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Completionist class?


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Hiya folks


Ok a quick one for you.


I want to pay through everything possible on a single character. This means every quest, including heroics, discover everything on every planet, basically if it can be done by one character with only his companion for help.:eek:


Now this class must be able to solo the Heroics on each planet and get everywhere he needs to. Later on I will be extending his pay to include all the group content as well, but I have a lot of work ahead of me first.


Now this character will be an ongoing project and I don't expect it to be quick:D


Ok so what class would you use?

Any tips you could give me?

Any ideas on things that i could include?

Obviously it has been done before so any problems those people came across?


Any help you give would be most appreciated so thanks in advance.;)

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Hiya folks


Ok a quick one for you.


I want to pay through everything possible on a single character. This means every quest, including heroics, discover everything on every planet, basically if it can be done by one character with only his companion for help.:eek:


Now this class must be able to solo the Heroics on each planet and get everywhere he needs to. Later on I will be extending his pay to include all the group content as well, but I have a lot of work ahead of me first.


Now this character will be an ongoing project and I don't expect it to be quick:D


Ok so what class would you use?

Any tips you could give me?

Any ideas on things that i could include?

Obviously it has been done before so any problems those people came across?


Any help you give would be most appreciated so thanks in advance.;)

Play witht the class you are in tune with the most,be in story or gameplay it will be up to you.And yes it is somewhat possible to do that in a single character,only things you can't go for are faction specific stuff(as an example the datacrons,despite the maps of Balmorraa being the same for both sides you need to get them in both sides for it to count as Galactic Datacron master).


If you're planing on using a companion buy the legacy perks that make your Influence gain higher,those can help in conversations or with companion gifts,the original companions of each class(Khem Val,Vette,Kaliyo Djannis,Mako,T7-01,Qyzen Fess,Corso Rigs ans Lieutenant Aric Jorgan)can probably have their influence farmed in story mode black talon or the esseless.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Also depebds on what makes you feel better. Close combat meaning melee or range?

I d say for melee vanguard/pt and for range mando/merc.

IMO they are most usefull in groups and have decent roles same time that have great utilities.

Storyline of trooper is a little bit meh i can say and i dont know if that bothers you but is different opinion from person to person.

Edited by Sotmax
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Are all the class capable of soloing heroics now or is it limited to just some classes?


Also since I am going to be trying to explore the entire maps should I only consider stealth capable classes?

Edited by Kadax
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Are all the class capable of soloing heroics now or is it limited to just some classes?


Also since I am going to be trying to explore the entire maps should I only consider stealth capable classes?


1- All classes can solo heroics. Some faster than other, but all can.


2- Stealths do have some advantages and yes can sometimes skip some mobs. Carefull, some bonus objectives in herocis are only show after you kill a mob. Sometimes you miss it or get it too late because you skipped the mobs. It is good when you are farming the same heroics several times a week.

Also for exploring: Stealth is faster than killing every mob in your way. But even faster is Speeder and leave angry mobs behind :D

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stealth class sure have some advantage in instances or non-speeder area tough.


But any class can complete the solo parts of the game easily enough, especially if you have an high influence companion with you. (which you can switch on the go before pulling to dps, heal or tank, regardless of who it is (so yah, Vette can tank now :p)


Being able to respec yourself to tank or heal can always be nice if there is a fight that is really annoying you, but mostly unecessary. But a tank with an high influence companion on heal will be slow killing, but even event's H4 won't even come close to killing you.

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That's what i intended to do too, after resubing. I chose a Jugg, cus that's the perfect balance between style, gameplay, story, vibe, etc... for me. + i like him both for pvp and pve.


With other classes i like them for only 1 or 2 things, Jugg i like it all moderately, so you should chose the same. The char that you chose musn't get boring after a while. Don't pick a stealth class, just for the stealth, unless you like it for all its aspects.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Thanks for all the replies folks....anyways any personal recommendations?


one thing you might check too is how the specs of the class you choose level.


I find jugs and sins for exemple, have horrible spacing, and really only come together later in levels than say a Lightning Sorc (or TK sage).


I obviously haven't leveled ALL spec, but for sure, I'd stay away from Vanguard/PT with the range nerf and the jet charge's being pushed to a ridiculous lvl 60.


Otherwise, all classes are different so it might help to know exactly what you are looking for in your class.




-DoT/Direct damage?

-Have a heal spec or a tank spec? (or do you mind being unable to do either and go with one of the pure dps specs)

-Endgame performance? (want to be good at competitive PvP (like ranked) and HM PVE ops ?(Altough this can always change suddenly with major balancing patches, where hero become zeros, and vice-versa suddenly)

-Class story importance (does have some that have vastly better story than other classes)


Currently at endgame I enjoy my assassin a lot, but the class I always found leveled the best was a sorc or sniper, has they have pretty powerful aoe. Assassin in particular is pretty bad under 35 right now, and improve drastically from 35 to 50, and becomes truly impressive at 68 in solo pve.


When it come together with the right utility Vengeance jug/Vigilance Guardian also was quite fun to play in 4.0 when I did one for DvL. Only really got fun in the late 40s, low 50s tough, and it was pre-ravage overhaul, haven't played one since.

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