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Command Crates


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One of those returning players, who thought they'd give SWTOR another look. I read a lot about the RNG on Command Crates and was a bit worried about gearing my Sin. Well, after opening just seven crates, I had THREE pieces for my set bonus. I thought all the post complaining about the RNG were bogus, but then....I started leveling my sniper



I'm on about 15 crates opened and only one piece of gear. Anyone know what's the % chance of getting a set bonus piece of gear? Just curious.

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On my Mara I have received 4 set pieces at rank 46. Sadly they are all bracers.


The system blows worse then any other gearing system I have ever seen in any game I've played. That being said there are changes coming tomorrow which will not really help much at all.

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AFIK, Bioware isn't releasing exact chance of drops, but if we assume each item has the same % chance to drop AND you are in Tier 1 (where there are no legendary items) AND knowing the system does NOT have a duplicate drop protection we can make an estimation:


There are at least 15 purple items in the loot table (set pieces and purple items)

There are at least 13 blue items in the loot table (don't know if all relic types drop in blue)

There are at least 13 green items in the loot table (don't know if all relic types drop in green)


So there are a minimum 41 possible Tier 1 gear drops


My math (and math and I are not very friendly) says that best case scenario with assumptions above would be about a 17% chance that a set piece would drop in a random Tier 1 crate.


HOWEVER, hearsay and my experience suggest the actual drop rate could actually be more like 5 to 8 percent.

Edited by Ryenke
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HOWEVER, hearsay and my experience suggest the actual drop rate could actually be more like 5 to 8 percent.


Can I add in to your hearsay... I'm getting a legendary or setpiece, currently in tier 3, every 5 crates (65 crates and 14 pieces - only 1 duplicate so far, so actually slight ahead of that curve). At tier 2 it was about 1in 8 and tier one about 1 in 10.


Ofc at tier 1 and 2 I wasn't too fussed about any relic/implant/earpiece/mh/oh drops, which might account for the lower rates? I just junked them.

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Can I add in to your hearsay... I'm getting a legendary or setpiece, currently in tier 3, every 5 crates (65 crates and 14 pieces - only 1 duplicate so far, so actually slight ahead of that curve). At tier 2 it was about 1in 8 and tier one about 1 in 10.


Well, if Tier 2 and 3 have 4 types of gear drops, 30 purple and legendary and 26 blue and green, your percentages should have gone up in tiers two and three if everything has an equal chance to drop. But note, the original question was about SET pieces, not legendary pieces that might not have the set bonus.


I myself was at level 50+ on my main (and level 10+ on non main, iirc) before I saw a set piece drop.

Edited by Ryenke
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Well, if Tier 2 and 3 have 4 types of gear drops, 30 purple and legendary and 26 blue and green, your percentages should have gone up in tiers two and three if everything has an equal chance to drop. But note, the original question was about SET pieces, not legendary pieces that might not have the set bonus.


I myself was at level 50+ on my main (and level 10+ on non main, iirc) before I saw a set piece drop.


I appreciate that... but would you consider a properly balanced purple relic, implant or earpiece, hey even the mh/oh... as a decent loot? It has to count as something.

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I'm on about 15 crates opened and only one piece of gear. Anyone know what's the % chance of getting a set bonus piece of gear? Just curious.

In my experience, I would wager a guess at around 1/20 to 1/30 range for getting a set bonus piece. You got super lucky to get three pieces in seven crates.

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I appreciate that... but would you consider a properly balanced purple relic, implant or earpiece, hey even the mh/oh... as a decent loot? It has to count as something.


Something, maybe (not so much the main/off hand, they are like 1/3 a piece of decent loot max, imo). Not worth nearly as much as a set piece you don't have in that tier, tho. IMO, again, YMMV.

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There are at least 15 purple items in the loot table (set pieces and purple items)

There are at least 13 blue items in the loot table (don't know if all relic types drop in blue)

There are at least 13 green items in the loot table (don't know if all relic types drop in green)


So there are a minimum 41 possible Tier 1 gear drops


After 50+ crates with main toon (and 20+ with alts) Did not get any Blue or Green relics, but there not only 2 purple ones. You can get the regular ones (that works in PvP) and the clickable one (do not work in PvP).

Also, Ear and Implants you can get in three variations (crit, alac and acc) for every color (same toon, no respec).



Now for my experience with crates. I got first Bonus on third box. Then nothing to late 20s/30s where i got two in a row. Some lvls latter i got the fourth. From that point, two repeats. One alt of about 12+ lvls or so, i got two set bracers. On another alt (about lvl 10) nothing.

Even with the repeated ones, i would say i'm on the lucky side of RND so far.

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After 50+ crates with main toon (and 20+ with alts) Did not get any Blue or Green relics, but there not only 2 purple ones. You can get the regular ones (that works in PvP) and the clickable one (do not work in PvP).

Also, Ear and Implants you can get in three variations (crit, alac and acc) for every color (same toon, no respec).



Now for my experience with crates. I got first Bonus on third box. Then nothing to late 20s/30s where i got two in a row. Some lvls latter i got the fourth. From that point, two repeats. One alt of about 12+ lvls or so, i got two set bracers. On another alt (about lvl 10) nothing.

Even with the repeated ones, i would say i'm on the lucky side of RND so far.


For 15 possible purple drops I counted 9 slots for mod gear and mh/oh, 1 ear drop, 1 implant drop (are there more than one type of drop for this slot, only seen the same implant type drop) = 11, + 4 relic types (may be more than that?) - Obviously, there are more relic types so if each item in the loot table has the same chance of dropping, relics are going to drop most of all (tho they may be the crappy ones).

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