (male) knight, and for myself. :p I was just worried about wardrobe malfunctions - that thing was TIGHT! :eek:

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My vigilance guardian doesn't laugh when the Republic-side equivalent proc comes up (I forget what it's called, but I know what you're talking about). He SCREAMS HIS LUNGS OUT.


Now that you mention it, my female vigilance guardian screams a lot too, lol. I love the spec - vigilance/vengeance, so much screaming and jumping and smashing and throwing light sabers around.. (I know I've hit bad lag when I saber throw and it doesn't come back :D)


I always feel like screenshots I take of my characters, while they're having a conversation, doesn't really do them justice. One second Quinn and the warrior are running around throwing people into walls, being set on fire, blasting people in the face, tripping over chairs, the next - they stand there perfectly still having a civilized chat. It's almost funny in a way, they never discuss the times she club dances on people's desks or they fall down elevator shafts.

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Now that you mention it, my female vigilance guardian screams a lot too, lol. I love the spec - vigilance/vengeance, so much screaming and jumping and smashing and throwing light sabers around.. (I know I've hit bad lag when I saber throw and it doesn't come back :D)


I always feel like screenshots I take of my characters, while they're having a conversation, doesn't really do them justice. One second Quinn and the warrior are running around throwing people into walls, being set on fire, blasting people in the face, tripping over chairs, the next - they stand there perfectly still having a civilized chat. It's almost funny in a way, they never discuss the times she club dances on people's desks or they fall down elevator shafts.


Or when it DOES come back... and for some reason, possibly lag, the character is stuck in that "throw saber" pose with the lit lightsaber twirling around and around underneath their outstretched hand. They can run around and everything, but if they face a different direction than they were originally facing, throwing their lightsaber, their bodies nearly contort in half as their upper half still faces that way and their legs...do not. It's hilarious. XD


Everyday occurrences in Sith life?

Quinn: I've gotten used to it.


Quinn: ...which is a polite way of saying, "I don't understand half the things Sith do and I've learned not to ask."

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