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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Calling for incompetence-vote on pvp-balance.


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Currently in a wz with 3 sages on the enemy team. 2 sages alone makes it IMPOSSIBLE to kill

anyone of the enemy team. I have no idea how a developer that screws up balance, this badly, can still manage

to find a job as programmer !. There is NO WAY this was tested prior to release, making Sages/Sorcs Mercs/commandos

this overpowered. I wonder if the devs has ever heard of SMALL STEPS in terms of balancing, also you don't

need 3-4 months to REBALANCE a class, you do small changes to the code that affets the numbers of

the abilties then test it. You dont make MAJOR CHANGES to a class and thus turning them darn near impossible

to kill and a complete and utter unstoppable force when teamed up with a similar class.


Giving healers the ability to tank better then tanks, dps at the same time, heal the entire team AND go invulnerable.


Welcome to SWTOR - Age of Healers. Until Bioware hires a dev compentent enough to fix the balance PROPERLY !.

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