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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Mine looked like a warehouse until recently. But I've been sick for over a week and turns out that moving pretend furniture around is good for killing time :o

I have no imagination so in my main stronghold which is Nar Shadaa, the 4 smaller rooms are bedrooms for some of my characters love interests (Theron, Aric, Quinn and Vector each have a room), though I have now reduced the "cat" pets in Quinn's room (in waiting) to just the one! My stronghold is open and I've seen a few people running around it probably thinking "this person is bonkers" :D

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I have no imagination so in my main stronghold which is Nar Shadaa, the 4 smaller rooms are bedrooms for some of my characters love interests (Theron, Aric, Quinn and Vector each have a room), though I have now reduced the "cat" pets in Quinn's room (in waiting) to just the one! My stronghold is open and I've seen a few people running around it probably thinking "this person is bonkers" :D


LOL, I understand, I'm a huge cat person too. :D Could you please give us a screenshot of this? :D

I can totally imagine Quinn feeding the cats. XDDD

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LOL, I understand, I'm a huge cat person too. :D Could you please give us a screenshot of this? :D

I can totally imagine Quinn feeding the cats. XDDD

I'd have to put them all out again as i cut them back down to one! If I get round to it I will, however I'm levelling newly made "Quinn wives" ready for 5.2.

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Leveling another warrior again myself :) trying to get her ready for the 11th, But am picky refuse to start the chapters before I have completed all of shadow of Revan. So she may not be ready....but must try lol. First time since my first warrior I do not have him running around in his uniform, I think I like his look for this toon. Though I do kind of miss how I had him looking when you had to actually have gear on them to get their stats on, had him running around in robes I liked it too lol.
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I'd have to put them all out again as i cut them back down to one! If I get round to it I will, however I'm levelling newly made "Quinn wives" ready for 5.2.


Ok, I'm looking forward to it. :) Although, if we are on the same server I can pay it a visit. :D


Leveling another warrior again myself :) trying to get her ready for the 11th, But am picky refuse to start the chapters before I have completed all of shadow of Revan. So she may not be ready....but must try lol. First time since my first warrior I do not have him running around in his uniform, I think I like his look for this toon. Though I do kind of miss how I had him looking when you had to actually have gear on them to get their stats on, had him running around in robes I liked it too lol.


Quinn with robes? Hmm...I can't imagine this, I think I'll try it myself. :)

Yeah, I was thinking the same, it is sad they took all those companion gears from quest rewards. Yes, it was pain to gear them, but they had some cool outfits. For example Quinn's white uniform looks really good, fortunately my very first Warrior still has it. Actually, her whole bank is full of Quinn's items. XD I had to buy a second bay to be able to put my own things in it LOL.


I have a Pureblood Jedi Knight, and I have recently put an Imperial uniform on good old Doc (hubby). :D (I got bored with his older outfit) So by looks we don't fit in the Republic environment, to put it mildly. :D It's funny how people react to Doc when they see him. They stop for a few seconds, trying to guess what is going on. Is he Quinn? Is he a player in an Imperial uniform? 'Oh, it's just Doc, ok', then they move along. :D:D

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I tried Quinn in all white as many had suggested it much earlier in this thread but I didn't like it so much - I prefer Quinn in all black but since Black/Black dye is extortionate, Thexan's Robes for the win :) A couple of my Quinns are in those. Others are in Nightlife's Operatives armour dyed red black. I'm after Saul Karath's armour for Quinn as it's the only military style armour I like but I keep spending my credits on mounts and decorations!
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I tried Quinn in all white as many had suggested it much earlier in this thread but I didn't like it so much - I prefer Quinn in all black but since Black/Black dye is extortionate, Thexan's Robes for the win :) A couple of my Quinns are in those. Others are in Nightlife's Operatives armour dyed red black. I'm after Saul Karath's armour for Quinn as it's the only military style armour I like but I keep spending my credits on mounts and decorations!


. . . ! ! !

Quinn: I...look like a Sith?


Quinn: ...dare I voice a protest that I'm a military officer, not a Force-user?

You may not, and since when did Talos get in here?

Talos Drellik: *sheepish grin*


Seriously, though, that looks awesome.

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Hi from another Quinn fan! I have Thexan's set for Quinn too and a white military outfit.


Oh phew *waves*


Yeesh you never know what kind of post it's going to be when you see a new name show up in here, huh? :D

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Alternative sanity works too...D

Our pixelated LI tried to kill us and we still love him! And some of us married him after this betrayal. Of course it's Alternative Sanity :D If you think it's bad now, imagine what it will be like on the 11th.

I'm concerned that I'll be in the middle of my Quinn reunion and 5.2 will crash and burn :eek: Pray that they are feeding the hamsters well.

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Our pixelated LI tried to kill us and we still love him! And some of us married him after this betrayal. Of course it's Alternative Sanity :D If you think it's bad now, imagine what it will be like on the 11th.

I'm concerned that I'll be in the middle of my Quinn reunion and 5.2 will crash and burn :eek: Pray that they are feeding the hamsters well.


Yes, I will be praying for the hamsters too. And that they didn't futz up the romantic dialogue like they did with SoR and the pre Rishi bit.

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Oh phew *waves*


Yeesh you never know what kind of post it's going to be when you see a new name show up in here, huh? :D


Thats true. I love Quinn so I'm helping to spread the lurve. If I didn't I'd be in that other thread cuz unlike some of the Quinn haters that creep in I know how to use the search function.

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Thats true. I love Quinn so I'm helping to spread the lurve. If I didn't I'd be in that other thread cuz unlike some of the Quinn haters that creep in I know how to use the search function.


Ah, but we know how to deal with Quinn haters!

Quinn: Nuclear warheads?


Quinn: ...that does not reassure me.

Nuclear warheads of snark?

Quinn: They'll call you insane.

That's the purpose of a fangirl army, Captain/whatever rank you are in 5.2. To be SO insane, nobody dares question it! The closer we are to insanity, the farther we are from criticism!

Quinn: That...didn't make any sense...

...give me a break, I'm falling asleep on my feet here. :p I also formally apologize to Pippin from Lord of the Rings for stealing/butchering his quote.

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