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Is there going to be anymore personal?


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Is there going to be anymore personal single-player story content? Or is all future story going to be in uprisings and stuff?


the livestream today might answer that question. But, for the past 16 months or so, the game has been single player story focused. Toward the end of 2016, BWA said that 2017 would be "group content focused". A very vocal segment of the population wants new operations. So...fingers crossed...that is what I would think we would be getting this year.


If you only play for story and choose to play strictly solo, and you've done all the story you want to do, this might be a good time to take a break.

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According to the livestream (this is quoted from Dulfy): [warning, spoilers, obviously]



New storyline – Return to Iokath. Scouts from the Alliance, Republic, and Sith have all arrived on Iokath. You, as the alliance commander, need to pick which side you will be on and take the super weapon. You can side with the opposite faction from your starting faction (i.e. Empire players can side with Republic and vice versa)

Returning companions – Quinn and Elara. If you side with the Empire, Quinn will return. If you side with Republic, Elara will return.

New Daily area on Iokath. Storyline will unlock repeatable dailies on Iokath. New gameplay options with these dailies much like we did for the chapters. There will be a new reputation track depending on which side you pick.


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Will we have more romance options with Theron/Lana? Will we be able to get married to them somehow? Will they break up with us if we choose the other side?


Sure hope so. I really want more romance dialogues, marriage options, arguments, fights (might be fun if you *literally* had to fight them as if they were a mini-boss in a story, get them down to 1 HP or whatnot and then talk to them afterwards)... we'll see in March/April, I guess.

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They talked about the new update on the live stream today and it was basically all about multiplayer content. They talked about the new storyline content for a bit but really didn't answer any questions about it. We're getting a couple of old companions back -- Quinn and Elara... and in the new storyline content you will be choosing to support the republic or empire and you may want to think about your decision b/c if you're a jedi and choose to support the empire and later on in the game Kira or Doc (for example) come back and they heard you sided with the empire, they'll possibly be mad at you.


So to me that does sound like they're planning for more single player story down the road and bringing back more lost companions but right now it does sound like they're focusing more on multiplayer content despite the new accompanying storyline content.


As more of a single player person myself (I don't really like group content most of the time) -- it's disappointing to not get more info on the things I play for but I get it. Lots of people want better group content so they deserve good stuff, too. haha. :p

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