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I Try So Hard to Love This Game


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Honestly, I do. I played beta. I bought the CE. I have the Razer branded merchandise. I've never unsubbed. I played KOTOR, KOTOR 2 and even bought KOTOR for the ipad. For most of the years I've played, I was an EA shareholder because I believed in the product. It's STAR WARS. Frankly, that's usually all you really need to get me hooked on a game because I love to swing a lightsaber and lose myself in the galaxy far far a way for a couple hours.


But EA/BW....you are making it really, really hard these days.


I don't want to tell you how to fix things (that's your job as creative, talented people to figure out) but I do want to tell you what's wrong:


- Gearing is a mess, I mean wow, just.....wow

- Bolster is a mess

- The game doesn't feel connected to the star wars universe in a meaningful way for me

- Neither solo nor group content is fun because its overshadowed by the gear grind


Please, please call in whatever Star Wars consultants there are available to you from Disney/former LA and ask them to help you find your way again.

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The team at EA/BWA has definitely lost their way, thrown a shoe, and fallen down giving themselves a major boo-boo. It's hard, but the only way this will get fixed is if someone on the outside intervenes. The only thing we can do is remember that our choices are supposed to matter. And the only choice we have, if we want the horrible mess to get cleaned up, is to cancel our subs, deny them any rewards until such time as they produce a game worthy of the love we all bear for Star Wars.


As for me, I'm going to dig out my old Kotor I and II discs, and play those instead. Those games are worthy of my time, even as old as they are. The garbage that SWTOR has become is worthy of a landfill in the backyard of someone nobody likes.

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EAWare has broken my heart. I was ready to quit when 5.0 dropped, but they made so many noises about making changes and fixing things and helping alt gearing (after they pushed us to make a bazillion alts during the DvL non-event), and like a chump I decided to give them one last chance. Because I do love this game. I love Star Wars. I love BioWare-style stories. This game should be a perfect fit for me. And for a long time, it was...


...but not anymore. I'm not believing any more lies from EAWare. They're not BioWare anymore. Their soul, their passion, their creativity... it's all gone in favor of milking Cartel Market whales and turning TOR into something like a pay-to-gamble-more iPhone game.


That's it. I've had it. I'm done.

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There's a reason why so many people in my SWTOR guild have approached me about FF14. I didn't even try to recruit these people.


I for one will be sticking around SWTOR either way, waiting for the next story patch(aka "expansion" winkwink). Doing whatever casually between FF14 patches and raids.

Edited by Radzkie
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