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Mercenary ascension & Terrible Matchmaking


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So,i wanted to talk about two things that recently made PvP,basicaly the only thing you can busy yourself with in game,basicaly unplayable.


First off : PvP is only thing i can do anymore because there's literaly no good players left in the game. Every FP,even simplest one is always a headache instead of any enjoyment,you get people in green gear,with not a slightest clue what they are doing. I get it,new players and all,but its EVERY time and it gets annoying really,really fast when you are level 20,and still overdps all the 65-70's you get in your team. Same with operations - first off,they were done billions times before,and i would still do them again,but pugs cannot understand "complex" mechanics of not standing in red or not aiming boss aoe towards the group,not to mention interupts or something of that sort.


So stuck with pvp for over 4.5 years,and pretty much every day,for hours. One thing that alwasy bugged me about it: how can you make ranked games to be balanced,but normal ones not? One team always has to get 3 healers,other one zero,and those three will sure be Sorcerer/Sage,or now,Fotmando,and you cant do anything whatsoever,because enemy team wont be dying at all.

Now,i mainly lost countless games because of this,but i kinda was silent about it all,because i very well know that noone will care nor take action. Come on,noone even cares that you cannot preview any armors in game for about half an year because it immediately becomes a black mess of textures and that doesnt seem to be a thing devs care to fix.

But recently,it became even more unbearable when you have all the terrible players who re-rolled their Mercs and Fotmandos,going for easy kills as that class now have everything thats possible,and basicaly needs to be killed 4 times to actualy die. They might needed SOME buffing,but i guess nobody knows what subtlety is,because now you get teams of undying mercenaries destroying everything,and no matter how good or bad you are,you cannot do anything against class that has range advantage,absolute reflect that HEALS YOU,hp regen to 70% which is ridiculous,and now shield that on expiring,heals you to 100%,and ofcourse,self heals. Just go on and give them ability that insta kills people,why prolong it at all? Maybe Boss Immunity aswell.

PvP was never to balanced,and i understand that,its hard to do and all. But now,there is 3 classes left in pvp when overstacking Sins/Shadows were finally fixed: Immortal juggernauts with dmg output of a dps even in tank gear,undying Sorcerrer/Sage heals and ofcourse,Mercs. Other classes cant even compete. I enjoyed playing my sniper,aswell as marauder but now its next to impossible - everyone goes for you as they know you dont have 4 lives,and you basicaly gonna be focused as soon as you leave spawn by some extra terrible merc who will simply spam Missile Blast/Explosive Round untill he heats up,then uses Vent Heat and continues to spam that single ability again. Its sad. I do 40-50 daily games and win 0-2.

Now,i know there gonna be bunch of merc re-rollers "I played it since beggining m8" and other people who basicaly have no grasp of reality trying to prove that its all bad me,and they take down mercs in left and right,but reallity is,both matchmaking and balance is terrible. For some reason,i dont ever see match full of snipers,marauders or some other not overpowered classes. Yeah.

And yes,i do realize that game has paid for itself and now noone cares to actualy work on it. There is 2 coders locked somewhere in the dungeon by EA,and they cant fix everything,nor they want to. But before you tell me "Quit if i hate game",its not the way nor it ever was. I love Star Wars and there is no other SW MMO,i do love SWTOR,or atleast used to,but changing community and terrible balance issues and lack of content is really sad to see.


And P.S. ,if you are going to make argument "We cant balance normal wzs,ques would take forever",dont kid yourself. Even in RP servers ques are almost instant unless its 6 morning.

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