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PvP Bolster - Why so much Drama?


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Why so much drama about PvP Bolster. Even before the expansion there was a specific PvP set that you had to grind and wear if you wanted to be competitive. Why did you expect the Bolster to stay forever? So you could log any class you want and be as bad as you want and all that being hided by the Bolster? Geat real. Things are like they were before the expansion. Nothing have changed. Just the grinding for the gear. The only thing that you should have been thinking about is the CXP nerf and the low amount of Unassembled Components you get.
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Why so much drama about PvP Bolster. Even before the expansion there was a specific PvP set that you had to grind and wear if you wanted to be competitive. Why did you expect the Bolster to stay forever? So you could log any class you want and be as bad as you want and all that being hided by the Bolster? Geat real. Things are like they were before the expansion. Nothing have changed. Just the grinding for the gear. The only thing that you should have been thinking about is the CXP nerf and the low amount of Unassembled Components you get.
1/10 meh
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Why so much drama about PvP Bolster. Even before the expansion there was a specific PvP set that you had to grind and wear if you wanted to be competitive. Why did you expect the Bolster to stay forever? So you could log any class you want and be as bad as you want and all that being hided by the Bolster? Geat real. Things are like they were before the expansion. Nothing have changed. Just the grinding for the gear. The only thing that you should have been thinking about is the CXP nerf and the low amount of Unassembled Components you get.


Pvp obviously isn't a main part of your game play. Those of us who mainly pvp or only pvp do so because it's supposed to be skill vs skill.

This Bolster change swings it more towards gear vs gear.

I believe they stuffed it up in the implementation when they decided to reduce it from gear cap 250 down to 230. There seems what looks like a bug or the made a mistake in the equation.

I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and presume it isn't working as intended, but that doubt will only last so long.


So I am posting this below in each one of these 5.1 Bolster and pvp CXP threads in the hope they see one


Dear Eric and Tait,


Since 5.1 last night we have the following issues in PVP.


1. Bolster is now broken. We are not sure what you have done but it is no longer working correctly. Please restore what ever you changed to 5.0 settings. - PLEASE NOTE - this is game changing and will stop people pvping period.

So I am assuming this is a bug.


2. CXP Nerf of Bug? CXP is now lower in pvp than it was before. There was nothing in the patch notes about this, so I assume it's a bug. Can you please fix and restore to previous levels.


Eric, you have said in the past that anything not announced in patch notes that is then different after a patch is a bug. You have either failed/forgotten to notify us in the patch notes or this is a bug.


Please guys, can you communicate with the community asap as people are currently uninstalling or ready to cancel subs.

This is especially true for those players who are only subscribing to play pvp. If we can't play pvp where it is skill vs skill and not gear vs gear, most of us will move to other games.


I look forward to hearing from you in the next 24 hours.


PS. I've also PM'd both of you with this issue.



Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Agree with the OP. PvP players had the easy life since 5.0, they had fast invites because the high CXP rate forced all PvE players to do PvP, and they didn't have to worry about gear at all. And yet, they still complain that they want a new PvP map when they just got a new warzone and arena map last year while operation players got nothing for two years.


I can understand that PvP is fairer when everyone has the same stats, but there must be some incentive to gear up. The PvP matches I saw today looked normal. Players now have 115k-120k HP, no longer 130k HP, so looks like everyone is bolstered to 232, and there is a very minor advantage to grinding out 242 gear.


PvP players have always been the most vocal players, so you shouldn't give them too much attention. Given with how much crap PvE players had to put up with and did not complain about it, the Bolster change is negligible.

Edited by Jerba
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Agree with the OP. PvP players had the easy life since 5.0, they had fast invites because the high CXP rate forced all PvE players to do PvP, and they didn't have to worry about gear at all. And yet, they still complain that they want a new PvP map when they just got a new warzone and arena map last year while operation players got nothing for two years.


I can understand that PvP is fairer when everyone has the same stats, but there must be some incentive to gear up. The PvP matches I saw today looked normal. Players now have 115k-120k HP, no longer 130k HP, so looks like everyone is bolstered to 230/240, and there is a very minor advantage to grinding out 242 gear.


PvP players have always been the most vocal players, so you shouldn't give them too much attention. Given with how much crap PvE players had to put up with and did not complain about it, the Bolster change is negligible.


You are not wrong, it doesn't feel like the balance shifted a lot... and everyone could easily craft themselves 228 rated gear, which should be good enough to compete until you can replace it with 230+ from the crates.


But, and I have said this many times, if you play PvP for cxp, then you're doing it wrong. Nothing beats veteran uprisings for cxp (although the changes to GSF and ops might have), warzones give decent amounts but they are barely in the top5 for cxp farming.


The problem I have with this change to the bolster is that it wasn't announced. Same for changes to arenas. Getting between ~290 and ~400 cxp for an arena just isn't enough. The 8vs8 warzones are still fine and GSF is great... but there was nothing about it in the patch notes.

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Agree with the OP. PvP players had the easy life since 5.0, they had fast invites because the high CXP rate forced all PvE players to do PvP, and they didn't have to worry about gear at all. And yet, they still complain that they want a new PvP map when they just got a new warzone and arena map last year while operation players got nothing for two years.


I can understand that PvP is fairer when everyone has the same stats, but there must be some incentive to gear up. The PvP matches I saw today looked normal. Players now have 115k-120k HP, no longer 130k HP, so looks like everyone is bolstered to 230/240, and there is a very minor advantage to grinding out 242 gear.


PvP players have always been the most vocal players, so you shouldn't give them too much attention. Given with how much crap PvE players had to put up with and did not complain about it, the Bolster change is negligible.


Another person whose game play isn't pvp based. Read what I wrote. It's not the reduction, most of us who pvp understand how Bolster works, it's the fact that they also broke it in the process.

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Another person whose game play isn't pvp based. Read what I wrote. It's not the reduction, most of us who pvp understand how Bolster works, it's the fact that they also broke it in the process.

I'm mainly a PvE player, but I do play PvP from time to time. I played 13 Warzones today and I watched some on Snave's stream, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everyone had roughly the same stats +-5%, I didn't see anyone at 80k HP like Jade claims. I read through some of the Bolster complain threads and no post had any details on why Bolster should be broken.

So how exactly is it broken? (Unless you are talking about a bug in lowbie PvP, I haven't tested that)

Edited by Jerba
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My experience in regular PvP (I don't play ranked, I'm too mediocre) since yesterday? Premades with tier 3 gear curbstomp everyone who doesn't. It's far worse than it was before in that regard. If you had a life and therefore no time to grind to tier 3 already, and/or RNGesus didn't love you, all you do in warzones now is pad a tier 3 geared player's kill count, unless you're 'lucky' enough to be paired against other non-tier 3 geared players. And since you only get 2 components per loss compared to 5 per win... that just makes the grind for gear even WORSE, because now we have to grind crates for tokens and deal with the frustration of endless losses in PvP for components.


I've given up on this. EAWare's lies don't work on me anymore.

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I was wonder why in pvp dps has 130k+ hp when even in full 242 gear you cant have that much hp or stats for that matter.


and the 250 bolster was why. 236 is more realistic number

^ This. In 242 BiS gear, you have around 121k HP. Right now, players in warzones have 115k HP on average, which looks alright. The players with 130k+ HP had too high stats because Bolster gave a higher item rating than what is available in-game.

Edited by Jerba
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