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Female cathar still bugged


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A female cathar character with fur color #1 is still, and has been since 5.0, a dark, burnt orange-red color. Fur color #1 was originally a light brown.

Interestingly, a female cathar with face #3 in character creation (and in the appearance designer) reverts back to the light brown fur. Any other face (no matter the body type) has the burnt orange color.


This does not seem to affect male cathar, no matter the body type or face.


Could this be changed back to the light brown fur...? :o It's starting to get a little annoying.

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Update: Actually...it seems almost all fur colors for female cathar are bugged. Save for pure white and pure black, a majority of them appear much more reddish-orange than they should, viewed with any other face other than #3. How they appear with face #3 is how they *should* look, and how they did look prior to 5.0.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought one of my Cathar alts looked funny! You're right, I do in fact see a far more reddish-orange color to her fur than was there before :/


Oh, thank goodness, it's not just me. I was starting to wonder if there was something messed up in my graphics settings, but they haven't changed since well before 5.0. Even changing them now doesn't seem to help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am having the same problem. It is very obvious and it is taking away my enjoyment of playing this character.


Screenshot of the bug: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2332/32577909840_7b66625d1b_b.jpg


Please fix this :(


Oh wow. o_O So it affects only the head, and makes the character look like she's wearing some sort of mask (or her face is severely sunburnt)...ack, that's awful. :c


'Nother bump for a fix.

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*bump for because this is relevant*


Can we at least get a reply? It feels as though they don't care about the bug or they didn't even pay attention. Completely gamebreaking when you're wearing something like Satele Shans outfit and your Cathar's head is blatantly obvious in not matching the rest of the body. I don't even want to play my cathar anymore.

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Any hope of this getting addressed pre 5.2?


Probably not. :c I wonder if there's a way to bring it up during a livestream? Or would it get drowned out in chat by everyone else... Or if the developers would even notice/acknowledge it....

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